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Scott M.

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Scott M.

  1. Arthur, I think you might be over-reacting to the process. If you go and read the threads, you will see much of this has been discussed at length, and there has never been anything more than what was originally answered in your thread. While the idea of a commercially produced, high quality set of armor is appealing to many, the simple fact is LFL is not going to just "allow" that to happen without some compensation, i.e. license fee. The main reason GF was shut down originally was because he did not have permission to do what was done, even though it was in the spirit of fandom. The 501st exists in a large part because of the fan base, and the rules and the charter state we cannot sell 501st products for profit. Some might even go so fas as to say this includes the armor parts we build. The whole idea here is that no one who produces armor now is willing to push it that far, and that is OK by them, and it is OK by me. If you wanted to do a fan sculpt and sell it on the open market; no one will stop you. As an individual, you certainly have that right. I think it would not end well, but you could do that. I also believe that no other armor/prop makers would follow your lead and step out boldly and announce they are selling Star Wars props to the masses, and will be making huge production runs. I can only imagine what eFX paid to be the new licensee for Star Wars products, and I don't know too many people who have that type of money to pay for the opportunity to be an "officially licensed product." Without that, every person who makes a Star Wars prop is one step away from an copyright infringement lawsuit. So, you can see why most don't want to push it too far. This is a great group of Star Wars fans who love the TK. I know I have learned so much since I landed here, and I thank God I found this forum, and the people who make up its members. Try to understand that, as well all really just want to be 'Troopers most of all.
  2. What type of rivets are you using? If you use split rivets, you should not need to do anything. If you are using pop rivets, you MUST have the washers on the back side before doing the rivet. I have my sniper plate and battery box on my FX armor both attached using pop rivets with washers and have had no issues Hope this helps, Scott
  3. As I understand it, the parade is on Saturday, and is between 9 and 10 am. I am not 100% sure, but that is what i have been able to determine. My plan is to fly down Friday night, and return home Sunday evening. We would get 2 park passes for our efforts, so we get Saturday and Sunday in the park if we want.
  4. Yep, that is where I started. I read a lot, and just kept asking questions. Lots of nice folks on the dirty side. Gonna join up as soon as I get my new TK up and running, and the old weathered.
  5. Nothing wrong with that!! I am planning to add a sandy to my arsenal as well. Here is my work in progress (hope it is OK if I share, if not, PM me and I will remove the post)
  6. Here is what I got from Dave Young over on the MEPD. I won't sugar coat it, so here is his comments un-edited: This may seem daunting, but I am not backing down. Sounds like a blast, and I am all geeked up to go!!!
  7. Well, as the poll shows, it looks to be the first weekend. I should also ask what people are willing to pay for two nights in Orlando. I am going probably no matter what, and I have a local member who is also interested. Real life can wait, we are talking about Star Wars Weekends at Disney World!!!!
  8. So we have at least 4 people committed to going. Anyone else? I have been in contact with a few troopers from Florida, and it sounds like we will be exposed to a lot of troopers from all over. Dave over on the MEPD forum said that there was a group from Japan last year that came over brought everyone shirts. Now I am not promising anything like that, but it sounds like a great time and a lot of community with your fellow trooper.
  9. There were tons of TK's at C IV, and they came from all over the world. Don't see how this would be any different!! Pack it with your armor, and just have lots of docs that show it is part of the props.
  10. OK, this is to get a date for the SW Weekends at Walt Disney World. Please only vote if you WOULD be planning to go. I will schedule the house based on the date that will work for the most people. Once that is set, I can use that number to determine costs. Once I can start getting people to commit, I will pay the deposit and start planning. Here is a link to the location I found, but I am totally open if other people have other ideas. Florida rental link I have set the poll to run through the 15th of February. As soon as I get 6 "commits" to either date (or both), I will book a place so we do not lose out on a place to stay. PM or post here with questions.
  11. OK, troopers, here we go!!! I have done some checking, and I think this is totally doable. I have found several homes within 10 miles of WDW that we could rent for the weekend. I found a 4 bed, 3 bath home with a pool, 6 beds plus a sleeper sofa, and game room. The total cost would be $570. This is for either the first or second weekend in June. I am in the process of registering on the Florida Garrison site to get all the details, but so far this is totally an option. If we got 10 people to go, the total would only be $57 for a two night stay. Obviously there would be some additional costs, but at least lodging would be cheap. I plan to rent a van, so we might be able to minimize car needs as well. I am still checking costs, so this would be the MOST we would look to pay. I am going to start a poll to see what weekend, and who is interested.
