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Everything posted by Runnriottt

  1. Troopers Helping Troopers. FISD is where you will find that. As much as the "saga" is a part of the past in this hobby... Thankfully we can leave it there here on the FISD. I know I have spanned the waters in that drama, and as with most of all of us... Moved on from it.
  2. Yep. You just spent 50 bucks for me. I GOTTA have that. ESB. THE Star Wars movie. Period.
  3. Great job making that lid look as bad as they did in the movie. No matter how I try, I cant get into ROTJ. Looks dead on though.
  4. Getting in touch with the Garrison... first step. Being Navy... It will work. However... Your talking about guys in their 20s... Beer fueled and overworked. I would add in family. This brings the tone down a tad and ensures that your costume participants are able to attend with out fear of being "mauled". Adding in Kids is a blast as well, and the Star Wars costume contest is a great idea. Kids bring in the fun.. adults are great,but kids add the wonder of a child. Also changes timeframe, as family events are afternoon and early evening. Then it can slide into the singles later on in the evening. I haven't been to Pearl in a long time. Is this on or off base? How about a Parade? have the event set up outside and inside... have a parade "march" up to the USO. Invite the Rebel Legion, advertise in Pearl for a month and have a blast. Its not like you have bad weather. MWR loves me here. I am slated to have a ton of events to support on base Sasebo. They are still working out a Schedule for me. Maybe have a screening of the films.. back to back in the background. Tie in the theme of the Jedi helping the galaxy with the Navy's current slogan "global force for good".
  5. Heck.. its my "go to place" for buds online. Home sweet home. Leadership here is top flight.
  6. Hey man... Those will not pass muster.... Those are refereed to as "Mariachi" boots or "Elvis" boots... I rock Dark Side Trooper Boots. 2 Pairs. Someday I want a set of Chengs...
  7. 8000... I cannot believe I am sitting at almost 1800... Man. Been a few years of Trooping huh? Been a great ride so far, here is to another year bro!
  8. Oh.. I found that the Mac community has a little "green Issue" as well. Break a mac = pay out the nose. That is why I have never bought an Xbox. Garbage. I used to think that with the Mac. However... The new Imac I scored was busted. The screen was toast. I did some searching.. broke into this thing and found the part... a 20 inch LCD mind you... on the bay for 50 bucks shipped. Thing I notice that so few want to hack into the mac that the prices to repair it can be quite cheap. Many (like myself) scrap em and just buy it again. Dell is crud. US Military loves em. I was a hard core fan of building. I still think that a budget comp can be built smokin' newer games for less than 700. Thing I dont miss.... Windows. Updating Drivers. Multiple drivers on install and refreshes. Windows. Windows. XP was it for me. Vista is horrid, 7 is warmed over vista. OSX just works. I dont game much... so dont need it. I am impressed with the function of the Mac. Integration? Mac is a small community. Windows runs the world. So, that sucks a tad. I have to mess with format on my school work and such.. but its doable. It has also been a learning curve. The mouse was the steepest. I love the new touch mouse though. I still have an XP machine for my engraver.. and ill keep my unused disks of XP for a long time it seems. Personal PCs now are Mac... It just works. *edit* Aww man.. now you all can see how many times I correct spelling and crud... I have an edit total.
  9. Been there. Trust me. Had a G4 Mac Mini crap on me. Still sits in the box mocking me with the 1100 large I spent on it. However.. these Intel machines are kicking my PC's silicone. This Imac is a beast, love it. Fell in it again! I just scored a second Imac for the Living room and the Wife. I fully converted. Gave away my XP powered PC this week. Windows 7 is not in my future.
  10. Put some screen behind the teeth.. That will make the holes look a little less large and still hide your face. Your strapping looks very good, as that is important to the over all fit of the armor. Your strips and glue up look very good as well. Better then my meager skills. Keep it up. Illinois in the house! Whoo Hoo! Danville native here... Ahh. Sweet Corn. Japanese do not have a handle on Corn yet.
  11. Ok Mac guys. Need a hand. I have a TON of music to import to this. I need a GOOD converter to do so. I want to go from the current Itunes 9 to MP3.. Ya know? Help?
  12. I want to jock it so bad for the SLD. Way to lead the way! Only picky thing I see is the main upper logo with the blaster handgun is a tad wonky... His helmet looks like a Rubies.
  13. Hmm.. The Sith may have to "borrow" some ideas. Loving this! Great Job!
  14. Digging the skin man. ESB! Whoo Hoo! Man... Leading the way Paul. I think its a good year all around for the Legion ahead.. and the FISD is on the Forefront. Great job!
  15. Woot Woot! Hope to Join ya bud!
  16. Man... Did not see this! I am liking the black armor! Did you gloss it or is that the plastic?
  17. Do you run fans? No Which Hovi do you use? Keith tips. The good 'uns. Have some Stompers too... Is your Brow and neck trim accurate? Yes
  18. I read the title and thought... What else do you do with TK boots? Why so amazing? Good to know that Caboots has competition. Do these stink like Caboots do?
  19. Ohhh.... I am so close... Finishing my pack and just waiting on a Lid...
  20. Basically the same, but ABS needs tougher gear and more Vacuum.
  21. Long flight ahead... Many beers to drink...
  22. Welcome to all things white and plastic. First off... Take a sec and read through some stuff on here. All you seek is discussed in one way or another. Second, contact Firebladejedi, Staff. He is the man on armor knowledge. Welcome.
  23. I like the look of Brees. It is good to see the "aints" rock out a season. Would have been great to see the 4 time losers of super-bowls get one as well... If the Saints force turnovers it may be a long day for the Colts as well.
  24. Yep.. Change it for clarity. Looks good. 6 Months allows plenty of time for a 20 dollar mod.
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