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  1. Apart from this thread beeing the wrong place to ask this question, approval could become difficult as there is this big seam on the front. Basic approval could be possible, but no way for EIB or Centurion. Just look for TKboots on google or chelsea boots (need to be painted white) on ebay. Not an expensive change, but one that really would improve your look.
  2. Better late than not at all... XOXO from the XO Around the Detachment Alan Flyng Interview Troop of the Month Tip of the Month XOXO from the XO Aloha Troopers, The staff and I would like to apologize for the lateness of this newsletter. We typically like to have it out more toward the beginning of the month. It seems that the end of summer here in the northern hemisphere is a busy time for everyone. Troop Reports? As someone pointed out to me recently, and keeps pointing out, there seems to be a paucity of troop reports this summer. Web traffic to FISD is higher than ever. We are seeing a ton of great build threads popping up for every type of armor. It is trooping season troopers! I know you out there attending events. You should be sharing them for both those of us who are already approved (and enjoy seeing our forum buddies suited up) as the new TKs to get them stoked on trooping. Next month I intend to start tracking the number of troop reports with the hope that the numbers go up. Stuff I Dig As per my usual I use this space to highlight some of the things that pique my FISD interest. I have found the easiest way to figure that out is note which threads I'm subscribed to. Looking at my tapatalk notifications I see two that I am following. The first is starsaber25's, now TK-10466, MTK build thread. I started following Steve's thread because he is also from Strong Island NY and also I wanted to learn more about MTK's product. As time went on I realized I was staying up to date because he documented his build really well. I also enjoy seeing the rest of the detachment totally engaged in someone else's build. Please join me in peer pressuring Steve into going EIB. Then there is Toddo, Seattle's resident costume addict, and his Death Trooper.. Right now he holds 6 Expert Infantry awards for his Stunt, Hero, ESB, ROTJ, Incinerator, and Skytrooper TKs. As of the writing of this newsletter he has submitted his DeathTrooper EIB application. Now that he is approved that makes 7 EIBs. I assume without looking that he holds the record with the most EIB awards. However I did not start following him because of his EIB problems, but for the build itself. Is it possible that he will be an EIB with the most diverse armor seeing as he used parts from RT-MOD, FX, CAP, ATA, CAP-W, and TM/C? I do not mean to be all "FISD crush" on Todd, but the guy is a talented costumer. He put together and weathered his DT expertly and quickly. He makes it look easy. I am also following Shel'la Tracinya's (how the heck do you pronounce that, if at all?) DT build because not only is he doing a great job, he's in my Garrison. Attending a Big Con I wrote the Troop of the Month below highlighting the 20 TK (plus a handful of TDs) march through FanExpo in Toronto. This was my first major 501st event and the biggest con I have been to. I had a choice to go to FanExpo or Dragon Con this year. My initial goal was only to finally meet my former XO Ladyinwhite and troop with her somewhere fun. Then the Tantive IV Board Party fireteam started in with the peer pressure. Clamps and Pickles made a strong case for us to come up to Toronto and party with them. I admit to being American-centric and somewhat oblivious to the rest of the world. I had already purchased a flight and made arrangements by the time I decided to look at the FanExpo web site. Patrick Stewart? The poo? Elija Wood? Nathan Fillion? Stan Lee? I had no idea FanExpo attracted so many actual famous people. While I do not give a hoot about any of those people it dawned on me that I was going to a big con. There were an aspect of being at an out of town con with a huge 501st presence that I did not expect. Every con I have been to I knew every Legion member in attendance. Walking to and from the changing room or around Fan Expo I would wave to or salute other members as if I was just walking around the Death Star. I felt oddly immersed in a Star Wars world when every time I turned around I saw another character. Those of you who have trooped with me know it is difficult for me to stay "in character" but in my mind's eye I was transported to a different world with hoards of TKs on patrol . The sensation was only fostered by having an R2 unit or two roll by now and then. While the sets the Canadian Garrison built were perfectly professional I still knew I was in a con booth the whole time. It was not until I started roaming did I feel like I was patrolling planet Canadia in the Kanuk system for rebels. If you have the means to get to Toronto next year you should. The Canadian Garrison are amazing hosts with an active membership. They are ridiculously social and put on a well organized smooth running event. Every Garrison and Outpost has something to learn from the way they do business. The $14k they raised for Make a Wish speaks for itself. With Aloha and Unquestioned