  12. Will do. I am hoping to find a place around $120 to $140 a night. Then we just divide that cost between troopers. I will have a report on the housing space in the next week or so. The house our IT manager is staying in now is 15 minutes from the park, has 4 bedrooms (not sure how many beds/couches) and has a pool. Glad to see some interest already. I will keep you all posted and we will see what we can do.
  13. What type of helmet did you purchase? I spent two hours at a Sports Authority a few weeks ago and could not find a single helmet where the liner was removable. I then looked to see if I could even make something work, and had no luck. If you are willing to share your finds (you have been awesome at sharing your great work so far, so this might be an unneeded request), I would really like to do the same. I am working on my next bucket for my TD, and I would really like to do something more than the hardhat liner.
  14. OK, I have always wanted to do this, and I think this is the year, so I thought I would start a thread and ask a couple of questions: 1) Is there anyone on the FISD interested in going to Florida for Star Wars weekends at Disney World? 2) Can some of you Florida FISD members help us non-locals on this? Poll located Here!! I spoke to Scott Will at C IV, and he said turnout was best the first two weekends, and there needed to be at least 25 committed to troop before WDW would allow us in. If I understand the process correctly, we march Saturday and Sunday AM, and get passes to the park. I am thinking of flying down Friday night, and then back home late Sunday evening. I was considering looking to rent a house, and then sharing the space and rent with other FISD troopers if the interest was there. My guess is the first or second weekend of June, so either June 7th and 8th or June 14th and 15th. I also have read a few places that WDW will be hosting the cast from the Live Action TV series this year. Here is a link to the info I found. So, what do you guys think? Anyone want to go to Florida? If we can get 4 - 6 people, renting a house would be very affordable. Our IT Manager is there right now, so as soon as he gets back I am going to check on availability of the house he stayed at and look for rates.
  15. I believe what Paul means is that we know the lineage of the TE, which is cast from a ROTJ suit, and then adjustments made for the ANH (like reversing the AB buttons and such). The TE2 came from TE. (I believe this is all PC and I have not stepped on any toes) Now, TM has worked to get his closest to what is seen on screen in ANH. I have no idea what methods were used, so I cannot speculate. I think the biggest thing to keep in mind is the evolution of the suits between ANH and ROTJ. Considering the number of changes for the suit in ROTJ, reverse engineering it to represent what we saw in ANH would be a task. I totally think both sets are much, much better than anything I can do, so I give props to both.
  16. You should stop in and say hi. Denver is just on the other side of the hills!!! My wife is the same, and she believes it is better than spending time and money in bars. Plus, she goes on most of my troops, and really helps get the kids involved (our and others). I keep telling her we will do a Mara for her at some point, but she hasn't pushed, and my sandy project and all the decals I am doing is taking most of my open free time.
  17. Without seeing it, I would assume the blaster is a SE-14, which is a commonly referenced short range TK blaster. I have also heard that the armor is a film prop, but may not have been actually used in the film. Check out the galleries, there are tons of reference photos there. Also, drop by the new members section and introduce yourself properly. New member thread Welcome aboard; glad to have you here Mike!!!
  18. Very cool!!! Thanks for sharing. I guess I will have to redo my tube stripes!!!
  19. And I would also say you could add Eric's Trikboard (from Triktoys). I have never used the others, but this one works rather well. I have been very happy with mine.
  20. For the boots, I also wear a size 10.5, and I bought a 12. I added a plain insert, and a gel insert, and they work great. I could have gone a smaller size, but with the inserts, they are the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn. I plan to get a second set for my TD, and I will go with 11.5. As for the tips, I have not seen any reference as to which way they should go. I am not sure you could even get a screen capture that would show, and if you did, they would all be different. Someone else may want to chime in if they have more knowledge, but I cannot see who it would matter.
  21. Well, you all know there are only 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't.
  22. Got it!!! Nothing like a little useless, unsolicited info.
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