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Scott M.

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Scott M.

  1. On thing to note there is that as far as I can tell (and have seen) these buttons are separate formed pieces. The original ab plates were the Sandy's , and then the more detailed items were added to the TK's. SO,....... If you are looking for real accuracy, you need a set with these as separate pieces. Feel free to chime in if I am out of line, but I believe the pics above support my thoughts.
  2. Lookin' good (but I am a little biased). I agree that losing the frown sticker and trimming the teeth and painting the frow will only add to the look. Well done trooper!!!
  3. What a great tutorial!! I am very impressed. On this topic, I am currently working on a solid piece of vinyl that can also be used. Not to take anything away from the thread, this is awesome. As soon as I can get it working, I will post it up. Very cool, and thanks so much for your effort. I am sure stopping and taking a hundred photos added to the time, but we appreciate it!! Thanks again!!
  4. Scott M.

    CAP Helmet

    OK, all points have been stated and are there for all to see. Thread locked until further notice.
  5. Scott M.

    CAP Helmet

    Sorry, it was in the Supporters section, so it is not open to everyone. Here is the text: This was posted yesterday.
  6. Scott M.

    CAP Helmet

    Please see the attached thread in regards to this topic: Recasting stance and policy discussion
  7. I also would greatly appreciate any input. My goal for the next few months is to help "clean up" some of the requirements. I want to create a set of standards that a person with a new set of armor (or an existing set) can take, follow, and achieve Elite Status. Having all the right requirements, so there is no gray (Humbrol or otherwise) area, is the most desirable. Feel free to post or use PM.
  8. Very true. I think the original question was if you went to extremes with obvious anomalies. The bicep issue in ESB was not intended, but it did happen. Just as the missing tube stripes on Tantive IV. While we can argue that a helmet without stripes is truly screen accurate (because we can all see it on screen), it is not what was intended, and therefore, should not be part of the "screen accurate discussion regarding 501st TK armor, and Elite Status to go the next step. If you want to make a bucket with no stripes and call it 100% screen accurate, you can. Will I consider it for Elite Status? NO.
  9. The intent is not to find the anomaly and use that as reference. The intent is not to look for ways to make your armor look odd in a group of 20 and say "I was the trooper that stunned Leia, so I don't NEED tube stripes". The intent is not to spend days and days sorting though the film looking for the troopers with green lenses and three teeth. The intent IS to be able to have a set of armor that looks like 90% of every trooper seen in the film. The whole idea (as I conclude after Uncle George did the last three films), that the TK's were intended to be identical. That was what we saw when we watched the films the first time. Regardless if you saw it on screen as a seven year old, or on DVD as a 20 year old, the first time you saw this film, you did not see all the differences (if you did, please see your psychiatrist ) All joking aside, the TK were meant to be a faceless set of enforcers, that wore identical uniforms and scared the heck out of the locals. I think that is what we are striving for. Obviously some things must change (like the pauldrons on the TD's or the grappling hook on the TK in the hanger), but overall, we should look very similar on the outside. That being said, the next requirement for Elite status will be to weigh 165 lbs and be 5" 10". :lol: That is REALLY a joke. Move along,
  10. Nope, this unit is missing a counter!!!! HA HA HA!!! Great find. I would be willing to give anyone here Elite Status with that blaster, if they bought it!! Thanks for sharing
  11. Truer words were never spoken. I have an FX kit, and it is going TD this winter. I bought an FX kit because I thought it was the only play in town (man, was I wrong). Looking back, I probably would not have bought an FX kit, but I did and I have made the best of it. I also agree with Paul that the bucket is the "biggest" reason for me to maybe rethink my purchase. Had I not jumped with both feet so fast, I would have learned a lot more BEFORE I bought. You are going at it the right way, and do not let anyone else decide what you want to buy. Make your own decision and buy what makes you happy.
