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Darth Aloha

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Everything posted by Darth Aloha

  1. You're trying to link to the picasa image page not the image itself. Right click on the image and you may be able to copy the image URL. You know you have the right one when the link ends in "jpg" Then click on the little icon of the image in the editor and paste the image URL in the box and voila!
  2. Look at you making with the wiki action! I added links to staff FISD profiles and job descriptions to the staff page on the wiki. Aloha, -Eric
  3. Even though I'm not into the whole brevity thing man... What's your waist size and weight? Aloha, -Eric
  4. Ingrid, Do they look like ------ instead? If so... You'll need to replace them for Eee-aye..... Oh. Aloha, -Eric
  5. Also there's IPB app or IPB Buddy for the iphone. Mostly it just formats the board with the mobile skin... I like the fact that it doesn't get disturbed while I over use the browser.
  6. Jesse... I see your face palm and raise you a.... ----------- I call.
  7. Josh... you seem like you're asking all the right questions. If Mike of Trooperbay says to use E-6000 on his hard guards I wouldn't question him. I think Sonnenschein uses CA with activator but I'm not sure. Best to PM her. For my nomex gloves I used silicone adhesive for my Karin made silicone hard guards. My rubber gloves came to me from Karin with painted hand guards glued to them. Aloha, -Eric
  8. Rob mentioned in an email recently that he is working on sandy specific stuff for his kit (ESB and ROTJ too.) Not sure of the timeframe... but he may be able to provide parts if you ask Aloha, -Eric
  9. I know this is my answer for everything but yes... RT-MOD. I'm 6'5" when I stand up straight and the longer ab and leg parts help me look proportional. I'm more torso than leggy. RT is more accurate than AM which is also built for bigger troopers. If your waist/abdomen is 42" or smaller you won't need to shim the sides of your RT kit. When it comes to the number of hours to build your kit that's a bit person dependent. RT comes pre-trimmed and uses the overlap method of construction. That saves a bunch of time. You can also get a helmet already assembled from RT to speed up your process. Rob of RT-MOD is making all manner of improvements this year to his helmet and armor based on feedback from us FISD troopers. 2012 will be an exciting year for RT-MOD fo sho. Aloha, -Eric
  10. Rubies?! --------- According to the googles: UKƂĀ£ 600 = 951.72 U.S. dollars If you have patience you may be able to find fan made armor someone is selling used here on FISD that is already built. The crap shoot is that since most folks tailor their amor to fit their body type, you would need to be almost their size. You may find it as much work if not more buying pre-assembled armor to get it to fit you. Or you can dive right in and buy a full set of armor unassembled (maybe with an assembled helmet) for around ƂĀ£600 and have fun assembling it. There are also a million little bits and pieces that go with our costume that are above and beyond just the armor and helmet. That tends to drive the total cost of ownership fairly high. Take a look at the getting started forum and especially-------. Maybe you might change your mind and put together your own kit. The UK Garrison folks may be able to help you. I suggest poking around-------- too. Aloha, -Eric
  11. I find the Rebellion to be more clever than that. Somehow the rebels sneak into my office and leave the cap off my e-6000 causing it to partly dry up. It must be spies because there's no way I'm leaving the cap off. Aloha, -Eric
  12. Congrats Mason! Now get to work Ok? Mahalo nui Daetrin. Enjoy the rest for a while... If you can. Aloha, -Eric
  13. My sci-fire link didn't even get a chuckle? Seriously? It's how we do. Aloha, -Eric
  14. That's the one. However... if it matters to you... you won't be able to go centurion with that blaster. I suggest buying the droopy doos full resin blaster kit. While I enjoyed my hasbro build, I wish I had started out with a better gun. The full resin kit isn't much more money than the conversion kit and you get a much more accurate blaster for way less hassle. Check out Droopy Doo's website. For information about Sci Fire click here. Aloha, -Eric
  15. Sounds like a question for the rebel scum forums. Aloha, -Eric
  16. The first thing that comes to mind is that the word "phase" has a real clone feel to it. What about "EU TK" or "EU Stormtrooper" (because FU Stormtrooper might be a New York specific costume) Aloha, -Eric (null)
  17. You're the man Corey. I just noticed that the bottom corner of either end of the ammo belt looks sorta roundedish... or at a weird angle. Corey's INC and TKC screenshots show something similar. I've never noticed that before. If you have a second can you grab a closeup of one of the ends of the PIII trooper belt? Is it coincidence that all the scuff marks sorta look like paint chipping off of HIPS? Aloha, -Eric
  18. No need for a new topic. Just patience while Mason tries to catch up on things Aloha, -Eric
  19. I can't wait to see this costume in person... in a month... today! Will you be doing quick changes all day? I assume you'll be wearing your femtrooper at some point over the weekend no? Aloha nui, -Eric
  20. I'm trying to think what you could cut it with that would allow it to go back together nicely. I suppose you could probably work an exacto through there very slowly and carefully and pray that whatever funkiness you create is covered by the t-track. The epoxy putty made for plastic that I used is probably dense enough to be structural for this cut if it were thick enough... but it seems like quite a bit of effort for not too much payoff. Or you could find a clever way to put wax paper in between the two halves before applying epoxy so it eventually comes apart cleanly and nicely. I say goop it up with the epoxy putty inside and out to build enough thickness to drill your holes and leave it sealed up. Even if the barrel is shorter than a real sterling it will look way better than most of our crappy hasbro hacks Good luck... I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with Aloha, -Eric
  21. Sheesh. Having just transposed all the CRLs I'm a little embarrassed
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