Loyalty, Eric Brager TK-9674 "Darth Aloha" Executive Officer Star Wars Helmets has recently reviewed the RS Prop Masters ESB Stormtrooper armour. RS Propmasters has been producing TK (both ANH and ESB) kits (and others) and assembled ones for a while now and is one of the FISD's vetted vendors. They have a Brian Muir edition for their amour authenticated by the sculptor and Vader and the Stormtrooper himself. Check out the Star Wars Helmets detailed review here. - 501st Honorary Member Brian Muir and a Stormtrooper Starwarshelmets.com is a great resource for both helmets and armours of Star Wars. They feature screen-used props and even review licensed kits and fan made ones. Star Wars Helmets is a must-go source for all TK fanatics out there and is a great base for both new and existing members to know and understand the history of TK armour. They don't only focus on the TK but give equal attention and detailed reviews to other characters like Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Tie Pilots, Scout, and much more. Want to know the differences between ANH, ESB, ESB Mk2, and ROTJ TKs? Want to know just how many Vader helmets were used the Original Trilogy? Go check out Starwarshelmets.com!! With Unquestioned Loyalty, Evan Loh TK-24127 "evan_loh" Deputy Public Relations Officer Alan Flyng Interview This September we have a veteran Stormtrooper with us for the Imperial Propaganda Machine Q&A. This trooper was part of Vader’s garrison stationed in Bespin and were put in charge of protecting the citizens of the mining gas colony and to apprehend the outlaws and smugglers known as Han Solo, Chewbacca, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, and two droids that our sandy brothers have failed to capture. We have reason to believe that he did very well in Cloud City (despite the Rebel scum getting away) and eventually got promoted to an Imperial Officer. Meet Alan Flyng. Much like us has donned the Stormtrooper armour and can sympathise with us on how much protection Imperial issued plastoid can provide. IPM: What kind of scenes did you do as a Stormtrooper? A: I was principally engaged in the Carbonite Chamber scenes and a few unscripted corridor shots which George came up with for second unit in between set-ups. Being quite heavily set, I was used to ‘bulk out’ shots. IPM: In the scene where Han Solo was frozen in carbonite, how difficult was it to manoeuvre around? We all have worn Stormtrooper helmets and wouldn’t find it hard to believe if you said that you could barely see a thing or move around without tripping. A: It is indeed no exaggeration to say that! The lenses of the helmets were polished off by a Wardrobe guy, trying to be helpful to the camera crew. The camera operator complained he could see reflections of himself and the crew in our lenses and so they were duly taken off set and returned opaque due to the use of metal polish! The set itself was on top of an 18 foot tall gantry built of scaffolding poles. With limited access to the set, we were obliged to often use an extension ladder to get up there and that when wearing armour. Also, needing to use our hands, it was buckets on for the climb too. Boy, that stuff caught and scarred us!!! To round off the indignities, the steam venting from the floor beneath our feet was real pressurised steam and we were cooking in the armour! Alan (on the right) dragging Han Solo into the carbon freezing chamber IPM: I can imagine that it could get quite difficult to move properly in the armour without slipping or falling. Were there many takes in the scenes you were in especially the Han Solo carbonite freezing scene? A: There were many set-ups due to the 360 degree nature of the set. So, for all the angles required, we were moved about to suit the camera, which is how one of us was edged a bit too far right and right off the gantry to the concrete floor below. Apart from his armour being shot to pieces on impact, he was generally unscathed and lived to shoot another day! There are quite a few mismatched shots, as we were all different sizes and reverses often found us in the wrong order, so to speak. But you have to be sharp-eyed to spot the mistakes! The days seemed very long in those outfits and I know Dave Prowse and Peter Mayhew suffered more than most! The stage doors were kept closed throughout to avoid the camera steaming up, as once it was up to the ambient high temperature, any cold air could seriously fog up the lenses and film cans! So, we had to like it or lump it, as we say in England! LOL Boba, Vader, and Alan! IPM: As of today we have plenty of Stormtrooper armour makers to cater for different sizes. As there was only one size back then did you find it difficult to put it on and take it off and to walk around, or did they make any modifications to your costume to fit you better? A: I had to fit the standard size or not work! I suffered cuts and pinches more than most and still bear some of the scars! They didn’t refer to me on Rebel Scum as ‘The Chunky One’ for nothing! But the stunt boys were just as big as me and we all learnt to live with it. As the armour constantly split and chipped, they used white camera tape to repair and hold it all together. It was only with the release of the HD editions that the