  12. Now, I will say this is the most honest post I have EVER seen. Knowing Guns does the TE2 buckets, and then steering a person towards another makers armor is commendable. I would echo this with one addition; go with the FX, sans helmet, and get a more accurate bucket. There are other buckets as well, like the TE2, RT-Mod or AP, but I cannot even guess where to get those other than the TE2. Best of luck, and keep doing research and decide what you want. Scott
  13. Sorry, no. I also did the same thing when I started, and I did not even get my 501st acceptance with them. Obviously you can troop in them if you want, but once you get a pair of CaBoot, or some of the other options that are for us TK's, you will see why they do not work. If you look at the requirements, they are missing the U-shape pattern on the inside and outside of the boot, which is a requirement. I feel your pain.
  14. I am not sure how I missed this topic, but poll has been created here: Counter requirement poll Make sure you vote!!!
  15. Gobble, Gobble. Make sure to check out the parade today. I was told the 501st will be in the parade, in about 15 minutes.
  16. Mark and Brian, I think your attitude is the right one, and keep it up!! Here is a great read, if you are ever sleep deprived and want to cure it: MY FX Elite progress Now I am NOT saying this is the best armor out there, because I know it is not; but I am DARN proud of it. Keep in mind this is 100% FX, so your goal is totally attainable. I do not want to be seen as trying to puff myself up, rather show that it is possible. Hope this is some encouragement for you, and any others who have FX. We all know it is not the most accurate armor there is, but it can certainly be made to look pretty good, I think.
  17. OK, you have a couple of different acronyms families there, so we will address them as they are stated: TK- This is the standard designation for a stormtrooper. Done in reference to the line in ANH "TK-421, why aren't you at your post" TD- Following with the stormtrooper, this designation was set up to refer to the sandtroopers. TB- Again, following the TK and TD, this one if for the Biker scouts. (A complete list of these can be found at www.501st.com right on the home page) Now, here we change gears and are dealing with armor: TE - TrooperExpert. This is a version of armor AP - Authentic Props. Again another version of armor GF - Gino Felanno(sp?). Another armor set FX - This is the most commonly found type of armor You can look into the threads and read up on which is more accurate, and different opinions on each, so I will not even address it here. Others may be able to provide more info, but I think this answers the core of your question. Hope this helps.
  18. Do you need them all? I can do new tube stripes, but that is about it at this time. PM me if you need anything.
  19. Joey, If this works from other PC's, then the issue is with your computer somewhere. I would suggest clearing your cashe and removing all your history. Possible you have something in cashe that it is trying to pull when you try to start a new thread. There may be more technical suggestions out there, but I would start with this. Scott
  20. Let's see how well you handle it!!! "I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former room-mate." Spaceballs script Enjoy!!
  21. That photo is from the exhibit at Celebration IV. The text said, if I remember correctly, that the bucket was from ANH and was a Hero style bucket. Here is a pic of me comparing my bucket to the exibit: I am about 95% sure about all that, but I reserve the right to be totally off.
  22. I do want to see the blaster, as well as closeup of the bucket. I am not sure about the holster either, I will have to pull out the DVD and check. Thanks, and your armor looks great. I believe you will be our first ESB Elite trooper. Well done!!
  23. Looks great. I guess I know that if I ever need to step down, I have a very capable trooper to take my place. Thanks for the good work Bernard. Now, back to the topic at hand. All Elite Status requirements have been met. Please accept your Elite Status title and report to the Garbage Smasher on Level 5 for cleaning detail. I will ask our beloved Admin or DL to update your profile.
  24. Well, it would be nice if you would post a pic of all the money you will be sending me!!!! Na, just kidding. Bucket looks great. I will ask if Paul can update your status. Well done trooper, I mean XO, sir. Scott
  25. What are you removing? If you are working on the frown, I would suggest a very fine sandpaper and Novus polish. Use the sandpaper to remove the paint, then the Novus to smooth out the scratches from the sandpaper.
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