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Scott M.

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Scott M.

  1. Everything in armor is an investment, and you just have to decide where you invest. I still have a modded hasbro, and although it is not up to Elite standards without some serious updating, the 501st does not even have a stance stating you have to have a blaster. BTW, the conversion kits for the hasbro are very easy, and if you can do an FX kit, you can do the conversion kit. I would suggest looking at the cost, as by the time you buy the hasbro, buy the kit, you are close to what it would cost to get a much more accurate blaster.
  2. Did I hear someone reference black tube stripes !!!! I can fix that!! As to my knowledge, there was NEVER any shots on screen where any TK had black stripes. Even in ROTJ they were still blue. My guess here (and it is a guess) is that the decals made for the FX kit are black vinyl with the gray printed over the top, then cut. This makes sense due to the rest of the decals are black and gray. Again, I can only assume, but I am hear to help all those FX owners replace their tube stripes with correct blue ones. I know it is a shameless plug, but you can read all about it here: Blue tube stripes Thanks.
  3. I moved this topic to the correct area, just so we can keep track of it. If I can ask, maybe if you can post a little about your set up: What browser/OS are you using? Types of errors (specific maybe) you are getting? Who you sent a PM to? Thanks, we certainly want to help get you on board (no pun intended). Command Staff
  4. Terry, nice work, and thanks for your work on meeting ALL the requirements. Elite Status approved!!! Paul, will you please make the necessary changes to this troopers status!!! I will work on the pics shortly.
  5. And to add, this is a living process. As we get more troopers requesting Elite, it has become more specific. Until I became Deployment officer, there was no such position. Paul and Ed and Carlos were wearing many hats, and this is a hobby, as most of us also have full time jobs!! This is a good catch, and I will ask Chazz to get us a new pic of his blaster. You will notice I am usually not the first guy to post, so that we can try to catch all the little details, AND let the detachment also be the eyes and ears for the Elite. We are certainly not perfect, and welcome when someone else spots something I missed!!!
  6. Not sure I can really add anything, except I would suggest some elastic under the arms to pull the back and chest together. A close up of the bucket and blaster will be needed, as well as a shot showing the separated butt/kidney plate will also show he canvas belt. Good work man, looking good!! Also, you may need to send me the E3 Clone bucket. Itr appears to be taking up some valuable space in your living room. I will send you my address shortly!!!
  7. Yep, I agree. You can get these (D-rings)at places like Jo-Ann fabrics for like $2. If you can't find one, let me know and I will send you one!!! All you need to do is cut the ends off a ways, then drill a tiny hole into the D-ring hanger on the blaster, and a small pull on the ring will get it to pop into place.
  8. I actually have this data in my spreadsheet if you want it. Adding the date Elite status was achieved might be something to consider. <_<
  9. Glad to hear it. All Elites are now listed and pics are on line!!!
  10. Paul is 100% accurate in that we do NOT have anything that says this type of bucket cannot be accepted for Elite Standards. Based on the fact this is an ANH style helmet and meets all the requirements, Elite Status granted. I do ask you remain vigilant in the event the MR bucket is not 501st approved. I do not see this happening, but if it does, we will need to revisit the status, similar to what we will be doing if the FX is voted out for Elite status. Well done trooper!!! Paul, will you please update the appropriate status for our newest Elite trooper?
  11. Julian, The mod looks great!!! Elite Status approved!!! TK-7162 is now our first UK Elite trooper. Well done!!! Paul, another update is in order, my good man!!!
  12. It is canvas. Thank goodness for picture viewer and zoom!!!!
  13. No, it is good to have multiple eyes on things. Heck I missed something earlier today, and I would be dead if it was a snake!!! Per Elite Requirements, the TD is required, but there is not specific requirement that the mylar strips not be in place. I think that is a very good recommendation on the TD, but it is not a requirement. Until someone appoints me TK God (which will never happen), please keep checking each others stuff. I am only one set of eyes, so I appreciate all the comments.
  14. You better!!! It was you who got me hooked on this site in the first place. I owe all my FISD career to Steve, so a big thanks to you brother!!! I want to get real busy cutting vinyl very soon.
