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Deployment Officer[Staff]
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Everything posted by TKSpartan

  1. Hi Adam, what I usually do for the curved sections, mainly for the forearms is to add a piece of wood, ( you can use other material that is firm (, along the cover strips (outside and inside) and clamp it. let dry for 48 hours. hope this can help.
  2. Hi David. as Mathias pointed, shortening the elastic should do de trick, looking at your photo it looks like the snap is located a bit down into the bell, you may want to check this out according to the following references. let us know if need further assistance
  3. Hi Ruben, welcome to FISD. cool shot! Hola Ruben, bienvenido al FISD . Qué buena foto!!
  4. Cool Mark, asked just to confirm. thanks !!
  5. just a question, are those rivets 8mm diameter?
  6. Hi Marc, welcome to FISD, looking forward for your arrival photos, don't worry for your english, It really good !!
  7. Hi Ryan, as Glen pointed for higher levels (even basic) , it's too important to check the gallery . The crls states : Text descriptions are only one part of the guideline. GML's and costumers must consider both text and pictures (CRL and Reference) when reviewing the costume. When giving advices , tips and reviewing EIB and Centurion level apps, we consider both CRL and Reference Images. About your ammo pack rivets , your measures looks ok, you can mark 5mm down and 10mm across and see haow the mark looks acording to the references. Keep on doing a great work !!
  8. Hi , IMO it looks great, if the left side if the same , you're golden mate!! great work.
  9. Hi Micheal, great set of armor, congratulations! A couple of details I could see, that I'm sure you can deal with and will give you a better look. A- You may want to level your biceps a bit, (most goes under the inner elastic in the shoulder bells), this will let the forearms go up too and look better Reference Images B- you could bring your ab belt up a bit to sit at or just above the bottom of the central and vertical abdomen button panels, and finally you could spin a half inch to the left to center it (green line) Reference Images Cheers
  10. Congratulations Trooper !! Welcome to the ranks
  11. Hi, You may want to check this Anovos Build .
  12. Awesome work mate. your Helmet interior looks screen accurate and your overall looks great. for the sniper knee I think it looks good and L3 approvable as it. keep it up !!
  13. Hi Jakob, what Glen means is that your biceps looks a bit uneven and you can down the left and I would suggest to down a bit your forearms to close the gap wrist/hand plates. I know those photos aren't for approval , but you can take note. Reference images
  14. Hi JC, welcome to FISD. Personally I have used Car polish , not specific brand, clean the long time trooping dirt. Cheers
  15. Hi, which one are you using? Are you on a PC, Cellphone? Have you tried "BBCode" ? Thanks
  16. Hi Micah, welcome to FISD. Glad to read you're on the way of becoming a 501st member. About your question to join de Legion and additional to what Glen has pointed, . you can find some helpful info Here but in general speaking the process is easy once you have your armor ready. I would recommend to contact your local garrison or nearest one. , you can find it Here they can bring you some more details. You apply just a single time to enter, some detachment have high levels certification programs that are optional. Hope this can give some better idea of what to do.
  17. Hi Jakob, let me say you have done an awesome work , almost there!! About the left shin, in my opinion, lower or higher depends more on the trooper height , looking at your photo, what I would do is to lower the left thigh a bit ti level with the right one so the small gap Thigh/knee get smaller. Reference Images Cheers
  18. Hi Michael, looking great in your armor mate!! just a small fix to your helmet prior to one of us start your review, The crl states for basic approval: Frown is painted gray and does not leave the teeth area. A total of 8 cut outs in the teeth area of the frown are present. Note: The helmet is accurate in detail and proportion to official references. Yours have a couple of basic issues that we are sure you can handle with in a few minutes. Your will need you to trim a bit the upper section of your eyes to avoid that "sleepy look" and have the menacing sight of the Imperial Stormtroopers all fans wants to see. Reference Images Moving down, your frown paint needs a reshape ,One suggested method is to use a toothpick with some ,NO ACETONE, paint remover. Personally I have done this fix in several Anovos helmets by using a small cutting tool like a sharp knife or cutter, just being careful and little by little till reach the best result. Easy for you Trooper. Reference Images Cheers
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