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  1. Today
  2. Yes, what I mentioned as "2" white strapping" is indeed elastic. Yeah, I'm not sure if it's strong enough here, either. Sugru is more expensive than I thought, so maybe I'll just try the remover and see what happens! I also found this DIY Sugru, called OOGOO: https://www.instructables.com/How-To-Make-Your-Own-Sugru-Substitute/ The first set of snaps I got from Amazon (see photo below, left) look like those snaps, but every subsequent package I ordered (and there are LOTS because I kept screwing them up ) had ones that look quite different (right side of photo). Does it matter? As always, thank you for your excellent guidance!
  3. Thank you for the resources, Do the cover strips traditionally have to have any kind of particular preferred shapes at the end? I would hate to top trim without removing the cover strips only to find out the ends have to be trapezoidal or rounded instead of flat 90 degrees for example.
  4. Yesterday
  5. Either freeze or leave in a warm salt water bath, it can loosen. You may not even have to remove the coverstrips though, especially if you are trimming the tops of the thighs. Here's some builds you may get some ideas from https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/38416-crickets-rs-stunt-build-for-the-vertically-challenged/ https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/38842-fragarocks-rs-stunt-build-not-to-scale/ https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/42868-sha-shas-wtf-anh-stunt-build-complete/ Also https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/48922-cutting-the-thigh-parts-from-the-bottom-instead-of-the-top/ https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/12972-howto-make-a-return-edge-on-armor-using-a-heat-sealing-iron/
  6. Hi all, So my local GML has told me I need some thigh work done. In his words. Unfortunately I made the mistake of receiving the kit "pre-built_ from Denuo Novo which has been its own headache to fix up. In any case measure twice cut once would apply. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZrWSRE79xHWtMIZYwcDa-Sd6e86Q7uRr/view?usp=drive_link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1csPBMHer_FpPdrDyns1xoBSUlKY0PMwp/view?usp=drive_link What would be the best approach to shortening these? I figure freezing it to get the cover stripes off the CA glue. Then shortening cuts from the top rather than below to going over the bottom return edges.
  7. Just make sure you shake the cans, again and again while spraying, I may have had some bad batches or long shelf life cans but had several spray dry intermittent, almost came out like sand was mixed. I took them back for replacements but one did just the same, I know only use Rustoleum for cheap props just in case. Others seem to have no issues so don't be afraid of using it just test first.
  8. Happy to see that this is now official! Award Recipients TK-61972, Walter @Haribon72, Golden Gate Garrison TK-1636, Mike @TK1636, Dune Sea Garrison TK-10116, Tony @ukswrath, Golden Gate Garrison ^Please PM me your shipping information and I would be happy to send you two rockers at no charge if you would like. TK-70701, Jeff @Oztrooper, Southern California Garrison - Received his in person! TK-39093, Arthur @giskard8, Hong Kong Garrison - I reached out already and have your mailing info but will actually finally send these through your agent now that the patches have been announced! Moving forward, I am happy to mail 2 of these out to anyone who earns L2 - just pay shipping and wear them with pride!
  9. Trimmed and looks good! But I've seen some posts where the line of buttons should face towards the back instead of the top - true? Should face backwards so you can see the O detail Attach elastic to the shoulder straps to hold down the backs of the shoulder bridges. I remade the shoulder straps, and decided to secure the ¼” elastic inside the creases of the 2” white strapping. This worked out pretty well. Overall, the straps are much shorter than before, and seem to fit OK. Then I added the double snaps for the limb attachments, biased towards the front. You may find elastic is better for the straps especially when dressing, some times you need a little stretch, see how you go Figure out how to hold up the thighs. I’ve seen several posts on this. I’ve also seen something about ‘X’-style suspenders, but I’m not sure if those are meant to hold up the thighs, the torso, or both. I ordered a leather belt and fashioned the loops as described in other posts. We’ll see how this holds up. Torso holds up with your shoulder straps, all the body armor will "clamshell" around you. Only need one loop for the thighs I use snaps to attach but here's one that's glued Fit the shoulder bridges. I’m still having trouble with this. I don’t have the right curve yet, and with the armor on, I will need to have a second person help me with fitting and reshaping. I didn’t find a suitable box to fit the chest and back plates over, so with the armor on, I went back and forth between the mirror and the stove on this one. It’s much closer now, but still might need some adjustments. Looks like some twisting is required, too. How flat should they sit on the back side of the armor? They should lay flat, elastic also helps, sometimes they need a twist too Put in the snaps on the cod and butt plate. Done (as posted previously) Put in the “Han” snap on the upper right of the ab plate. I've seen that this should be a male snap. Does it really face inward? I've seen conflicting measurements, too. Some say 20mm in from the left, 20mm down. Others say 10mm in from the left. Yes and approximately. You can compare with some EIB or Centurion applications to see what has been approved. Sometimes referred to as the "Han" snap, for Level 3 a single male snap on the top right corner of the ab plate is present. Note in the photos that it is the bottom of the snap that faces outward and is not painted. This is also sometimes referred to as the "Han" snap. Cover the left side ab-to-kidney rivets on the inside with silicone or something equally smoothing. Done! Make some ABS paste and clean up the back bottom of the right thigh. Having trouble finding such a small amount of acetone, since they sell them in quarts/liters at my hardware store. Going with Sugru. Nail varnish remover can work (we don't have it as strong down here) Paint tops of all rivets. Turns out that the paint I ordered, even though labeled Testors 1145TT gloss white, was in fact silver! Needing to re-order. Testors seems harder and harder to find since Rust-oleum seems to have purchased the company. I use spray enamel paint, spray some in the cap and let to thicken, as long as it's close to the white of the armor
  10. An incredible milestone! Congratulations on your achievement, you have joined a very exclusive club! edit: I think you are only the 4th trooper to break 200.
