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Darth Aloha

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Everything posted by Darth Aloha

  1. Man.... I wish I could fit into a TM. It looks great on you. I'm (as they say back in MA) wicked jealous. I can't tell... is that a hero style neckseal you have on there? Besides Brian's observation about the side gaps.... I have two nitpicky suggestions. Your biceps could come up a little... and your chest pulled down a bit to keep the back off the kidney. I really had to struggle to say anything at all other than "wow." You're a few photos away from centurion... I think just pics of scuffed boots, closeup of both knees and the usual helmet details. Nicely done right out of the gate! Aloha, -Eric
  2. Try the Bay of Troopers. I bet if anyone could Mike would be able (if willing) to get you your neckseal in a relative hurry... Whatever you do don't order a TK409. It's a nice neckseal but takes for-freaking-ever. Is there anyone in your local garrison you can borrow from until yours shows up? (just make sure you wash it... because TK's tend to sweat) Aloha, -Eric
  3. Oh hey.. thanks Brian. That's a huge compliment Also... Jorran's TK Shopping List is helpful for starting your TK retail journey. For building your bucket. Pandatrooper's ATA helmet assembly HOWTO can't be beat. Also Trooperbay's videos are worth watching a few dozen times. And Daetrin's HOWTO: Easily make your FX Armor EIB acceptable will do wonders for making your FX look good... even if you're not interested in EIB. Other than that... I suggest reading reading reading. Start in the "getting started" forum and browse the "Tips and Howtos" and keep asking questions as you read more. Oh and post pics along the way We loves us some build threads. Aloha, -Eric
  4. Thank you everyone. I'm here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitstaff or bartender.
  5. Veddy interesting. It sounds like maybe the ROTJ CRL should make a TD optional and or ease this centurion requirement for the correct TD control panel: The thermal detonator control panel shall have correct ROTJ details, not ANH/ESB. I have a bunch of these types of questions. At some point all put all my CRL related notes in one place for discussion. Aloha, -Eric
  6. Does anyone have a high quality photo of their ROTJ thermal detonator? Preferably well lit and sitting alone on a plain background for ease of photoshopping? The ROTJ, TKC, INC and SKY CRLs have a TD photo with the (awesome Jesse) ANH control panel. And to be perfectly frank.... I don't know what the difference is. Aloha and thanks, -Eric
  7. ZacMuleer recently asked me how big the opening was in my RT bucket. It sounds like he has a buddy with a giant squash. I contend that any helmet can be trimmed to have a wider opening. Really its not as if you put your helmet on directly over your head. In addition to twisting it you can tilt it to one side to increase the size of the opening if your head is slightly wider than the narrowest point. This could be a problem if you had an Andre the Giant sized cranium. Either way.... Rob trimmed this helmet with an opening 9.5" x 7.5" Even on this pre-trimmed pre-assembled helmet, that 7.5" measurement could easily grow with the application of some lexan scissors. I hope this helps. Aloha, -Eric
  8. Look to the Vern for power cylinders. http://forum.whitearmor.net/index.php?showtopic=16924 Odd the droopy kit didn't come with counter and cylinders. Aloha, -Eric
  9. There's nothing weak about E6K. Plus 4 out of 5 troopers recommend E-6000. Tough to argue with crowd roar voices of experience. The cure time does suck butt. In retrospect not rushing any more than I had to ended up being a good thing. My next build I plan to savor and enjoy thoughtfully. The stong but flexible nature of it is it's best feature. I got E-6000 on some of my plated snaps with no heat issues. However I had a couple random stainless ones that reacted with the glue but only melted marred the inside of the armor. I thought about painting them with clear nail polish to see if that stopped the reaction. Search fisd and you'll find photos of people who had simiilar issues. Is your armor TM too? Aloha and keep us posted. -Eric
  10. What about s-trim for your helmet? You can buy a complete helmet assembly kit including all the right screws and s-trim from Trooperbay. I suggest buying twice as much elastic as you think you need. Magnets too.... More magnets! And yes... Listen to Julie as a general rule. Juiie: How many new troopers should we expect in the outpost from your efforts? Aloha, -Eric
  11. Hmmm do they make a white koolaid to help in your evangelism? -Eric
  12. Yeah what Brian said. Are you saying that your chest sticks out enough to see inside your chest plate from the side? If you look at screen captures from ANH you'll see that the chest and back don't necessarily meet. However the chest should lay flat against the ab plate like Han below. I'm not a huge fan of the underarm elastic strap to connect back and chest. I did something similar to firebladejedi's solution pictured here... but not quite as fancy or adjustable. That wide elastic not only keeps my chest plate flat against my body it helps keep my back plate up higher and aligned with my kidney. Aloha, -Eric