public got to see in detail how botched the repairs truly were!!! IPM: During the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi where you said your line as an Imperial Officer what was filming on set like? Were there many takes or was it a quick scene to do? A: Before I stepped into the breach to do that line, there had been another actor trying to rattle it off staccato and failed! I was asked to fill in and when I was brought on set the atmosphere could be cut with a knife! It didn’t help that the other actor was ‘relaxing’ in his dressing room waiting for his costume to be pressed dry, as I was putting it on soaking wet! I got onto set - again in an outfit too small for my frame – and rattled it off in one take after having been marched all around the outside of the set screaming the line repeatedly to prove I would be able to do it!!! The previous incumbent of my uniform had wasted an entire shooting morning and not succeeded once in getting the line out cleanly - just making the uniform soaking wet with his sweat! Not the nicest thing to put on in those circumstances. Every seam was stretched to breaking point except the waistline, which was 6 inches too big! That’s why I never moved my arms – I didn’t dare, as I could hear the stitches popping!!! I was able to leave the studio by lunchtime with a healthy fat cheque in my hand. "Sir, we’ve lost our bridge deflector shields!" IPM: What other roles did you play in Star Wars besides the Stormtrooper and Officer? A: I ‘guested’, along with other Stormtroopers, relaxed from the Carbonite Chamber, in the ice tunnels as a Snowtrooper, Rebel Technician evacuating the base and also in the hangar set heaving a dirty great box full of rubbish along with Richard Bonehill from one side of the set to the other dressed as a rebel fighter. Q: While we make costumes as a hobby you made costumes for the film industry. Could you name a few of your favourite costumes you worked on? A: Sam Neill’s coronation robes and all of Robert Downey Jr’s costumes for ‘Restoration’. I, and the rest of the costume department on Zeffirelli’s ‘Hamlet’, made every one of the costumes that appear in the film as we went along! We were even making Glen Close’s last frock on the last day for the last shot! That was bliss for me! I have been incredibly lucky in my costume career with the films I have worked on - mostly costume dramas, though I did get an extraordinary call to re-tailor all of Billy Connolly’s costumes for Garfield The Movie through the night after he arrived in the UK to shoot the following day. With the help of one local seamstress from York, I remade every suit he wore (including stunt doubles), including all his morning suits and tweeds. The buyer, in LA, had bought a variety of sizes and sent the lot. Billy needed every item sent and that took an awful lot of work!!! That was tough going, but I never let it get me down. The cameras turned over on time the next day and I even had time to alter the leading actor’s suit too, which was two sizes too large. I hope they sacked that buyer!!! Alan fixing an SFX axe to the chest of Sir Christopher Lee on the first film he designed the costumes for: House Of The Long Shadows IPM: What kind of materials did you work most with for costume design. And have you worked with thermo plastics/vacuum formed plastics (like the Stormtrooper armour)? A: I love natural fibres and endeavour to use the right cloth for the right period, though I do take liberties with some man-made fibres when I need exceptional body or resistance to wet or break-down. I have worked with vac-formed armour on the dreaded ‘Covington Cross’ – an everyday tale of Bonanza in the 15th century for American TV. I also worked with some vac-forming when making for ‘Space Precinct’ and also ‘Space Vampires’. IPM: How did you get into guest appearances and signings? A: It came out of left field in 2009, when I was called out of the blue by someone who had noticed my picture on Wookieepedia, where I was called ‘The Unknown Imperial Officer’ on the Executor. He asked was it me and indeed it was! It all comes from that call! And, by the way, I am still the Unknown Imperial Officer, as I still have no character name or back story!!! Come on Disney – Fair Play!!!! *Q&A Ends* Thank you Alan for taking the time to answer our questions. We were glad to have a loyal subject of the Empire with us! For more detailed info on Alan and his experiences in Star Wars and the costuming industry visit his site: http://alanflyng.weebly.com/ With Unquestioned Loyalty, Evan Loh TK-24127 "evan_loh" Deputy Public Relations Officer Fan Expo Canada 10/28 - 10/31/14 This con is rumored to be the third largest in North America behind San Diego and Dragon Con. The folks in New York City may disagree about that factoid but there were at least 125,000 people in attendance. If you think your Garrison has a nice looking booth set up, you are wrong. The Canadian Garrison has shown us all how it is done. The Fan Expo organizers gave the 501st the very center of the con floor just as everyone walks in. As you came in the main entrance up the escalators and turned around, all you saw was the 501st. The booth was 20'x50' with a Death Star control room, a Tantive IV door for Blast-a-Trooper, a huge