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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Sentry71

  1. Looks really good! Wish I had a good answer for the CA drip, but I don't. Color over it with a black Sharpie?
  2. Name: Gary Hill FISD: sentry71 Garrison: Midwest 501st link: http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=21009 Mandatory Information Armor: AP Helmet: AP E11 Blaster: Doopydoo's resin / T-Jay accuracy kit / Gazmosis magazine DLT-19 Blaster: HFX Productions Optional Height: 5' 7" (170 cm) Weight: 180 lb (81 kg) Boots: Imperial boots Canvas belt: TKittell Hand Plates: Sonnenschein Electronics: None Neck Seal: Darman Holster: Darman Photos Front Back Left, raised arm Right, raised arm Helmet Hovi Tip detail Lenses (backlit) Neck Seal Thermal Detonator Ab/cod connection Ab buttons Belt and holster Thigh Ammo Pack *added* Sniper knee *updated* E-11 Blaster E-11 D Ring *added DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Action 1 Action 2 Bucket off
  3. No idea when the 501st run will start again, so I am really looking forward to this one! Thanks guys!
  4. At my first armor party, I took my armor and some tools. That's it. Others brought their kits if they needed to work on them. A few brought various munchies (brownies, some odd mint/chocolate thing in a pan? that was well received), but overall I went with the expectation of getting assistance with things that I couldn't do myself, like checking the back of the shins and thighs for trimming. And I did get that help. There were several kits (clone trooper, general Jedi) also being worked on as well as another TK. We even had someone working on a Ghostbusters proton pack. If you bring treats, that would just be a bonus.
  5. Just the one side, but I am looking into doing it on the rivet side as well. To bring in the butt plate, I used straps that are located near the outer portions, so it would pull them in.
  6. To keep the sides aligned, even with the belt on, I added a tab/slot configuration using spare ABS. When I put on the ab/kidney/posterior combo, I slide the tab into the slot I created, and then slightly stretch the snap to hold it all together. This keeps the belt from pulling the bottom inward, and making everything out of alignment. Just an idea to consider.
  7. I had the opposite problem, where the bottom of the kidney rotated inward. When I get home tonight, I'll post some pics of what I did to address it.
  8. I had driven past a 501st troop near my home many years ago in front of a local fire station, and wondered how I could get involved with them. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to stop and ask, and so the interest faded. With the announcement of Ep VII, I remembered that day and started researching the 501st, which led me to FISD. I decided to go with the AP kit, and put my order in with Mark at the end of August 2015. About that same time, he started working on modifying his molds. Good timing, I thought - maybe I can get one of those kits instead. However, that meant a bit longer wait than I had initially expected. So, I got to work on my E-11 Blaster. Starting with a Doopydoo's resin base, I added T-Jay's accuracy kit and Gazmosis' mag replacement (which was a good thing, since Doopy did not send me a mag in my kit). While working on that blaster, I came to know several great troopers here on FISD, and really understood the meaning being Troopers Helping Troopers. When I came up against something, or just wanted another opinion, there were several that would throw options into the thread, and kept me striving for just a bit more detail. By the first week of December, I had completed my blaster and LOVED how it came out. Special thanks to T-Jay, Thrawns Guard and Sith Lord for their continuous pointers. On February 2, 2016, the BBB came. And the overwhelming "what did I just get myself into?" feeling, for about a minute. I had done quite a bit of research over the previous six months, reading and re-reading the build threads in the ANH section. At this point, I met up with another set of awesome Troopers - others that had ordered their kits from Mark at the same time, and we were all getting our kits! Jinsei and Pyrates were right there with me, each following up on the others, and seeing what we could do to help. TK 2759 would drop in and answer questions often as well, and I even PM'd Sly11 and ukswrath on some items that I was still unsure of. Finally, a few days ago (March 27th), the armor was at a point that I could get basic pictures taken, and start the process of applying to the 501st. I was VERY fortunate, as I was able to submit my app at 5:30PM, received a call from the GML at 7:30PM to say he had my app, 8:15PM another call from the GML to let me know things looked good, and at 10:14PM, I received an email with my TK ID!! Of the many things I learned, these are the items I pass along to anyone that I can: 1) E6000 - use it. Every time. There were several parts that had to be taken apart and reglued, either for fitting or just because items didn't look right after it dried. It takes a little more time, but it is WELL worth it when you need to be able to make adjustments or correct mistakes. 