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Everything posted by starsaber25

  1. Congratulations John! You have done an amazing job! Very exciting to bring another EIB trooper to the ECG!
  2. Great work so far John! These should be pretty easy fixes for your. Lets bring another EIB home to the ECG!
  3. Hey John! Glad to see you over here on the FISD! Your armor looks great in person. You should end up having no problem going EIB soon!
  4. Thanks for the tag Jonatan. I believe we have Vincent sorted out. He is attending an armor party on April 20th from what I can see on our forums.
  5. Congratulations Chris! You are a great person and the right man for the job. We are all behind you!
  6. Congratulations Joseph!! It is going to be another amazing year!
  7. This is the one thing I wanted to comment on with my GML hat. I completely agree with Chemi here. We have some detachments in the legion who are very strict with their CRLs. Believe it or not the FISD is actually not one of them. I feel that the pauldron should look like the video game references from the start. Us GMLs will approve this based on the wording and the pictures. If people start building them then we will have a handful of these characters in the legion approved with a pauldron that looks like the one made at this point. The black lines should be moved more towards the center to be more in line with the reference photos shown.
  8. Just to chime in, I am another staff member in full support of Chris' and Justin's opinion in this matter. There will never be a thread posted on the FISD about the nature of this situation. However, if anyone does some digging of their own and/or reaches out to legion members then maybe you will be able to find the information you are looking for.
  9. This truly is such a sad day. Dan has contributed so much to our community. He was a friend whom I never had the pleasure of meeting in person. I just spoke to him a few days ago. Our community has lost a great person. Prayers to his wife and children. You will be missed Dan. RIP
  10. Hello Dryden and welcome to the FISD! