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Everything posted by starsaber25

  1. In my opinion I would say no you don't have to get approved again. All of the items you are talking about are solid for the basic requirements. I know of people who switch things out all of the time depending on various conditions. I've never heard of someone having an issue with this. However, there are some garrisons that have interesting rules...
  2. Hi John. So there is one thing I can tell you about this hobby and that is do not always believe people's estimated ship times. Even people who are "vetted", have a proven track record, or anything of the sorts. There are many reasons why products get delayed. I have had numerous situations where I finally got my product many days after the quoted shipping times. After a while you just learn that you will get them when you get them. If they are vetted or a person who has a proven track record you can be certain that you WILL get your product. Having said all this, the one thing that has always bothered me is if something is going to be delayed then please just send me a quick message and let me know that. Of course after I did say this to one of our "vetted" vendors in the past the response I got was, "well you have to understand that my mailbox on here is always full. If I sat and always responded to everybody all of the time then I would never have time to actually make the product." And I guess I can understand that to a degree as well. So if anything, I would say it's unfortunate that you have not received your product in a timely manner and I understand the frustration of not having any response to your messages but you will certainly get your product. I just had one of the most frustrating times dealing with a vendor for Tie Armor that anything stormtrooper related that I have dealt with has been a walk in the park.
  3. Hi Mike. So I'll give it a shot. 1. Yeah you are going to need to heat the butt plate in order to reshape it. You have two options, 1. Use a heat gun and reshape it. Be careful because you can melt the ABS with it. 2. You can get some twine or rope and tie it around the butt plate very tightly in the position you want it. Then get a large pail and put the butt plate in it. Boil up some water and pour it in the bucket. One it cools take the butt plate out and remove the twine. It should stay in that position. 2. I'm unsure of the issue going on here. I use the brackets as well and my chest sits out some but only because of the size of the return edge on my chest plate in order to put the brackets in. The elastic shouldn't be effecting it. I would need pictures for this one. 3. In my opinion I would rather have them closer together instead of having the back plate sag down. But you need to have some elastic showing between the two plates so you can connect the shoulder bells. You son sounds skinny but his height is spot on. I think you should be able to work on it and make it look right. I wouldn't try to reshape either peices. Anyway i hope this helps some. Of course I would love to see some pictures somehow. Just keep working and you guys will get it to where you like it. Good luck!
  4. Paul hit the nail on the head here. It needs to be tilted forward and aligned better. Once that is done then you shouldn't have too much of a problem. If that doesn't help then you can glue some excess ABS pieces together and add them to the top of the shin. After that mount the sniper plate to that. It won't sit flush with your shin and stick out a little bit but it won't get caught under your thigh if you're still having a problem. You have to make sure your armor is comfortable first. Then as accurate as you want it second. Good luck!
  5. Looked like a great time! Awesome job!
  6. Yes this is a very unfortunate situation that is going to effect many forum communities. I know it is very unlikely that people will go back in time to fix their threads but I plan to do so with my threads. I am also going to move this thread into the Tech Support Center instead of the current place.
  7. Another excellent Newsletter! The forum really is great. It is becoming very user friendly. Congrats to the new Attache Award recipients!
  8. Happy 11th FISD! Thanks so much Paul for making this amazing community happen.
  9. Hi everyone. So I was just fortunate enough to get my hands on one of the new Hyperfirm Elites from Lewis. I'm really excited about it so I just wanted to make a post about just how awesome this blaster is. In my opinion the Hyperfirm is one of the best trooping blasters out there. I used to have one of the older Hyperfirms and I thought that was one of the coolest blasters and never ever had to hesitate taking it out on a troop and letting an attendee touch it or hold it. The kids would love it when you hand them your blaster for photos. Well with his new changes done to the elite it makes it even more nicer. The details are a lot sharper on the elite then the old model. There is now a defined hole in the muzzle where the old one did not really have too much of a hole. Even the greeblies are there and more defined. One of the more interesting aspects of his new blaster is that you can choose which scope you like (M32 or M38) and which size magazine you want. You may also choose not to have either scope put on and ultimately use your own. However, these are all decisions you would need to make before you receive your blaster. That is a cool added extra touch. It also comes with a D Ring so you can go Centurion with it. Take a look for yourselves. Here are some photos:
  10. Hi Jay. You did a very nice job on your armor. Good luck with your application!
  11. Congrats trooper! I know that building armor is fun but there is nothing like going out there and trooping. It is so much fun. Enjoy it!
  12. That is pretty neat! I know it's a silly feature but I still think it's cool. Anyway we can change the settings so that you can actually see who likes your post instead of "somebody"? I don't know, I haven't seen anything about that.
  13. Hi Kirill and welcome to FISD! Congrats on your armor purchase! Take a look around the other Anovos build threads to get an idea on how your armor comes together. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask. Good luck and have fun!
  14. I like the "like" function as well. Just like Chris said, to me it's like a yes I agree. Good Point. I concur. Well done.
  15. Again very nice job Eric! It will take some getting used to but my garrison forum is very similar to this one.
  16. I got it! I think I got it! Ok so Tony there is a little down arrow next to your avatar and name on the top right. Click it. Click on Account Settings Then on the left side you will see signature which is the last section. I haven't tried to edit mine but that is how you should be able to do it.
  17. Hi Charley! Your armor is looking great! Do you have a closeup of your thigh ammo pack attachment? Good luck with your application
  18. Nice job on your armor Shane! Good luck with your application!
  19. I think this is great Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I know it may be hard to tell but the information listed in the first thread is updated regularly. So it is up to date. There is stuff that pops up all of the time on ebay, etsy, and facebook. It's almost impossible to stay on top of it all. It is always just a good thought to stick to the vetted armor thread and read all of the information listed on all the pages there and in these getting started threads as well.
  21. Yeah Adam a real nice fix to your handguard issue would be to contact Joseph and get a pair of his latex ones. They are very nice.
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