2) The more clamps and magnets, the better. Although you want to be patient when E6000 sets, waiting to do something because of lack of securing tools is not fun. 3) Give as much as you get. You might be surprised how much you can learn by following others' build threads, and answering questions as they are building their own armor. I am in the Midwest Garrison, but here in southern IL, it is easier/closer to attend armor parties put on by the awesome folks over at the 70th Explorers Garrison/Gateway squad. From the moment I stepped into that armor party, I started to see why being a part of this brotherhood is so awesome. I was able to troop with them as a handler, and I'm hooked. I look forward to completing my EIB and Centurion applications, and who knows, maybe even more here at FISD. With unquestioned loyalty, Gary Hill sentry71 - TK 11146
  9. I did a variation on what Chills did with his... If you put 11146 into a calculator, and turn it upside down... GHILL (lower case Ls). Might have been better with 77146, but I like the lower number.
  10. There's a thread to request updates here at FISD... I'll see I can link it. Edit: You found it. ā˜ŗ
  11. Congrats, trooper! <br><br> Great work on your fan bracket as well.
  12. Aaron, you come up with the most innovative options. Can't wait to see how this comes out.
  13. TK 11146 requesting 501st access. Thanks! http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=21009
  14. I've been approved!!!! TK-11146 reporting for duty! Tons of thanks go out to everyone that helped with this build - more to come in the Newly Approved forum later.
  15. Application photos taken: http://s1067.photobucket.com/user/sentry71/library/501st%20Legion/TK%20Armor
  16. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/31920-ukswraths-am-10-ata-bucket-build/page-3#entry415450 I would recommend taking the pipe down to about 7 1/2", and trim the ABS pieces to match the lengths shown in the first pic of the linked post above by ukswrath.
  17. I went to my second armor party yesterday. Suited up, and had a few vets point out a couple of minor changes still to be made. - take an additional 1cm off the top of the thighs to combat/prevent armor bite and even up the profile. - heat bend the shoulder straps (they aren't quite bending properly at the back end, even with the elastic there) - helmet retention (pads, hard hat liner, power of the Force?) I think I can do the first two, get photos taken and submitted, then worry about the helmet after. Pics to come!!
  18. I purchased the thick green lens material from Trooperbay, and cut mine into individual lenses. I tried the "hot tub" boiling water trick, and that did not work. I finally used a heat gun on them, and that made them hot enough to bend. It took a while to get them warmed up, and I practiced on a scrap piece before trying to bend them, as I didn't know how long I had to heat it to make it soft enough (ended up being a little over 60 seconds, while moving the gun around constantly so that it heated evenly). However, it did finally bend like I wanted, and they are now bolted into the helmet. Hope that helps!
  19. I went with single snaps at most locations (doubled at shoulder only), and I came in at ~40 snaps total. This doesn't count the several ruined when learning how to actually install them. So, splitting a set with another trooper is a possibility... but then, you don't think you will have only ONE TK ever, do you?
  20. Thanks for setting me straight on that. I have a little work to do on the shoulder straps still, and then I should be ready for submission photos.
  21. Back problems... armor related, I promise. I have an issue where the back plate either sits even on the top of the kidney, and slopes very far backward... ... or I pull it inward to where it touches my back properly, and I end up with a gap... ... and I don't know how to correct the issue. I don't want to remove the return from the back piece, but I can't think of another way to get it to sit properly. Did anyone else have this issue? What did you do to correct it?
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