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  1. Past hour
  2. 110. MT4BWY/FCBD @ DJ's, Hanford, CA - 5/4 (Phasma) Sourcing photo.
  3. 109. Fresno Grizzlies Baseball Star Wars Night, Fresno, CA - 5/12 Sourcing photo.
  4. The fourth is no longer with us... today is revenge of the sixth! Thank you for the kind word Glen. I forgot to mention how much I used the gallery The Celebration 2022 gallery was especially useful - I gleaned a lot of detailed information about the construction of the armour from that single gallery. it heped me to figure out that I needed to make my own shoulder straps, for instance, with exactly 13 large and slightly rounded segments. Also the pictures of the extras resting at Canary Wharf station from Rogue One helped me to see how the armour fitted on actual people (as opposed to the manikin used in the Celebration pictures). Using this I was able to scale the shin and leg pieces properly for my body. Some of the screenshots were useful for getting a good unobstructed view of the side or the back of the stormtroopers: the Alain Rivard armour is missing the raised area on the buttplate, and these photos helped me to size it properly. Talking of which: one thing I haven't quite figured out yet is how to attach the codpiece and the buttplate. Does anyone have any advice for doing this step on Rogue One armour?
  5. Today
  6. 80) 06/05/2024 - Disney HonKong Staff Event (Day 2) @ Taikoo Place (Quarrybay)
  7. 19. 05/04/24 - Goodcity Creatives: A Force for Good Fundraiser
  8. 18. 05/04/24 - Columbus Library May 4th Celebration
  9. 17. 05/04/24 - Westerville Food Drive
  10. 16. 05/03/24 - Boxland Media Prom Fundraiser
  11. Please grant access to the forums: https://www.501st.com/holocron/member/legacy Stormy923 Florida Garrison/Squad 7
  12. glenn, thanks! I'm getting ready to head out right now but I will take some photos for you to look at. Thanks for the other tips as well. Brought a hook up with some folks locally as you suggested. Very sad to hear about ATA/Terrell. Also, I'm not familiar with WTB...is that a site within the forums? Thanks again.
  13. 9) May 2nd, 2024 - Charlotte Douglas International Airport Birthday Event (Charlotte, NC) We also appeared in some videos! https://fb.watch/rUw8_IZp_G/ https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6iEmUkpJ54/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  14. You can also borrow tools and stuff that I used for the build. Magnets, clamps, files, paints, etc.Iā€™ll PM you. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. JeffD


    Thanks Ron! Was glad to troop with on Friday. Meant allot to me! I would appreciate it reviewing that build info.
  16. Pictures from [86-87] - 04 & 05/05/2024 - Star Wars Marathon at CinƩma PathƩ Plan-de-Campagne for May the 4th
  17. Ah yes the pack that never was Believed to be worn by this TK who can hold his breath well No pack Explained here
  18. For those without Some social media apps.
  19. Glyn Dillon (costume designer for the new TK) recently shared this for May the 4th. Let the research commence! https://www.instagram.com/p/C6jYQ6iNlnQ/?img_index=1
  20. Some quick notes if I haven't addressed these concerns before in my thread: - All of the images contained in my Troop Log should be fine to share on any Club social media channels with proper credit - for Mission Report photos, I don't tend to credit photographers, but definitely on any artsy or photoshoot ones. I can provide TKIDs of all troopers by request. - I make a concerted effort not to intentionally show the faces of minor children in any of my shared photos without either express or reasonably assumed consent of their parent, so it's often just our Mission Report photo with just the 501st or all club troopers, not fan interactions. When there are minor children in the photo, our wranglers/handlers/squires are good about asking "Can I get one for our club socials?" or "Is this okay to share?"/etc when taking photos. If there is any question of consent, I try to blur or sticker over their faces or crop them out if they are in the foreground. While laws vary by country, I suggest strongly that this be a best practice for everyone!
  21. *Unofficial - Live Like Jojo Foundation Walk Launch & Volunteer Rally - Aliso Viejo, CA - Sat. 5/4/24 Unfortunately, this event was unable to be picked up as an official troop due to the overwhelming number of submissions, but we ended our May the 4th by supporting the Live Like Jojo Foundation's Walk Launch & Volunteer Rally. The actual Walk itself in the fall will be an official event, but the Rally was Star Wars-themed and our last troop was 10min away, so we stopped by to show our support.
  22. 90. Star Wars Day - Mission Viejo Library - Mission Viejo, CA - Sat. 5/4/24 (ANH-S #60, FTE #69) Pretty funny - one of our photos from last year's event (FTE #57) was on the poster for this year!
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