  15. OK, I see three things that I would like to get addressed: 1) I would like to see a pic showing the side gaps. Your arm covers them in both shots (and Terell is right, there are two right side photos). 2) I would like to get a pic with the armor showing the separation BELOW the belt. 3) Seeing as this is an FX, it appears that the ab buttons are the snap covers painted accurate colors. Although the colors appear to be correct, I need to ask the size get corrected. Per the base standards, they should be about 7/16". Please let me know if you have any questions. Scott
  16. OK, OK, OK. I truly appreciate Jerry's comments, and I am glad it all worked out, but this is not something that I feel any other trooper brother would not also do in a heartbeat. I was simply blessed to be int he right place at the right time, but I truly do not think it is anything to get too excited about. I am sure if it had been me on the side of the road, any of you would have stopped and done the same thing. Thanks, for the kind words, but they truly are not necessary.
  17. Add your extra T-Track and you are all set. I assume this is for ANH, so you do not need anything else. Scott
  18. Thanks for the updated pic on the frown. Yes the pic posted make it look like there was a small trim line, but the closeup clears it perfectly. Backplate is also cool. I forget the FX is the only kit (I know of) with the back and kidney plate not separated, but showing it makes it easier to see. Got the PM on the T-Track, and I will get back to you momentarily!!! Scott
  19. I concur, but I will add one item: In looking at the frown, it appears there is a small black trim line around the edge. Is this correct? If so, I need to ask that it be removed, as the frown should be gray only. The armor looks top notch. As for the blaster, keep in mind it is on the base standards there is a reference to a total of 6 T-tracks; thus the request. If you need some, PM me as I got some for my Hasbro and ended up with way more than I needed. I know Smitty also has this, so there is a second option. Well done trooper, keep up the great work, and report pack shortly. No need to do all the pics, a simple update of your back, the bucket, and blaster will suffice.
  20. Well, that is really a loaded question. Some might say put it in a box, post on the xBay, and take your money and by an AP or TE2 lid. While I am not there yet, I think there are a few things you can do to help your FX work out without too much hassle. Please keep in mind these are my suggestions and mine alone. Others may have ideas that have worked well for them, I am only saying what I think works well and worked for me!! 1) Do not put the front and back together prior to adding the top cap. While the instructions say to do this, I found by attaching the face to the crown, I got a much better overall fit when done. 2) Add your helmet liner prior to attaching the back of the helmet. This also allows for a better fitting, and provides a much better working area. 3) Use sandpaper and CA glue or a Dexcon Welder instead of the ABS Cement that came with your kit. In case you have not noticed, the cure time for the ABS is insane, and sometimes you get a spotty seam because it takes so long to set. 4) PAINT YOUR FROWN!!! The decals are not that great, especially if you do step 5! 5) Cut out the teeth. You can add some screen inside the helmet, and it will provide a little better airflow. 6) If you are not going to upgrade your mic tips (or areators) to a Hovi-Mix style, go get some new ones at Lowes or HD with a white ring and a real silver screen in them. The gray plastic just does not look even close. 7) (Insert selfless plug here) Get some blue tube stripes!!! I am sure there will be other tips, but this was my short list. Some will say all of this is like putting lipstick on a pig, but I think you can make an FX bucket look really good (all things considered). Besides, very few if any children are ever going to say "Hey mister Stormtrooper, what happened to your head?" I cannot speak for the guys here though!!! Good luck, and keep us posted. We love pictures.
  21. Nice work. It is good to see another Elite trooper using FX armor and an alternative bucket. You have all the bases covered. Excellent submission pics!! Elite Status approved. Paul, would you be so kind to update Christian's profile, as he is one of "your's"? Well done trooper. You may report to the front lines!!! Who's next???
  22. Excellent. not to be too picky, but you will need some brow trim, lenses, pain on the chin, mic tips,.............. I kid, I kid!! Looks good so far!!!
  23. Based on what I see, I would say yes. Here are some screen caps for the Elite standards (many may not know Paul added all these reference photos!!!) ESB Elite reference pics Enjoy!!!
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