  11. Had some more vacation, and unfortunately some more hand pain. But progress was still made! Punch list update: For the thermal detonator, I still need to bend the clips on the back side. But having followed ukswrath’s guide, I’m finding that the part that goes under the belt is 4” long, which seems too long. Even after the bend, they seem too long. Not sure whether I should clip them so they don’t stick out from under (as stated in the CRL). Trimmed and looks good! But I've seen some posts where the line of buttons should face towards the back instead of the top - true? Fit the shoulder bridges. I’m still having trouble with this. I don’t have the right curve yet, and with the armor on, I will need to have a second person help me with fitting and reshaping. I didn’t find a suitable box to fit the chest and back plates over, so with the armor on, I went back and forth between the mirror and the stove on this one. It’s much closer now, but still might need some adjustments. Looks like some twisting is required, too. How flat should they sit on the back side of the armor? Attach elastic to the shoulder straps to hold down the backs of the shoulder bridges. I remade the shoulder straps, and decided to secure the ¼” elastic inside the creases of the 2” white strapping. This worked out pretty well. Overall, the straps are much shorter than before, and seem to fit OK. Then I added the double snaps for the limb attachments, biased towards the front. Figure out how to hold up the thighs. I’ve seen several posts on this. I’ve also seen something about ‘X’-style suspenders, but I’m not sure if those are meant to hold up the thighs, the torso, or both. I ordered a leather belt and fashioned the loops as described in other posts. We’ll see how this holds up. Put in the snaps on the cod and butt plate. Done (as posted previously) Put in the “Han” snap on the upper right of the ab plate. I've seen that this should be a male snap. Does it really face inward? I've seen conflicting measurements, too. Some say 20mm in from the left, 20mm down. Others say 10mm in from the left. Cover the left side ab-to-kidney rivets on the inside with silicone or something equally smoothing. Done! Make some ABS paste and clean up the back bottom of the right thigh. Having trouble finding such a small amount of acetone, since they sell them in quarts/liters at my hardware store. Going with Sugru. Paint tops of all rivets. Turns out that the paint I ordered, even though labeled Testors 1145TT gloss white, was in fact silver! Needing to re-order. Testors seems harder and harder to find since Rust-oleum seems to have purchased the company.
  12. TK 87665 , I have reach my 25 milestone troop .requesting profile to be update.
  13. That's one shiny Phasma! You can see the reflections of the clouds!
  14. Thanks. It cant be much heavier than my resin clone helmet. I have reached out to jimmi and rustoluem x2 is readily available so looks to be the one to go for,
  15. Troop 19: Collectimania Meet and Greet. 15Jun24. These photos from Eric Sali one of our members in the Rebel Legion. Third time for this little event. We did it as a meet and greet as we try again to recruit members in the capital city of the province. There are currently no members and we could really use the help on the ground there! The venue this time was in a mall and we are 99% sure there was no A/C going. It was a tad warm even without the armor on. I think the first time ever the sweat was running down the inside of my shoulder bells! Come for the collecting, stay for the mania! I thought the droid would be bigger.... My partner in good (and bad) deeds. @GilesWoodward Always on the look out for some suitable off-duty clothing. A jersey. Maybe a hint for @jsilvius and @revlimiter perhaps... No wild stories for the most part in this one. I did have a lady grab my arm and yank me closer for a photo. Almost pulled me off my feet since I wasn't expecting it! Also got one or two leg hugs from some kids. Just as we were packing up we spent a good amount of time in conversation with a guy who seemed quite enthralled with the idea of the 501st so we are hoping that on a follow up contact with him maybe he will be that new member we've been looking for. We are going to try and recruit handlers too so we can lead them into joining up later on. We'll get then one way or another! Two weeks to the next troop. It will be a new one for some of us and the furthest yet I will travel at about 4.5 hours away. There may be a parade involved for added fun! Bart
  16. Last week
  17. You need to post your request and link into this thread: Instructions: "Once you've hit a milestone count, go over to the "Field Exercise Awards -- Post your milestones here" thread, post a link to your troop log and request your profile be updated! Simple, right?"
  18. Troop #57 Riverside museum Glasgow Fun troop meeting and greeting the public.
  19. 56. 2024-06-16, Daddyhood's Dad-a-thlon, Stockholm (Hero) If any photos would be used from this post, the photographer is "Anna Klevebäck" I arrived with my recently found Beret flash patch sewn on! I also have a story on my jacket that there once was a trooper who went pew pew pew on the droid we were looking for, and that's a good reason to get R2 (my favorite droid) on my jacket! Got some help with velcro inside my shin that was attached a bit too rotated in the wrong direction! Then it was time to go out into the heat! This little girl came back to show us her medal! Very proud! Standing in the shadow to take off the edge of the heat!
  20. Both. I didn't realize it was leather. I thought the kama/tunic was fabric. 🤣
  21. I confirm, i wrote the text based of course on the reference pictures, but I checked that all costume parts pictures I took are matching exactly the text I submitted. I could easily provide additional pictures if needed for clarity.
  22. Troop 44 Cosplay World Richmond, my 66th Troop overall. Sent from my SM-N981U1 using Tapatalk
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