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Everything posted by Runnriottt

  1. Welcome. Your in the right spot. First contact FBJ, (firebladejedi) he is the det armor expert. Then start looking around the forums on information, pictures and builds from members blazing your new found trail. Then decide on budget, skill and time. In time you will tell the difference between them all. Welcome to the obsession. Remember... The golden rule of props. 1. Cheap (I use this term loosely) 2. Accurate 3. Fast You will only be able to achieve two outta three. (at least for now) Never all at once. Its like a Tattoo. Cheap ones are not good, and good ones are not cheap. Its not just the armor, money gets poured in with accessory and build supplies. Next contact your local garrison. Good stop as well. Then its suiting up, and getting active. Nothing feels like a great costume in public. Shock and Awe. Rock on man. Welcome.
  2. EVO3 did a run right here on the FISD with machined mics. So a found part is a rercast? How so? As much as Evo hates recasting, I doubt that is an issue.
  3. Desk duty... Ill be trooping the TM suit. Man.. Gotta finish that!
  4. Thats what I am talking about... Get er done man! Welcome to the obsession. Check your wallet at the door, saved a seat for you. Front row, third chair. WhOOooHoooOO!
  5. Your number is yours for life bro. The door is always open. Rock on and best of luck with your endeavors. Hang in, life isn't always beautiful, but its a beautiful ride.
  6. Search feature sucks... Photo reference of all known parts in TK land with descriptions on troopablity. Yearly award to the best tutorial and the most helpful trooper. Free beer.
  7. Thanks guys... and Joe, that means a lot to me. Thanks man... Made me smile. It is an expensive ride. I am glad Uncle Sam is footing the bill. Now how to use these brains huh...
  8. If I had advice, insure it on the flight. United THRASED my case, and it was a good one. Broke off the wheels, busted in the top and cut off the lock holes. There was no lock on the thing... Just to be aholes they cut a notch in it. It even said fragile. Might as well have put "kick the crap out of it". Jerks. I hate United. I am not sure that any one is better though stateside. Japanese Airline? Different story. I travel with Vader, but still... Insure it. Hold those yo yos accountable. No matter how you pack it... customs or security will mess it up. Just be ready. E-11 on the flight? Yep.. gonna get hassled every time they can. I had to show my Lightsaber.
  9. The degree is a milestone. Next stop BA! Feels good! CAP in a word is retired. He has walked away from props all together. White plastic is not his life any more, he is perusing other interests. I for one wish him the best.
  10. After 8 years in the Navy, I finally got my AA in Arts this last week. I am now off to get my BA in Education and it feels great! Just so happens that about the same time I got a cool email and low and behold this hit my door. Its a CAP high gloss styrene ANH lid. And its looking to be a rare breed of helmet. This is number 6 and will be one of the last to ever be made from CAP, not only of this type but of all types. So I am honored to have it. Thick and thin, and some times not very PC, he has been a friend. I pray him peace and freedom from what he has wrestled with in the past as well as recently. So proudly sitting on my desk at work is my CAP sig series HG sporting my "cap" 09 black hat. Thank you my friend. ===========
  11. *sniff* Still procrastinating on my armor. I so don't want to mess it up... you all look great! Makes me want to make an armor trip to the UK.
  12. I went to the dollar store and grabbed a neoprine bottle opener pad. Hacked it in half and installed with E6000. I love dollar stores...
  13. Coolest... Chick ... Ever... Loving the Prop Room. Off to clear your new Lid.. LOL.
  14. Dont buy Rubies. Do a quick search here on it...
  15. I use hot glue. I filled the edge on two sides thick. Then gently place the lens in the glue. Careful not to move it. This allows the glue to cool. Any spill over you can just pick off after it dries.
  16. Welcome first off... Being 6-1 is not an issue. As many will follow on and tell ya its all in the build. Any armor can fit any body, its all in how it fit to you. I guess the steps would be to figure out your skill level... First off how handy are you with a dremel? From my experiences, and this is really MY experience, many will have other opinions... FX is like Snaptite of armor builds. TM, AP, TE2 and other accurate sets take more patience and a tad more skill. Next is allready done. You are here. Read Read Read. You are in the right place to learn all things armor. Welcome, glad to have ya.
  17. Padding the speaker from behind helps. Also, cheap mics are omni directional.. That means it pics up sound from all over. Unidirectional mics are more expensive, but can only pic up sound in one direction.
  18. If you add in the Rocket launcher... It will have to be nailed down. At least the basics. I see that being an interpretive peace, for they will be scratch built.
  19. MG-42. Three more... WTH? Grr.... Well at least I will have all of em when Redcommando does his next run. I am first on the list.
  20. Of all the ones in the book, the TK and the Leia are good.. The luke is So so... The Vader is not original. I bought it for the TK... lol.
  21. Nice.... So this is the new TE? Looking forward to seeing it put together.
  22. Resin may have a slight oil sheen after cure, but really, I have never heard of degas Either. Kev Roto casts, so you should be good to go. I had no problem painting up my lid. Good score. One of the best out there.
  23. That is what I am thinking.. Promo trooper with an added in background. A Stance I have not seen either.
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