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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by spiltbeerpirate

  1. Horrible things can happen at any time. Im sure most will grant you considerable leeway and forgiveness. The apology in my opinion is probably unnecessary, but a wonderful gesture.
  2. Nice update. Love the Yellow trooper. Great work.
  3. I ended up with my birthday. I was originally going to take one of the movie premier dates from the original trilogy....but of course those numbers were long gone. Also considered My high school sports numbers of me and a couple friends who are also star wars geeks.
  4. Anyone know when it is supposed to air?
  5. Pretty cool.....now you need another panel where TK gets the upper hand!
  6. Good job! Just got my TK approval myself. But like you, my journey isnt over. Step 2: continue to modify until it "comfortable" enough for a long distance troop, ie Parade. Step 3: EIB application. Keep it up! HWT is a sweet set up. I dont want to carry the extra stuff around, but I love seeing those that do, so cool.
  7. Love it. Just had a conversation with a Trekie about it over the weekend.
  8. Maybe if I put the spotlight myself it will help encourage me to get down in weight. Honestly I dont know how fat I am, but I know I have to be one of the larger TKs out there. Probably close to 260. My ab shims are pretty big. I love how I look in my armor from the front....but Im sad about my profile. Im big enough to get the "aren't you a little fat for a stormtrooper" on occasion. I've even joked with the "Trooper Blart: Death Star Mall Cop" response. Now all I need is a Segway to ride. Although I am actually quite comfortable with my appearance, I know that there will be health consequences. Even though Im 5'11" I think a realistic goal is 220. Even when I was active duty Army, exercising every day, and long distance running and even Marathon training, I never got below 215. Will post a pic as soon as I get my actually weight for the record.
  9. So happy to see the female geekdom explode. So much more cool stuff for women now! My wife can not only be involved, but WANTS to be involved. So much fun for the future.
  10. Would be so great to see this thread stay alive with updates from big brown box all the way through completion. keep up the good work!
  11. anything to make a buck. I can see this showing up at a frat party wrapped in a toga. smh.
  12. Ive done a Run for your Lives 5k. Ton of fun. But seeing a death troop on the course would elevate it above all other fun runs!
  13. These builds will end up giving my nightmares. thanks alot.
  14. Wow. Read the book, loved it, dreamed about it, but never really thought Id see this level build ever.
  15. Can't wait to see the next evolution. Don't give up on the project, you have thousands of troopers rooting for you.
  16. TK-41178 Requesting 501st access. Just approved today. So happy to join the ranks! http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=19057 Thanks, Ryan "GOPHER"
  17. Great info, especially for a noob. Glad to be here!
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