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Everything posted by justjoseph63

  1. I will send you a couple of the correct cap rivets or split rivets (no charge) for your thigh ammo pack, Logan. Just PM me and I can get those in the mail right away.
  2. Building a Shadow Trooper is basically the same as building a TK. Your best bet is to look over some of the various builds here, and I would also suggest checking out (and signing up at) the Special Ops site: http://501stspecopsdet.net/ Hope this helps!
  3. Note that AM armor comes with the kidney/posterior armor as two pieces, which would be relatively easy to remedy, but have you contacted Mark (Sskunky) to see if his ROTJ armor would fit you? If so, it would make your build a lot easier.
  4. For a laugh I just visited his site where has a full set of FO "armor" selling for one cent. Sounds like a great deal until you see the shipping charges, LOL. Ships from Philippines: Ship to United States $2,499.99, Canada $2,499.99 Everywhere Else $2,499.99
  5. Unless there are any objections, I think it time to add Thor and Starforge to the avoid list. Hopefully this will save a lot of heartache and wasted money in the future for those seeking 501st approval. "Disney could also give them a dispute as the 501st is © LFL and they are not allowed to use it in their advertising without the mouse's permission". Hopefully someone will whisper this into one of the Mouse's ample ears.
  6. My hand guards are glued to my Nomex gloves, and I just use a mild dish soap and do them by hand before rinsing thoroughly. I use dish soap as it tends to get rid of the natural oils that sweat contains.
  7. Don't worry, Tony, you will be up to your neck in ABS and resin dust before you know it! If you haven't done so already, I would suggest getting all your supplies in order for your build before BBB day arrives, and check out not only some of the TM build threads but the (approved) Centurion submissions while you wait. Levels 2 and 3 are not that difficult to aim for, and it is easier to do right out of the box. Here are some links that may help: Supplies: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/31404-supply-list-for-your-tk-build/ Level 2 and 3 info: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/35371-eib-and-centurion-what-do-these-terms-mean/ TM build threads: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/80-anh-build-threads/ Centurion submissions: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/72-request-centurion-status/
  8. If you mean Mark (humperdingle) he is in the U.K. (Scotland). Doopydoos is notoriously slow in shipping, but they always deliver. I have ordered several kits from them which took between 4 to 8 weeks to get to me. Emails often go unanswered, but this is "normal" for them.
  9. Congrats on a well deserved award, Stephen! Just get that belt replaced and then I hope to see your Centurion submission soon!!
  10. Looking great so far, Logan! If possible, I would recommend moving the shoulder bells closer to your shoulder strap. (They should actually be touching them or very close to it).
  11. WOW.. I can't even imagine trying to walk 10 feet in those things, let alone a mile! Kudos to you and all those other brave souls (especially the men) for taking part in this worthwhile cause, . I'll never complain about my TK boots hurting again!
  12. Some GREAT info. from Brad there, Byron. I use Darman's neck seals and the quality and customer service can't be beat. Here is a link to the thread: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/21385-darmans-neck-seals/ I also have a few of Rob's canvas belts. Top quality, made to order and fast shipping: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/19803-fs-white-canvas-belts/ This is also something I swear by, and use it on my armor sets: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/29991-thigh-garter-system/
  13. Check out the 5th photo down on this approved Centurion thread, Todd: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/41605-tk-12638-requesting-anh-stunt-centurion-status-rt-mod/
  14. I'm interested to find out how the hose connects to the vocoder area.. Looking at the whole thing, the details are simply incredible.
  15. Looking SHARP, Brian! Looking at those side connections it seems that the Anovos armor was custom fit for you, and GREAT job on that sniper knee connection! I can see you put a lot of work into that blaster... did you use one of Tino's finishing kits?
  16. You can use either the split or the double cap, Mike. Robert kindly offered to send you some double caps, or I can send you a few split rivets if you prefer. Both are 100% acceptable at Centurion level. I find the split ones easier to install. My buddy Jeff (wingnut65) has a great tutorial on installing them:
  17. Always great to see new HWTs join the ranks! If I can be of any help finding supplies for your build or costume, just let me know. (I know of a LOT of inexpensive supplies like leather pouches, etc.)
  18. You can find that here, Jacob: NO LONGER AVAILABLE Along with Tony's pack build, my buddy Charles has a great one as well using the Bavarian oil pan. I did a "mash-up" of the two. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/30222-templars-hwt-pack-build/
  19. Me too! (Can't wait to receive mine, hint hint, nudge nudge, LOL). DANG I am excited! How are you planning on attaching it to the back plate? I bought an extra one from ATA just for that, but am interested in other methods as well as I think it may be difficult to get suited up without assistance if it is permanently attached.
  20. You really shouldn't need to add padding in the under suit, Scott. I have seen Troopers with your build whose armor looks just fine, as the armor itself will "fill you out" quite a bit I would check with Walt to see if he can give you more information about the height issue, but he is a solid seller and makes a great product. You should also check into RT (trooper7@shaw.ca) or AM (troopergear@gmail.com). Since you are going the TD route, have you signed up over at the MEPD? http://forum.mepd.net/ Alternatively, you could go Heavy Weapons Trooper, which would allow you to utilize your armor for both that and regular TK. (Not that I am biased or anything, LOL). You still get to be "dirty", wear a pauldron/leather ammo packs, carry a large weapon and pack on your back. (Plus, our packs are MUCH easier to build). http://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TK_hwt
  21. Yeah, you went a little close on that, Alberto. Have you tried ATA? I have ordered quite a few replacement parts from him over the years and he always hooks me up.
  22. I couldn't agree more, Josh. Nicely put!
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