Tantive IV hallway, a Death Star hallway, and a professional photo booth for fans to buy an 8x10 with their favorite character. All of this was conceived by a committee lead by a project manager starting in May of 2014. They build the set in record time given the complexity. For those of us who struggle to get members to donate for such things, please note that the project was funded internally with donations from the membership. To see photos of the booth please refer to Clamps' troop report. Can you spot your 6'5" XO? Their set is not what makes this event the Troop of the Month. It was the abundance of TK action including a march of 20 shiny whites and a handful of dirty troopers. The word "march" is a bit of a misnomer because we stood on at least a dozen escalators going from one convention hall to the other. I vote to rename this con to Fan Escalator. We lined up at the booth in one direction, then the other, and marched down to the ground floor. From there we walked outside all the way around the convention center to the south building where we got into an elevator a few at a time. They packed me in with the sandies. It was gross. I think I got some dirt on me. Then we took the long journey to the other building where we posed in front of the Lucasfilm booth (which btw was not in the main building where the 501st was). The march continued up and down more endless escalators back to the booth. Some went back and de-kitted while some marched across the street to the restaurant where the 501st dinner was to be held. The owners let us run around for a few minutes harassing patrons. Here is a pro trooping tip: people get really mad when you walk away with their beer, even if you are a plastic spaceman. My thanks go out to the wranglers for this march. If you watch the video below you can see that there were a ton of non TK members there to ensure we go where we needed to go safely. I want to apologize to the one wrangler who I only slightly punched in the face when I jumped out of my row to photobomb someone. She was much shorter than I was and much closer than I expected. The con's security was notified before the march and they were very kind to stop traffic for us where needed. Lining up Ladyinwhite, a Clamplet, Pickles, Clamps, and Darth Aloha Besides me and Ingrid there were a few other famous folks hanging around. Albin Johnson was there for the weekend wrangling for us at times and generally being his gregarious self. Mary Franklin came to the big 501st dinner and hung out with us all night. Garrick Hagon, the actor who played Biggs Darklighter, was signing autographs in the 501st booth as well. Albin and Mary at the 501st dinner Pickles, Ladyinwhite, and Darth Aloha To reiterate, if you can get to Toronto for this even you will not be sorry. With Aloha and Unquestioned Loyalty, Eric Brager TK-9674 "Darth Aloha" Executive Officer Painting Boots White by Stormy1992 This may not the first time we mention painting chelsea boots white but a member recently came up with might be an excellent alternative to making dark leather shiny white. It seems worth mentioning given the lack of off the shelf white boots. Stormy1992 sprayed his boots white rather than brushing on leather dye. Here is a summary of the progression. Check Stormy1992's thread for details: Those boots look great. I look forward to hearing how well they hold up over time. If you want to use a more proven method of making your boots white you may use leather dye as described in these threads listed by author:Palpatine1977 Logon SorenM (my favorite) Good luck with your boots! With Aloha and Unquestioned Loyalty, Eric Brager TK-9674 "Darth Aloha" Executive Officer Don't Forget We're on Facebook and Twitter! Facebook: www.facebook.com/whitearmor If you're on FB, stop by and say hi, ask questions, and share stories! Twitter: www.twitter.com/FISD501st or @FISD501st follow FISD on Twitter! Instagram: www.instagram.com/501stfisd With Unquestioned Loyalty, Evan Loh TK-24127 "evan_loh" Deputy Public Relations Officer On behalf of the 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment Command Staff. End Transmission.
  3. Name: Todd Maxfield-Matsumoto TKID: 6647 Forum Name: Toddo Garrison: Garrison Titan Helmet: RT-Mod Chest and Back: ATA Abdomen and Kidney: FX Butt Plate: CAP Thighs, Shoulders, Biceps, Forearms, Detonator: CAP-W Calves: T/MC Gloves: black chemical Boots: painted Chelsea boots Front: Right Side: Back: Left Side: Helmet Off: Chemical Gloves: Split Kidney/Butt Plate: Inner Drop Boxes: Action Shot: Thanks for taking a look.
  4. I see you saw the most recent boot post with a spray on application that looks super badass. Here are 3 boot painting threads using angelus leather dye: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/27114-dyeing-black-boots-white/ http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/24897-painting-my-loake-boots-white/ http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/24775-painting-my-black-chelsea-boots-white/ (Soren's is my favorite thread) -Eric
  5. Thanks for the comments everyone. I completed one of the shins. Here's the chest so far. These are chelsea boots painted white that I scored a while back. The paint was already cracking on them, so I thought they would be perfect.
