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Scott M.

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Scott M.

  1. Ed, Armor looks great, and I would say you are 99% there. I do, however, need to ask you to make a minor adjustment: the frown. As many can remember, I learned a lot about holding the Deployment status to what we now consider "Elite" status, and the frown I had on my FX bucket was not up to par. I am not saying yours is as bad as mine was (it is not), but it is not where I believe it should be. I would recommend some very fine sandpaper and polish to reduce the paint. Using the screen grabs as a guide, the paint is too heavy and overlaps the lips a little. I had to wait before I said anything to make sure I was appropriate with my words (you being our DL and all), but in the end, I simply came to the point if you were not the DL, would I ask you to tone it down and make a change, and the answer is yes. Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions. I am sure we will see updated pics soon, and "your journey towards the dark side will be complete"
  2. Wow, some TK's have been busy!!! Ok, here we go.... * Comply with all base standards * Armor Details o Correctly colored ab plate buttons CHECK o Seperate kidney and butt plates instead of a single back plate CHECK o Canvas or canvas covered belt CHECK o No side gaps between ab/kidney plates. Gaps may be covered with plastic, vinyl, or similar substance CHECK o Holster must be attached to the belt from behind instead with no loops covering the outside of the belt CHECK o Holster is worn on the left CHECK o No visible rivets on shoulder straps LOOKING CLOSELY, CHECK * Helmet Details o Grey painted frown CHECK o Blue tube stripes CHECK o Grey traps / teardrops with black lines on rear traps & tears CHECK o Black Hovi-Mix cast “tusks” CHECK o Conform to either Hero or Stunt options below Stunt Configuration + Flat green lenses CHECK + Eight cut teeth (4 / side) on frown CHECK * E-11 Blaster o Scratch-built, resin cast, hyperfirm rubber cast, or modified toy blaster. CHECK o Must include Hengstler counter on left side of weapon CHECK And I have had my coffee, plus a baseball game under my belt, so I am 100% awake. Congrats trooper!!! Since Paul is already up, maybe he can change your status!!
  3. Well, let's see............. * Comply with all base standards * Armor Details o Correctly colored ab plate buttons CHECK o Seperate kidney and butt plates instead of a single back plate CHECK o Canvas or canvas covered belt CHECK o No side gaps between ab/kidney plates. Gaps may be covered with plastic, vinyl, or similar substance CHECK o Holster must be attached to the belt from behind instead with no loops covering the outside of the belt CHECK o Holster is worn on the left CHECK o No visible rivets on shoulder straps LOOKING CLOSELY, CHECK * Helmet Details o Grey painted frown CHECK o Blue tube stripes CHECK o Grey traps / teardrops with black lines on rear traps & tears CHECK o Black Hovi-Mix cast “tusks” CHECK o Conform to either Hero or Stunt options below Stunt Configuration + Flat green lenses CHECK + Eight cut teeth (4 / side) on frown CHECK * E-11 Blaster o Scratch-built, resin cast, hyperfirm rubber cast, or modified toy blaster. CHECK o Must include Hengstler counter on left side of weapon CHECK After very careful consideration, I now pronounce you... Wait, wrong verse. ANH Elite Status granted. Paul/Ed, will one of you please update Curtis' status? I will work on getting an Elite photo ready. Well done trooper!!!
  4. Man, that would be a big TD, since I have an 8703 BlackBerry. Maybe inside the chest armor? I will have to think of something, or....... Just leave the thing at HOME!!!
  5. Scott M.

    Toy blaster?

