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  2. 21. Brickfest Cleveland 2024 6/16/24
  3. Troop 19: Collectimania Meet and Greet. 15Jun24. These photos from Eric Sali one of our members in the Rebel Legion. Third time for this little event. We did it as a meet and greet as we try again to recruit members in the capital city of the province. There are currently no members and we could really use the help on the ground there! The venue this time was in a mall and we are 99% sure there was no A/C going. It was a tad warm even without the armor on. I think the first time ever the sweat was running down the inside of my shoulder bells! Come for the collecting, stay for the mania! I thought the droid would be bigger.... My partner in good (and bad) deeds. @GilesWoodward Always on the look out for some suitable off-duty clothing. A jersey. Maybe a hint for @jsilvius and @revlimiter perhaps... No wild stories for the most part in this one. I did have a lady grab my arm and yank me closer for a photo. Almost pulled me off my feet since I wasn't expecting it! Also got one or two leg hugs from some kids. Just as we were packing up we spent a good amount of time in conversation with a guy who seemed quite enthralled with the idea of the 501st so we are hoping that on a follow up contact with him maybe he will be that new member we've been looking for. We are going to try and recruit handlers too so we can lead them into joining up later on. We'll get then one way or another! Two weeks to the next troop. It will be a new one for some of us and the furthest yet I will travel at about 4.5 hours away. There may be a parade involved for added fun! Bart
  4. Yesterday
  5. You need to post your request and link into this thread: Instructions: "Once you've hit a milestone count, go over to the "Field Exercise Awards -- Post your milestones here" thread, post a link to your troop log and request your profile be updated! Simple, right?"
  6. Troop #57 Riverside museum Glasgow Fun troop meeting and greeting the public.
  7. 56. 2024-06-16, Daddyhood's Dad-a-thlon, Stockholm (Hero) If any photos would be used from this post, the photographer is "Anna Klevebäck" I arrived with my recently found Beret flash patch sewn on! I also have a story on my jacket that there once was a trooper who went pew pew pew on the droid we were looking for, and that's a good reason to get R2 (my favorite droid) on my jacket! Got some help with velcro inside my shin that was attached a bit too rotated in the wrong direction! Then it was time to go out into the heat! This little girl came back to show us her medal! Very proud! Standing in the shadow to take off the edge of the heat!
  8. Both. I didn't realize it was leather. I thought the kama/tunic was fabric. 🤣
  9. I confirm, i wrote the text based of course on the reference pictures, but I checked that all costume parts pictures I took are matching exactly the text I submitted. I could easily provide additional pictures if needed for clarity.
  10. Troop 44 Cosplay World Richmond, my 66th Troop overall. Sent from my SM-N981U1 using Tapatalk
  11. 56. 2024-06-16, Daddyhood's Dad-a-thlon, Stockholm (Hero) The 56th troop was an event for fathers that want more activities with their children. This event is a friendly race of a minimum 1km in a royal park in Stockholm! Awesome event with a lot of happy families! This picture was taken by a janitor just before we went out! More pictures to come!
  12. Which part? The suede diamond panels or the leather panels?
  13. https://www.501st.com/members/searchresults.php?searchfield=36921&criteria=tkid Requesting Access please. TK36921
  14. Thank you! My husband is great with electronics, so I'll have him add that and see what happens. I also took the diffuser plates off the lights so it would be more pinpoint. It's just still so bright you can see my dang eyes. 🤣
  15. I am so bad at updating build threads, but I am now in the thick of trying to get this guy done, and I've finally found out how to post images, so here's the work on Enoch's helmet so far. I'm waiting on my new printer to get here and I can work on printing the chest/back sections. The rest of the armor is sitting in a box waiting on me to get ready to paint and crack and weather it.
  16. What did you use for your fabric? I'm having trouble finding something in the right burgundy color.
  17. Troop 55 Niagara Falls, Ontario June 7, 2024 Niagara Falls Comicon Day 1 This was a huge event for us as the con organizers wanted to create the largest Star Wars pop up event. we were joined by Roxy the Rancor, the Rebel Legion and the Mando Mercs. We brought our Tantive 4, Jabba’s throne room, Endor Bunker, Droid scrap yard and Blast a trooper sets. A great weekend over all with visits on the 3rd day from Femmi Taylor (ROTJ Jabba dancer) and Paul Blake (Greedo). Pre con blue milk break in the Tantive 4 Corridor We had a rebel spy sneak up on us during this victory shot Smart move rebel scum There’s one, set for stun Met Roxy out of costume. She was a but hangry. Took a few minutes to visit the rebel booth and dispatch some droids.
  18. Please enable 501st access for me, TK-39250 - Garrison Carida, Thank you https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=43396
  19. Welcome Isabella. Happy to have you here.
  20. Example, but not to forget, we can have additional images and close-ups in the gallery as part of the CRL.
  21. All photos are already done and in the CRL, CRL is complete just refining stage now. All parts are present left and right, considering there are some differences. Frank wrote the text based off his images, I believe.
  22. My beef as a GML is when the photos and text don't match. Drives me and my team nuts. Do we have photos for the various costume components yet? If not I wouldn't mind helping in the photoshoppery. If we do have some, could they be posted? I'd love to proofread each section and match the text up with each armor piece.
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