  6. You could start painting your own chelsea boots, sewing your own belt or pauldron, snaps are a good point if your not going for the original strapping. Also get the right cap and split rivets, hooks for the calves, handguards, etc. You see - a lot to do ;-) and when the helmet arrives you'll have enough to do for some time
  7. Here are some boot painting threads: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/27114-dyeing-black-boots-white/ http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/24897-painting-my-loake-boots-white/ http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/24775-painting-my-black-chelsea-boots-white/ SorenM's thread is my favorite. There are probably more threads. These are the ones I found quickly. Angelus leather dye is your friend -Eric
  8. Here are a couple changes for the CRL that was posted. Neck Seal For 501st approval: Black with horizontal ribs, fitted to the wearer, and extending from the base of the neck to the top of the Adam's apple. Shoulder Straps For 501st approval: These shall be securely mounted in front and may free float in back. They may be affixed with rivets, Velcro, or adhesive. For level two certification (if applicable): No visible rivets are allowed. For level three certification (if applicable): These shall free float in back. These shall be glued in front. The plastic shoulder straps need to be held down in the back via velcro that connects/bridges the chest and back piece. Shoulder Bells For 501st approval: One on each shoulder. The shoulder bells are considered effectively symmetrical; they may be worn interchangeably on the left and right shoulders and should have a black elastic strap that wraps around the inside of the bicep. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Biceps For 501st approval: Biceps are fully closed. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Biceps must be constructed using the butt joint method. Overlap construction is not allowed. Forearms For 501st approval: Forearms are fully closed. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Minimum return edge on the inside of the front of the forearm is allowed. Forearms must be constructed using the butt joint method. Overlap construction is not allowed. Hand Plates For 501st approval: Roughly pentagonal in shape, the hand plates are mounted securely over the back of the glove. As an alternative to plastic, these may be made out of latex or latex-like material. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Gloves For 501st approval: Black in color, made of either rubber, nomex, leather, or leather-like material, with no visible straps or logos/designs. The fingers are enclosed, non-textured. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable):! Chest For 501st approval: Chest plate overlaps the abdominal plate. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Chest and back shall be connected with a white or black fabric or preferably elastic strap at the shoulders. Back For 501st approval: Back plate must contain geometric pattern very similar to “Clone Trooper†back details. Back plate shall overlap the kidney armor. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Under Suit For 501st approval: Black non-textured material, either one-piece or two-piece construction with no visible zippers or logos/designs. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Abdomen Armor For 501st approval: The abdomen armor has an indented button area with 10 indentations that are vertical and parallel to each other on both sides of the center square detailing. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Ideally there no gap between the abdomen and kidney armor. A single visible seam line is present. Two rivets, approximately 5/16"(8mm) diameter, are present on the left side of the abdomen armor. Note: The original rivets used for the TK armor were bifurcated rivets or split rivets. Rivets are equally spaced along the depth of the armor and about 10mm from the edge. The heads are rounded or domed. Note: Paperclip brads are not considered to have a domed head. Two male snap on the top right corner and bottom right corner of the ab plate is present. A single split rivet or brad is present on the lower tab of the abdomen armor. Rivet does not need to be functional. Abdomen armor buttons are integrated and indented directly on the armor. No separate buttons are allowed. Kidney Armor For 501st approval: A separate kidney plate is present, split from the posterior armor. Kidney armor shall contain the thermal detonator For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Posterior Armor For 501st approval: A separate butt plate is required, split from the kidney plate. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Belt For 501st approval: Belt shall be made of plastic For level two certification (if applicable): There shall be eleven (6 front, 5 back) symmetrical plastic boxes attached vertically to the belt. There shall be two larger ammo boxes attached to the sides of the belt at the lateral most portion of the thorax. For level three certification (if applicable): There are no drop boxes Thermal Detonator For 501st approval: Shall be attached to the kidney armor (not belt) 1 inch above the top of the belt and include grey tube with white end caps and control panel detailing along the center. The white control panel pad faces upwards, with the controls/round washer style detail closest to the right end cap. The thermal detonator is attached without visible attachments. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Thigh Armor For 501st approval: Thigh armor shall be closed in the back with strain vertical seams. The knees shall be connected with 1 inch white elastic and secured without visible rivets or snaps. For level two certification (if applicable): Thighs are constructed using the butt joint method. Overlap construction is not allowed. Knee Armor For 501st approval: Must be hexagonal in shape with built in straps connecting to the thigh with no visible rivets using elastic or canvas strap. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Lower Leg Armor For 501st approval: Greaves close in the back across the seam that lines up with the thigh seam via velcro or snaps For level two certification (if applicable): Overlap construction is not allowed. For level three certification (if applicable): Boots For 501st approval: Boots are above ankle height and made of white leather or leather-like material. Thick sole with lifted heel. No buckles or laces. Jodhpur/ Chelsea-type boots or an equivalent style is acceptable. Elvis or Mariachi boots are not allowed. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): There shall be no seam on the front of the boot. There shall be a raised strip down the front of the boot. There shall be a raised strip surrounding the heel of the boot.
