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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by Bulldog44

  1. Fieldmarshall might be up for making the metal grips. Doesn't hurt to ask.
  2. Thanks Wyatt for all you have done. Your deeds speak volumes and will always be appreciated.
  3. Thanks Frank! Your trooping adventure sounded fun and I look forward to planning my next troop to get those kids smiling.
  4. Thanks Q for your reply. That sums up how I have been feeling and it’s good to know what other where are thinking. The TK costume changes are certainly an interesting point for discussion. Wonder what goes through their minds when they decide these things. Wish they had us in mind, not easy trying to keep up with all the new details. I too think it won’t get any better until some personal changes happen up top. I just have to distance my self from the new stuff a bit and get back to real trooping and spreading the good word we always have stood by. Appreciate you taking the time to share your thought. Cheers!.
  5. Cheers Dan. I dont want to drag this group down with my TLJ negativity but glad I can honestly just put it out there it bothered me and have great trooper friends to hear me out. Seriously, thanks. ANH is my choice too for all the glory.
  6. Thanks Joseph. I am trying to keep things in perspective and not let the latest movies drag me too low. But it has been hard to ignore for sure. After posting my message I felt a bit better and had a crack at working on my sandtrooper armor. Time will heal and having great troopers around on this forum to speak frankly with is most appreciated and helfpful.
  7. Thanks. Yes, been watching the OT and R1 as always to remind myself why I am here. They are medicine for sure.
  8. This post is just one way I am trying to recover from my TLJ experience. I have not been on the forum much the past few months since TLJ. To be honest, I never thought a SW would take me out of the game but it seems that movie had done some serious damage to my SW enthusiasm. I know there are some people who loved it, enjoyed it, etc. but for me, it solidified my concerns since TFA about Disney Lucasfilm direction and treatment of the franchise, it’s characters and it’s fans. I take SW to heart like so many people do and can say it helped define a lot of who I am am today. My emotional investment into SW has been deep since I was kid and i feel like TLJ just stripped away all that goodwill built up. I could rant forever about the film but that is not why I am here writing this, just needed to get this off my chest. I have nothing against fans who loved TLJ but it did not sit well with me at all and since then I found my SW energy level drop significantly. So much so, I lost interest to troop and keep up on the forum like I normally do. It sounds all silly but that is how I have been feeling. I still love SW OT, troopers, etc, Not giving up at all but just had to let it out, hoping it helps me get back on track being a 501st trooper with the same spirit I always had for SW. Thanks for listening and hope to be back in better form soon. Yours Truly, TK-42114
  9. For anyone still interested in any progress on these scopes,etc. please go to my Facebook Bulldog Props Page. Due to the photobucket fiasco, I haven’t found a reliable way to post pics so I am using the Facebook page for now. https://www.facebook.com/BulldogPropsJapan/
  10. Hi James, sorry haven’t been active on the fiorum much these days. Looking forward to your TK application when you get the pics up. Let me know if you need any help or advice. Hope to troop this year with you!
  11. Awesome work on the trigger! Love how you followed through with this. Epic mod! Super documentation as well. Had to pour throught he pics twice and will again after posting this. Keep up the amazing work.
  12. LEDs look great. Nice set up. Might try redoing mine like yours. Great progress on the build, sanding sucks but it will look nice and smooth when you get all painted.
  13. Thanks. I just made an account but slow to start using it. Haven’t figured out how to get the image to show here instead of just the link.
  14. Sorry for the lack of posts here. I am using a Facebook page to update this project there as it’s easier to post pics for the time being.
  15. Wow Jesse, that’s the best mod for the magazine I have seen to date. Time well spent on that and the results are fantastic. Metal parts look,great and they function like the real deal. Bravo!
  16. Great find. You have a treasure trove of goodies. There are probably a lot more of those counters in repairs shops still waiting to be discovered.
  17. OMG Mike! The sound system you put together for that price is crazy cool. Wow. I am impressed. I bought some sound cards a long while back but got frustred trying to figure out how to have the lights trigger with the sound. You have proved it can be done with some homework and not spending a ton of cash. I might have another go at this. Thanks for sharing the videos too!
  18. Looking forward to seeing the next step on your build Jesse. Don’t rush of course. The end cap mod is fantastic and looks genuine. Using that hole to center things is s great find. Wish I had thought of that. I spent a long time trying to center the d ring holder.
  19. Wow, Congartulations and welcome to the ranks. Totally awesome. I hope you have a great time in your armor and with your amazing blaster. Well done! Sorry I haven’t been active much these days to comment along your build. I was going to recommend to paint or replace the screw head that secures your scope rail to the rear sight but it’s not necessary. just something I thought might help hide the silver screw head, blend in with the rest of the blaster. Again , just a suggestion but certainly not needed, you already got cleared so bask in the glory of your accomplishments.
  20. I bought one of Justianian’s resin kits. It’s resin so not sturdy as a hyper firm but think it holds up better than 3d printed ones that I have seen. Anovos has a rubber one on their website but they suddenly changed the status of the blaster from preorders to unavailable. That will be a fairly durable static blaster.
  21. Looks sweet! congrats getting that together. Weathering looks just right , not overdone. Your efforts to make your blaster look like the real deal have certainly paid off. Super trooper job!
  22. I had similar problems with painting the doopy counter and grip too. I tried filling them with epoxy watered down enough to fill each one but they are so darn tiny. It sorta works but it takes time to sand it all back down to a smooth finish. The paint spray particles are too thick to sink into the holes so they never get filled in. Sanding the surface until it gets past the tiny holes is another option but found it only uncovered more holes below. Sorry, Wish I had a better solution. Blaster is is looking great though. Exciting to see it painted but sad your build is coming closer to the end. Amazing work.
  23. Knurling looks spot in. That was one of the hardest things to find that matched the original pattern but looks like you have the perfect item already in hand. End cap lock is a fun mod and when you finally install it and get to work with your end cap, its even better. The metal channel is flat on the bottom so to get a snugger fit on the main barrel tube, you can try the same technique you used to round out the rear sight base with some sandpaper or a metal file that has a rounded contour.
  24. Wire details on the back of the cylinders looks great. I struggled to get that look but you pulled it off. Yes, Tino’s suggestion to reshape the backplate is a must and glad you tackle that. It would be a waste to leave it as it is with all the effort put in so far.
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