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Jumpin Jax

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About Jumpin Jax

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  1. A bump for event updates! Noted Star Wars collectibles author and Star Wars prop/costume collector Gus Lopez will be signing his new book on toy prototypes at Play N Trade, and Amy S will bring her awesome R2-D2 unit for pictures with the kiddies...AKA us Along with the film short premiere, it's going to be a great night of Star Wars! Play N Trade of Kirkland, The Force Unleashed 2 release, October 26th! See you there, J
  2. TacPro Studios has a new Star Wars fanfilm in the final stage of editing. It will premiere the night of October 26th at the Kirkland, WA branch of Play N Trade as part of the celebration of The Force Unleashed 2: the video game's release. As part of a specialized group of exhibitions including a local R2 unit, Gus Lopez signing his new collector's book, and the sale of the game; Star Wars Moments: Night On The Town will show for the first time in public. Power should be denied to those that seek it. What happens when a pair of ruthless stormtroopers bump heads with the wrong people? That question will be answered in the film! The short film was made by fans and costumers in the sleek artistic plaza of downtown Tacoma, WA. It is the second short film from TacPro Studios, and head and shoulders a superior tale and execution. We are proud of the work done and had a great time doing it. The facebook page for the Star Wars Moments series is here: Star Wars Moments Series Stormtrooper suits doing what they were meant for, and the battle of good V evil rages on! J
  3. So he's been telling tales. What a shock. Watching people state this for years on end be ignored...my givadamm is busted.
  4. Due to a stiff neck after 11 car collisions, I twist 'er on.
  5. I'm sorry that this is going on at all, that it is is clear indication that Matt doesn't listen to me.
  6. Uh, hi. I will not be replying to anyone demanding that I brace Matt for items not received. I tried with Caleb and got his suit sent, but that was a 90 mile uphill battle; I was f*&@^%#$ exhausted. It is Matt's responsibility and his alone. I won't make excuses for him but am NOT going to take garbage aimed at him either.
  7. Looked great in person, which IS a rare occurrence in this hobby Hopefully next time I might get to try it on. ::fingers crossed::
  8. Don't have access to the title in either case.
  9. A progress thread o mine went from WIP to done, can I change the title?
  10. He chose not to join and post here. Stupid is as stupid does.
  11. Short answer: I'd love to know the facts 100%.
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