  9. Feel Free! Based on the old thread and the standard TK CRL: Neck Seal For 501st approval: Black with horizontal ribs, fitted to the wearer, and extending from the base of the neck to the top of the Adam's apple. Shoulder Straps For 501st approval: These shall be securely mounted in front and may free float in back. They may be affixed with rivets, Velcro, or adhesive. For level two certification (if applicable): No visible rivets are allowed. For level three certification (if applicable): These shall free float in back. These shall be glued in front. The plastic shoulder straps need to be held down in the back via velcro that connects/bridges the chest and back piece. Shoulder Bells For 501st approval: One on each shoulder. The shoulder bells are considered effectively symmetrical; they may be worn interchangeably on the left and right shoulders and should have a black elastic strap that wraps around the inside of the bicep. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Biceps For 501st approval: Biceps are fully closed. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Biceps must be constructed using the butt joint and cover strip method. Overlap construction is not allowed. Forearms For 501st approval: Forearms are fully closed. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Minimum return edge on the inside of the front of the forearm is allowed. Forearms must be constructed using the butt joint and cover strip method. Overlap construction is not allowed. Hand Plates For 501st approval: Roughly pentagonal in shape, the hand plates are mounted securely over the back of the glove. As an alternative to plastic, these may be made out of latex or latex-like material. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Gloves For 501st approval: Black in color, made of either rubber, nomex, leather, or leather-like material, with no visible straps or logos/designs. The fingers are enclosed, non-textured. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable):! Chest For 501st approval: Chest plate overlaps the abdominal plate. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Chest and back shall be connected with a white or black fabric or preferably elastic strap at the shoulders. Back For 501st approval: Back plate must contain geometric pattern very similar to “Clone Trooper†back details. Back plate shall overlap the kidney armor. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Under Suit For 501st approval: Black non-textured material, either one-piece or two-piece construction with no visible zippers or logos/designs. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Abdomen Armor For 501st approval: The abdomen armor has a indented button area that 10 indentations that are vertical and parallel to each other on both sides of the center square detailing. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Ideally there no gap between the abdomen and kidney armor. A single visible seam line is present. Two rivets, approximately 5/16"(8mm) diameter, are present on the left side of the abdomen armor. Note: The original rivets used for the TK armor were bifurcated rivets or split rivets. Rivets are equally spaced along the depth of the armor and about 10mm from the edge. The heads are rounded or domed. Note: Paperclip brads are not considered to have a domed head. Two male snap on the top right corner and bottom right corner of the ab plate is present. A single split rivet or brad is present on the lower tab of the abdomen armor. Rivet does not need to be functional. Abdomen armor buttons are integrated and indented directly on the armor. No separate buttons are allowed. Kidney Armor For 501st approval: A separate kidney plate is present, split from the posterior armor. Kidney armor shall contain the thermal detonator For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Posterior Armor For 501st approval: A separate butt plate is required, split from the kidney plate. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Belt For 501st approval: Belt shall be made of plastic For level two certification (if applicable): There shall be eleven (6 front, 5 back) symmetrical plastic boxes attached vertically to the belt. There shall be two larger ammo boxes attached to the sides of the belt agh the lateral most portion of the thorax. For level three certification (if applicable): There are no drop boxes Thermal Detonator For 501st approval: Shall be attached to the kidney armor (not belt) 1 inch above the top of the belt and include grey tube with white end caps and control panel detailing along the center. The white control panel pad faces upwards, with the controls/round washer style detail closest to the right end cap. The thermal detonator is attached without visible attachments. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Thigh Armor For 501st approval: Thigh armor shall be closed in the back. The knee straps should be installed on the bottom of the thighs. Knee strap detailing should cover the attachment point for the knee armor strap. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Knee Armor For 501st approval: Must be hexagonal in shape with built in straps connecting to the thigh with no visible rivets using elastic or canvas strap. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): Thigh Armor For 501st approval: Thigh armor shall be closed in the back with strain vertical seams. The knees shall be connected with 1 inch white elastic and secured without visible rivets or snaps. For level two certification (if applicable): Thighs are constructed using the butt joint and cover strip method. Overlap construction is not allowed. Lower Leg Armor For 501st approval: Greaves close in the back across the seam that lines up with the thigh seam via velcro or snaps For level two certification (if applicable): Overlap construction is not allowed. For level three certification (if applicable): Boots For 501st approval: Boots are above ankle height and made of white leather or leather-like material. Thick sole with lifted heel. No buckles or laces. Jodhpur/ Chelsea-type boots or an equivalent style is acceptable. Elvis or Mariachi boots are not allowed. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): There shall be no seam on the front of the boot. There shall be a raised strip down the front of the boot. There shall be a raised strip surrounding the heel of the boot.
  10. I have a set coming for my wife as well. I saw the boots from the UK. What does Giovanni offer? Does he offer a white-soled Chelsea styled boot? It'll be great to see these suits in action!
  11. Andy I've posted this a couple of times so I apologise to folks who've seen it before If you want to go down the screen accurate route then Jodphur / Chelsea boots are the way to go. The original used in the films were black,painted white , make unknown.(although someone, who will remain nameless, [no not me ], as managed to track down a pair made by the same manufacturer after years of meticulous investigation) Here's a picture of a pair of original screen used ones ----- The closest thing available to the original syle are Loake's 290-B's ------- A good budget alternative to Loake's are these ------ If you just want the 'look' then there are plenty of others out there, just do a search on 'Jodphurs / Chelsea boots' and you'll find loads ranging from $20 up to $300-$400 One thing to bare in mind is the height around the ankle.The lower they are the more chance of them popping out of your armour when you move As for dyeing them, if you take your time they can turn out great. You can never completely change the colour from black leather to white. I've spoken to a few upholsterers who restore top end cars like Rolls Royce's and they said its impossible because the colour will eventually bleed through, BUT!, you can keep it looking white with a little maintenance every now and then And anyway, take a look at the originals and see how many scuff marks you can see ------ Hope this helps mate
  12. I love the finished boots, you did a really good transformation on them. I bought myself some black Chelsea boots for my suit and decided to dye them white with a TRG leather dye kit shade 101. I used the old blue masking tape route for protecting the soles and heels. When I used the kits sponge applicator I was glad I put vinyl gloves on because that stuff dries like rubber on the tips. I wish my elastic sides covered as nicely as yours did, mine had a rougher material, yours are awesome. As the boots get more wear the black may show through from underneath...I put 6-8 layers of white boot polish over mine and the shins still sliced the dye layers off. One of the guys who troops a lot locally told me he sprays his boots with Plasti-kote to give them some protection . I carry a small bottle of white correction fluid in my armour bag for emergency touch ups if needed.