    Here is a what a hasbro with the MOD looks like:
  6. Yep, now here is what I used mine for, thanks to the thread RBJ posted: I use the drop box to hold my insulin pump. I also did the same on the other one to hold my phone, but now I need a huge drop box to hold my BlackBerry . Maybe I will look someplace else to hold that?!!??
  7. Normally I wear a size 11 in US, and I bought a size 12 caboots, added some insoles for cushion, and I could not be happier. I did a 2/5 mile walk last weekend, and my feet were the most comfortable thing on my body after the walk. Not sure if this helps, but I hope so.
  8. Thanks, My biggest issue is matching that with the colors of vinyl I have available. Funny thing is Humbrol Midnight Blue is not an option in Vinyl. I am actually working with TC on this, so maybe he has an idea. Thanks again,
  9. OK, I have acquired a file and have cut my first set of tube stripes. These are a basic blue, and do not seem to be 100% accurate in color. With all the experts floating around here recently, can anyone give me an accurate idea regarding the color? I believe my shape is good. Let me know what you think: Feel free to provide other feedback as well. I felt these look more accurate compared to the others I have seen, but again, I want to get your feedback. Once I get the blue down, I will be making these available in an accurate blue, as well as any other color people can think of. Let the opinions roll!!
  10. That is the home of my Denver Broncos, Invesco Field at Mile High. Coors Field is also close by. Not sure if you meant football or baseball. Come out sometime and visit. Be happy to go to a game with ya. If it is for baseball, I can get tickets to a game just about anytime (I know people!!). Football is a different story. Open invite to all!!! Come out to Denver and see a game.
  11. I would agree, but only IF the accounts of what happened could be agreed upon. But the path is by definition a specific route in which to arrive at a destination. The challenge here, I think, is to find a productive way to understand exactly the path, and have it agreed upon by all parties. I know this is easier said than done True, although I think we can all agree that the process is the same regardless of who is describing it. After being 10 pages in, I realized Ed comment on the 4 Gospels is more right than we thought, except instead of focusing on different parts of the process to come to one overall ending, the details take us away for the ultimate goal. Maybe I am wrong, and these are parts of the history that need to be discussed, but it seems we spend more time in some details than needed, and not near enough in the ones that really matter. This is not to say the details are not important in some regards; they are. My point was that if I want to know how hamburgers are made, I am not sure I need to know who bought what cow, and what cow was used to make a Big Mac vs. a whopper. If we want to know how McDonalds makes the Big Mac, do we need to know how hamburgers are made? I like to use my IT background to ask the question: "what problem are we trying to solve?", or better yet "what question are we trying to answer?"
  12. Welcome to the show, Rob!! So glad you could join us.
  13. I think that is part of the real reason for the questions, especially "Question #5" (not really a question, more of a statement.) I personally feel Gino, Matt, Jez, Dan, Joey, and the others I have left out due to my head spinning on this can all be considered "experts." Taken from the online dictionary: Now we can all agree that each of these people qualify. The issue is to get beyond the personal deals and find out how the armor came to be what it is today.
  14. WOW!!! What a great set of pics!!! Did anyone else notice it looks like this is all stored in his ATTIC!!! I wonder if the heat helps the molding process, but man, that is cool. Nice work, and thanks for getting this on the radar screen as well.
  15. OK, here is the first public pic I have found from the walk. Radio Station walk coverage pic You can see several of my walk team (including my 6 year old and wife walking in the background). I will post much more as soon as I can get them all loaded and online. We had over 4,000 walkers in Denver, and last count was that over $800,000 has been raised this year. We are hoping to see that number continue to rise closer to the $1 million goal. Had a Vader, 4 TK's and a TD, plus a mini TIE Pilot on hand this year. We plan to expand for next year, and walk as a large group. More to follow, in case anyone is interested.
  16. I actually need one with your bucket on, and maybe a little further out. Take a look here to see what the end result will look like: Elite Status pics Thanks, and again, congratulations!!!
  17. Thinking, thinking....... <_< <_< :huh: After much deliberation (not really, I just like using the word deliberation), Joey, I hereby promote you to "ANH Elite Status." I will ask Paul or Ed to update your profile. No need to waste space as this thread already is where it should be, and covers everything. Heck if I did that, I would need to split my own into 6 parts and make Ed start over twice. I do have one question/request. I would like to get a upper body shot to Photoshop for our Deployment page. Can you post one here, or shoot me an email (tk4149@comcast.net). Well done trooper!!!
  18. I will chime in here from a "Deployment ONLY" perspective. Since this would not be considered "film accurate" it would be an issue IF you ever wanted to move towards "Elite" status. Now before my inbox gets blown up with PM's on this, I am not saying you can't do it. One of the best troopers as far as trooping goes this year has his riveted (and he used two on the front and on the back). Looks just fine as far as the fans are concerned, and most people hardly notice the white rivets. Also, he used nylon strapping underneath, so it is much stronger. He could have done the rivets to the chest and back plate on just the nylon, and then placed the straps over the top, but to each his own. I am in the process of converting mine to the straps from industrial Velcro, similar to what Paul did. Also, just to chime in, this is not helpful: I am not picking on Matt, just simply using his post to show how we can do better at helping out fellow troopers who want it. I think the options provided are great here, I just want make sure we chime in to be helpful, I certainly hope I was. If I read this later and it was of no help, I will moderate myself and delete the post.
  19. And I happen to have a lot of Vinyl and a cutter.....
  20. Posting the pics would be a good idea, and I would also encourage you to work with Dan on this as well. The only problem with pictures is even though they are worth a 1,000 words, what is really needed is what those words say, and are they reliable? Background information on any pics you can dig up will be most appreciated. I agree we may never know the whole story, but the education opportunity for everyone here is huge. I would love to be able to tell new troopers where the armor came from. Right now, I feel my guess is not even close, but there are 50 different guesses, and none can be substantiated. Great thread, great topic, long overdue!!!! Good luck troopers!!!!
  21. Thanks man. Looks liek we will have about 12 to 15 Legions folks on site, and close to 25 walkers. Our Garrison is also doing the Walk in Colorado Springs on the 15th, and the Walk in New Mexico on October 13th. (Now we need a marching trooper icon!!!!!)
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