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Everything posted by CableGuy

  1. Lovely attention to detail. I really liked how are you following the specific cut lines of the original helmet you’re copying, like the eyes and the teeth. Very good! :-) Lovely idea to go the Mock-HDPE route, too. I’ve done the same recently and it’s great fun. :-) Dan
  2. Firstly, great job on documenting your build so far. Very well presented. [emoji1303] Just out of interest, there’s been many, many recommendations in your thread to give the armour a hot bath. I don’t think I’ve seen so many recommendations for this on a thread before. Is this common to AP? Is the shape troublesome? Just curious as, personally, I’ve never had to reshape any armour parts before. The parts have been similar enough to the original shapes not to need it. Not a criticism at all, just curios. :-) Best wishes Dan
  3. Phwoar!! [emoji39] I’m now using a standard camera tripod (adapter with a coat hanger and some foam) as a mannequin for my TK build. Helpful to see how things sit. Must now finish the legs. So far, I’ve only glued the coverstrips at the front of the thighs. Need to get on to the shins next. :-)
  4. Hi Bryan, Just like Greg (Wook), I used Vallejo liquid mask. It worked really well. Just applied it with a thin paint brush. :-) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Looks great, Caleb. Keep up the good work. :-) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Great job, trooper. :-) Just to reiterate what Glen said above, the coverstrips on the calves should not extend beyond the ridge. This was likely missed at basic clearance but would be a worthwhile adjustment for the higher levels. :-) Additional reference;
  7. Hi Adam, Did you go with the RS sizes from their videos? Or trim them down smaller?
  8. Hey trooper. Nice work so far. :-) Just something I’ve noticed - your thermal detonator looks very similar to the Return of the Jedi style. Just to be safe, it might be worth checking with your GML if they have a problem with this. See below for reference;
  9. Hi Martyn, It’s a good point. However, I’m not really worried. The alignment of the coverstrips is not part of the CRL so I see no issues at basic. For EIB and Centurion, I’d happily argue the toss with the DOs if they questioned it. However, as a former DO myself, I know that many things at the higher levels are based on screen accuracy. As such, I’d be pretty confident with the arm alignment. :-) Good question, though. :-)
  10. Many thanks, Glen. I really appreciate it. :-)
  11. Hey troopers I hope everyone is well during these troubled times. I’ve been slowly moving forward with this build, squeezing in build time around work and family time. So, the torso is now pretty much complete. The strapping kit from TM is incredibly detailed and accurate. With the rear section now attached with the original method of brackets and elastics, I moved on to affixing the left hand side of the torso with split rivers and elastics. The biceps and forearms were built a while back but I hadn’t made it round to joining them together. As per the originals, I’ve gone for black elastic glued directly into the armour (no poppers). Based on screen references, I was very specific with where the elastics attach. On the bicep this is close to, and parallel to, the coverstrips. Glued with Gorilla glue clear. Held during gluing with magnets. This is the tricky part - for years, I’ve thought that the front of the bicep and forearm coverstrips should align. I was wrong. As below, the elastics should mount nearer to the centre of the upper forearm piece. This actually means that the bicep coverstrips sit just inside of (narrower than) the forearms. Supporting material for bicep/forearm alignment; It’s these sort of details that keep me enthralled with the OTTK. :-) I also finished off the thermal detonator. Took a bit of jigging to get the proportions correct but it’s okay in the end. The supplied screws are a little big so I might swap them out for something more accurate. Shoulder elastics glued into place; That pretty much finishes off the torso strapping. The shape and feel of the TM kit really is impressive. And finally, also got a brand new pair of gloves through from Imperial Warfighters. Lovely, thin flexible hand guards and a lovely paint finish. Thanks for stopping by, troopers. :-)
  12. Welcome aboard, Gaz. Look forward to seeing some pics of your progress. :-) If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up on the ukgarrison.co.uk forum and start your build thread. Myself or another one of the armoury team will pic it up and help guide you to clearance. Best wishes Dan
  13. Superb build, Martyn. Really nicely presented on this thread, too. Very helpful to new builders. Excellent work. [emoji2956][emoji1303] Dan
  14. Hi Vin, Welcome aboard! :-) For strapping etc, if you also need some of the other fixings, you could consider the strapping kit from RWA Creations. I purchased that for my first RWA build and it included the snaps, rivets, elastics, basically all the bits needed for the “practical popper” method. :-) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. No worries. :-) If you are thinking of trying to clear with the 501st as ANH or ESB, it might be worth checking with some GMLs regarding the accuracy required. Whilst your model is very nice, it is quite “digital” compared with the original armour. It looks more like the cleaner, more CG Rogue One armour. OT armour is very asymmetrical. Not trying to be negative or say that you can’t clear this armour, however, before you go too far, I’d start checking. If you’d like tips on what could be adjusted to resemble original trilogy armour more, just shout - I’m sure others would also be happy to give you pointers to make this more like ANH/ESB. Best wishes Dan
  16. Hi Adam, No harm in fitting the front coverstrips to the front. You can then size the rears to your thighs. Once the fronts are done, get your undersuit on and try the thighs on - tape them together round the back (masking tape) and then get some pictures (if you can). You can then look at where to cut. [emoji3]
  17. Just to check, are you looking to join the 501st with this design?
  18. Nice work, trooper. Just a little tip for you - if you take your photos from around 6 feet back (perhaps with 2x zoom) the proportions will appear better. Theo’s is handy for those trying to give advice on your build. :-) Keep up the good work. :-)
  19. Hiya, Just to show the other side of the coin, I’ve trooped my resin DD E-11 for two years and haven’t once dropped it. If you want the more detailed blaster, just being careful with it can keep it in mint condition. :-)
  20. Superb job, Caleb! That’s a build to be proud of. Suit looks great on you. I’m confident that you’ll have no problems with clearance. Well done, again - you’re now an awesome Stormtrooper! :-)
  21. Oooo, I love a nice DD build. Look forward to seeing your progress. :-)
  22. A pleasure, trooper. I’m really pleased that they are helpful. :-)
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