  13. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/27571-tk17356-requesting-anh-stunt-eib-statustm386/ Armor - TM 1.5mm ABS Helmet - TM 1.5mm ABS Blaster - Doopy doos full resin build Doopy doos DLT-19 Optional Height - 5ft 7in Boots- Painted Chelsea boots Canvas Belt - TM screen accurate Belt Hand Plates - Karin Sonnenschein Electronics - Rom FX Neckseal - ? Holster - TM Front Back Left âƒRight Right Side Detail – Arm raised Left Side Detail – Arm raised Abdomen Details Action Shot Cod and Butt Plate Attachment Interior Strapping Side Back Hovi Tip detail Lens Color (Backlit if required) Blaster – Left Blaster – Right Neck Seal Thermal Detonator – Back âƒHolster Attachment
  14. Armor - TM 1.5mm ABS Helmet - TM 1.5mm ABS Blaster - Doopy doos full resin build Doopy doos DLT-19 Optional Height - 5ft 7in Boots- Painted Chelsea boots Canvas Belt - TM screen accurate Belt Hand Plates - Karin Sonnenschein Electronics - Rom FX Neckseal - ? Holster - TM Front Back Left âƒRight Right Side Detail – Arm raised Left Side Detail – Arm raised Abdomen Details Action Shot Cod and Butt Plate Attachment Interior Strapping Side Back Hovi Tip detail Lens Color (Backlit if required) Blaster – Left Blaster – Right Neck Seal Thermal Detonator – Back âƒHolster Attachment
  15. Name=Clive Barzillia Forum= ninjabiscuit Garrison= UKG ID=73511 Armor = BFA Helmet= BFA Blaster= Doopydoo´s ANH E-11 Blaster Kit Height = 6.0ft. Weight = 195 Boots = Chelsea 290b painted white Canvas belt = TKittel Hand Plates = Karin Electronics= ROM/FX Pro Kit Neck Seal= Rebelscum Holster = clothears Front: Back Right side: Left side: Right side detail: Left side detail: Hand plates: Shoulder bridge: Bridge front: Thigh pack: Sniper knee: Drop box
  16. Hey Dimo!!!! The TK Commander is a costume that doesn't come across these pages too often. It's always a pleasure to see someone take the TK to another level like this. It also gives me, the DO, a chance to brush up and re-familiarize myself with the aspecst of the different costumes and work with the our leaders and further update the CRLs. I will be proposing a few, however minor, changes to the TKC CRL. Anyway, when you remove the blue paint, the TK Commander is a blend of TK aspects from all 3 original trilogy stormtrooper costumes. The blaster is ESB, the helmet, rubber gloves/handplates, and waist belt (without the center rivet cover) are ANH, the remainder of the armor is ROTJ all the way. The overlap joint construction, the "U" trim on the torso parts, the fused butt/kidney, the "no flat spot on the ends" shoulder bridges, the rounded corners on the shoulder bells, no visible bicep straps (possible CRL change here) upside down ab button plate,I could go on but you get the main idea, With ad ons like a fifth button on the vertical button plate, all buttons are black, removal of the center rivet cover on the waist belt, a few strageically placed belt rivets, no holster, some light weathering, and.......oh yes....the blue paint scheme....you have the TK Commander. In researching this costume in comic book appearances, I found that a blue pauldron and sandtrooper like backpack were also seen. Enough history. Let's look at your armor Dimo! CRL and EIB Application Requirements: Your initial application lacked several photos and there were specific details that needed to be seen that were in pictures that weren't very clear. After suggestions from fellow troopers and a PM, several pics were added as well as some updated changes to the costume that differ from the original pictures. The waist belt in the top pics was too wide and did not clearly show the material in which it was made. Unlike the ANH belt which is 3 inches wide and made from layered materials with twill/denim on the outer most layer, the TKC belt is much less wide(around 2 1/2 inches) and should be made from a material that looks like course weave nylon webbing. This upgrade was done!!! Also, I needed to be certain that the shoulder bridges has no flat spots on the ends. They did on the back side and this was trimmed down.Thank you for working with me to get this done, Dimo!!! There is only one more thing that needs to be done before I pass you. As it is pictured above, your full suit armor pictures do not represent EIB qualifying armor with the wider belt. Please suit back up and take a cool action shot with your complete EIB armor for the EIB archives. Other-Armor Fit/Assembly: I wanted to compliment you on your weathering job. This can be something either overdone and un-natural, or not done enough. I would say that you nailed it!! Jason mentioned one thing that I would agree on and that is your biceps could be dropped a bit to eliminate some of the gap between your biceps and forearms. Centurion Suggestions: As you know, Centurion is about getting armor as close to accurate as we can get. Although the