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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by Bulldog44

  1. Looks great with the primer coat. Yes, battleworn is more suitable than too new. Little imperfections and chips here and there give it a nicer look. Almost there!
  2. Nice work on your armor. Looking sharp!
  3. Placement looks good. Ready for primer! Will you paint it as one assembled blaster or paint each part separately?
  4. Forgot to add, nice first 3 digits! Welcome to the 421 club!
  5. Wow!Just had look. I will be following that build for sure. Nice works on that. Love the DLT-19. You are going to be a well armed trooper! Thanks for letting me know about the build.
  6. You can always build another blaster in the future and mod it like crazy. That is what I plan on doing!
  7. No problem Rat. Anytime! Really looking forward to seeing your blaster all painted up. It really is the fun part as you see the fruits of all your efforts.
  8. Looks good. The d ring holder could sit a bit more flush into the end cap and use the existing indent that shows we[here the hole was on the original blaster to run the d ring through, that is all I would suggest before painting. Once you get a coat of primer on it, you can see if you need more smoothing out on some parts or fill ins. After that the black paint will transform it into a trooper blaster ready to take out those pesky rebels. Lots of great effort put into this blaster. Thanks for sharing all the progress.
  9. No problem. Your blaster is looking great. Love all the improvements you are making.
  10. I think they were about 8mm, that’s just the threaded shaft length. The cheesehead screws I supply in my scope kits are about 6mm(shaft length). As long as it anchors & secures the scope and counter bracket, anything between 6-9mm should be fine.
  11. For my blaster I mounted the scope and counter to the rail/bracket with some low profile hex bolts/screws . The original M38 mounting screws were cheesehead screws . I didn’t have anything like that at the time so I went with the hex bolts as the bolt heads allowed enough clearance between the rail and main tube.
  12. Just as Tino says, scopes were all brass painted black. As for the top t track, that may have been slightly shifted to the left due to the casting mold or the actual prop track being slightly to the left as it was casted.
  13. Congratulations!!!! Well done and well deserved. Awesome to be the first as well. Setting a super example to follow!
  14. Just an idea but do you think it might be helpful if perhaps volunteered members could buy a small bulk of these items to have in reserve then to sell to their local garrisons. It puts a bit of risk on the volunteers to sell them off but it gets them moving around a lot quicker. I would not mind buying a small set amount needed to move these items to make room for newer stuff. With the old stock I can locally advertise on my Garrison forum and get more interest out to attract buyers. Just an idea, not a great one but thought it might be a way to move old stock.
  15. that sucks but I hope this design is kept in mind if and when things can get rolling again.
  16. Glad this is still alive. Hope to hear more progress on this soon if you get time to post it.
  17. Looks awesome. So much amazing effort put into the armor and it shows. Best of luck with your application!
  18. This looks awesome! Hope we can get these made sometime soon!
  19. Glad you find it useful. Spread the word about the reference and best of luck on your blaster!
  20. Congratulations Jeff!!!!! Love this build and the results are awesome for all the time and effort you put in it. The paint job looks great. i really want to do an R1 trooper after seeing your build. Can’t wait until you get the backpack in their too. Awesome!
  21. You are doing an amazing job with all those wires. I would have hung myself by now. Lovin all the problem solving you document so well. Speaker in the tube will be a good idea. I liked your scope/speaker idea but it might not have given you the best sound output. Now that the scope is freed up, you should add the TRamp scope display!
  22. Sorry to hear about the paint woes. I hope it all gets fixed the way you want it in the end. Great guide for anyone looking to go the same route. Your trials will certainly help others. Thanks for sharing!
  23. No problem and thanks.
  24. Sorry. Probably need access on Facebook. Fieldmarshal Just posted up some news he will start selling the counter windows on his site or eBay page today or tomorrow. Just thought to share the news. Get in touch with him if you still need one of those windows,
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