  13. I know, right?! The position of those thigh packs might be a good candiate to add to the INC and TKC CRLs for centurion. They certainly look thinner/shorter than the usual thigh dakine. Either way the centurion requirements for both state "The bottom corners of the thigh ammo belt shall be rounded off." which is clearly not the case on the game models. I've been in a real CRL nitpicky mood.... if ya'll haven't noticed (screen caps by Star Raider - Corey) Aloha, -Eric
  14. Steve... you've clearly put a TON of work into your armor. Looking good... I'm not an AM expert but I think you may have even assembled your shins properly. And brah... your suspenders dealie is super clever. Mason will obviously chime in with what, if anything, he thinks should be corrected for EIB... but here is my list that may have nothing to do with getting EIB. None of these things should stop you from trooping your butt off and looking good doing so. So I'm sorry if it seems like I'm pooping in your easter basket.... On general fitting... Both thighs need to come up a bit. The right shin looks like it is hitting the ammo pack. Does your left shin/sniper knee get caught on the thigh when you walk? Maybe you could get the shins to ride lower on your boots as well. I suggest strapping your chest plate to your ab plate so it doesn't ride up. I put to wide straps of elastic between the two. Move your biceps up and twist them inward. Try to get the strap from the should bells goes around them. If your biceps come up your forearms may also need to scoot up toward your elbow a bit. Your back overlaps your kidney rather than just butting up against it (more of a centurion requirement really) If you attach your chest to your ab so that it pulls down some, I think your back will come up enough to not overlap. Your forearms look a little big. I suggest trimming them to fit so they're more narrow and screen accurate. The ends of your plastic belt stick out a bit. I have this same problem because like you I velcroed it the canvas belt. This is such a stupid thing that I invite you to ignore... but I suggest trying to extend the velcro to the very end of the belt. I ended up heat bending my belt to help with this. A couple fiddly centurion things... having nothing to do with EIB.... tell me to pound sand if you're not headed that way. The cod should have a split rivet or brad not a snap. Preferably unpainted. On your side rivets they should be spaced out more equally along the length of the side of the kidney and ab plate. The CRL for centurion "a total of three rivets equally spaced out along the depth of the armor and about 10mm from the edge." Are there a split rivets/brads on the thigh pack? Are you aware of the impending new centurion requirement for modifying the AM chest plate? Just something to think about. Good for you getting the TK boots... they always improve the look of any trooper. Aloha and good luck my man. -Eric
  15. Spiffy! I'm honored. You're welcome. Let me/us/FISD know if you have questions. And post lots of photos of your progress. Rob: If you're reading this. My plan is working. Have RT-MOD take over the 501st one large sized trooper at a time. Aloha, -Eric
  16. Bummer man. Did you have it out with your GML about it? While its clear from the screen caps that an INC should have the ab buttons as you describe, shouldn't a GML follow the letter of the CRL? Aloha, -Eric
  17. I'm no GML, but I just went through the base incinerator CRL criteria for the legion acceptance and couldn't see anything that would prohibit you from being approved. Your GML might want higher res photos but it looks likem you did a great job on your paint. It looks great on you. If you're going EIB there are a bunch of things to point out.... But none to stop you from being a bada$$ INC. Good luck. Aloha, -Eric
  18. I say Velcro those bad boys. The weirdness of having the extra thickness from the Velcro doesn't look as bad as poorly fitting forearms. Heaven forbid you apply for EIB/centurion and someone tells you to trim your forearms down.... I doubt anyone would get dinged for Velcro. Oh and Apple? Please stop capitalizing Velcro for me. Aloha, -Eric
  19. Funny you say that. I'm pretty sure one tear is a little bigger than the other. For sure the traps are a slightly different. I had a tough time placing that one tear and probably could have centered it more to make it look like it fits. These decals from Applingbay are made just for the RT bucket and otherwise fit well. Without his method of floating the decal on soapy water there's no way I could have placed those stickers as well as I did. I do think they could look even more hand painted. But maybe because I know I would do a sucktastic job with those lines Thanks Paul It's also been some of the best fun ever and I couldn't or wouldn't have done it without the FISD. Aloha, -Eric
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