TKC was never seen in the films, its armor must be supportive of something close to screen accurate because of the armor it was derived from. as a result, the FX armor your armor is made from (aside from the helmet) cannot qualify for Centurion. Should you decide to upgrade, there are things on your current armor that will need to be changed to get you to Centurion level. First are your boots. They need to be a "TK Boots" style or painted Chelsea Boot that have no seams in the front. Second, you will need to change your Thermal Detonator to a ROTJ type like this one:The ribbed panel has much larger "ribs" and the center of the round portion is raised rather than indented. The belt clips are also closer to the center rather than the ends. The only change I would consider doing on your helmet is to the trapezoids above the eyes. I would make the upper corners a little rounder. Here is your helmet:Here is what I am referring to: Thank you again for all your work on this armor, Dimo!!! Please get us that pic with you suited up showing your upgrades so I can upgrade your EIB badge!!!!!
  17. The trick to get boot scuffing just right is.. 1. Take a pair of good quality English Chelsea boots. 2. Paint white. 3. Wear a lot. 4. Nicely scuffed..
  18. I saw those same 'Deer Stag' boots last night while searching for men's Chelsea boots. Price is right but some concern whether they might be slippery according to one reviewer. But then again seeing how much the actual stormtroopers slipped and skidded around that could be accurate! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Here you go. A Tutorial of sorts, by one of the biggest "dye your boots" proponents within the FISD: SorenM. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/24775-painting-my-black-chelsea-boots-white/page-3?hl=%2Bsorenm#entry320984
  20. Granted, I'm not an expert but as it has already been pointed out, the elastic is not spot-on but they appear to be a good match. I'd consider TK Boots, as Mike suggested, and overall, I agree with Brandon... If nothing else is available though, those look pretty good. Here is the CRL listing on boots: For 501st approval: •Boots are above ankle height and made of white leather or leather-like material. •Small U-shaped elastic sections on both sides of the ankle. •Flat sole with a short heel. •No buckles or laces. •Jodhpur/ Chelsea-type boots or an equivalent style is acceptable. ◦Elvis or Mariachi boots are not allowed. For level two certification (if applicable): For level three certification (if applicable): •There shall be no seam on the front of the boot.
  21. So I am running into a slight problem that most of the suggested brands and models of boots are not available in a size that would fit my female feet. They are all about 2 sizes too large, which is a bit much, especially if I am going to be walking long distances in them. Another problem is that the same type of ankle boot (chelsea/jodpur) when made for women, usually is accompanied by a significant heel and a pointed toe. Does any other female troopers have any suggestions for brands I could take a look at?
  22. Clive Barzillia TK-73511 Uk Garrision FISD Name - ninja biscuit Armor - BFA Andy Rogers Helmet - BFA Blaster - Doopydoo's E11 Height - 6’0' Weight - 195 Boots - Chelsea dyed white Canvas Belt - TKittell Hand Plates - Karin Electronics - Rom FX pro Neck Seal - Rebelscum Holster - Clothears Front: Back: Right: Left: Right detail: Left detail: Abdomen detail: Action shot: Cod and butt plate: Interior strapping Helmet front: Blaster: Neckseal: Belt detail/holster TD: I think that's all folks Be kind TK-73511
  23. Yep, you'll need a canvas belt, a holster,a neck seal, black under suit, white Chelsea style boots, and black rubber gloves. Make sure to do some research on those items to get the type and style you need. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  24. Well, thats helpful. After spending about 20 minutes looking for boots I see that Chelsea boots are ridiculously priced anyway. CA boots are only $80...... Chelsea boots $450 Paul I am so happy for you that you have found the original boots, you must be so thrilled, and we are thrilled for you!!! What an achievement.
  25. Felix, you´re on the right track In a few years maybe I will follow you as a RotJ trooper. For the moment ANH and the TD are my only love The RotJ E-11 could become a difficult one to build, because it is based on a different sterling version (the canadian MGC I think?!), than the L2A3 of the ANH version. So a doopydoos kit could become a hard task to modify RotJ-style. Look out for the hyperfirm version, but I don´t know if it is still produced.. Chelsea or jodhpur boots will be great. Will be following closely here and on the GG forums. Keep it coming young aspirant
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