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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by FunkyTrigger

  1. Hi guys Is there anyone here that is a member of Iron Wolves? Or the Armored Calvary forums? http://armoredcavalry.net/ I registered there as user ourphil more than a week ago and am still waiting for the forum admin to approve, deny or email me back. If you are on there can you PM or mail the admin please? Thanks.
  2. We have some great Armour and loads of members that would drop their jobs as quick as anything to be an extra however I fear that they will change and upgrade all the Stormtrooper Armour
  3. How did this break? Did it break while your armour was ... In storage? In transport Or while you were wearing it?
  4. Wow! Looks like the new films are going to be filmed here in the UK Read this article on the BBC news website. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-22491025
  5. Hi Kenny, Welcome to the FISD. The best place for you to start with, would be to read the base CRL for a TK Stormtrooper. Decide if your creating a Stormtrooper from either of the original trilogy films ANH, ESB or ROTJ and follow that. Good luck trooper.
  6. Hi there mate. We really need to see the suit on you, If you require constructive critiscm on where to adjust it to get it clear able. This is based on meeting the CRL requirement and you getting the suit to fit you right. Fibreglass may feel like real Armour when you are wearing it, but it may be heavy to wear on long troops and move around in. Please check out the shadow trooper requirements. For example... Are the helmet tube stripes in the right place? And should they be blue? Have you been supplied with a canvas material belt or a plastic one? Good luck trooper.
  7. Humbrol paint once dried can come off or be edge tidied up like this. Once dried you can rub off smudges or tidy up edge detail with a blunt toothpick. Rubbing the edges or bleeds of paint with wood seems to be enough to remove it. This is useful round a vocoder edge or on tube stripes. The humbrol brush cleaner can be used to remove larger dried paint areas. Go lightly and expect to do it a couple of times. For example, add some brush thinners to a cotton wool ball and wipe over the paint. This will soften, penetrate and remove a layer at a time, then you can go back for the next layer. As Vern mentioned, if you go like an animal at paint removal in one go, or with too much thinners at a time or too much on the Plastic for too long then you can run the risk of softening the plastic and hence causing damage. I have successfully totally removed tube stripes to start again using the above method.
  8. That's got to be the worst effort I have seen so far
  9. I've spotted a few painting issues for consideration. 1. Your helmet grey frown. There is no paint after the 4th tooth onto where the 5th tooth would be. Therefore the helmet appears as a hero Helmet. 2. The AB plate buttons appear to be the old dark midnight blue rather than the helmet tube stripes French blue. As initially mentioned, these points are merely raised for consideration / discussion.
  10. Looking good all round. I'm sure that you have bicep straps, but can you add a pic to show them and the white shoulder strap elastic to complete the EIB set of pics. I also presume that you can see that your right shoulder bell has a wider gap than the left, and that your right thigh is lower down than your left, hopefully these can minor adjust at some point.
  11. Good question, I'd also like to see that.
  12. Agreed, that NE / AM should be off your list, determined by your size.
  13. Your white shoulder rib tie down elastics should be further back, to connect the ribs to the backplate. Can you also show a ruler next to your 6 ab / kidney rivets please? I'd like to see how big the caps are.
  14. Lovely set of armour and well put together. It's a great look. Technically the strapping under your shoulder ribs connecting the front chest plate to back plate is white and we haven't seen a pic of the shoulder rib tie down elastics at the rear of the shoulder ribs.
  15. Hi Sakic, lets not forget that this is an EIB processing thread, where you are applying for a standard of excellence in the look of your armour and how it fits you. I can see that you have improved your belt, but look at this main front pic. Can you honestly see this for yourself? And say this its EIB? The armour should fit you too. As mentioned at the start of your thread, you were advised to attend to your black gaps, the worst culprits are still your biceps and forearms. Your right arm in this picture is the worst culprit! To fix this would cost you nothing. It's just a simple adjustment to make you look better. To sum up. Reduce your black gaps. Lower your biceps. Strap or pad your forearms so that they sit in the middle of your forearm rather than on your wrists. I would also angle your knee ammo pack lower to reduce your right knee black gap.
  16. Did I hear someone call about UKG snap plate positions??? Courtesy again from TK1650 Bilhag for his super diagrams. Front Rear Arms and Thighs
  17. The rear of the thighs don't need modification. It's the tops of the cover strips that are going to create a comfort issue. I would simply sand the sharpness off with 80 grit sandpaper to smooth them off.
  18. Your main AB ammo belt is sitting way too low. It needs to be just below your AB button panel. I suspect that you therefore have not snapped it to your AB panel. By lining the belt up at the front, your belt will then be in line with where it fits on your butt plate. Whilst you are addressing this for new pictures, you can address how your shoulder bells are sitting in relation to the black gaps. If you look back at the recent 4 EIB applications you will find another 6 foot plus trooper that started with some large black gap spacings and has adjusted it for a much better look. You need to do the same. Ie, drop your biceps down, bring your forearms up to reduce the gaps. He has before and after shots on his thread so you can see the difference. Your nearly there, just a few tweaks. Good luck with your application.
  19. This picture shows the female snap on the back of the canvas belt that snaps onto your front AB panel.
  20. Here is one of BillHag's super diagrams as a visual for you.
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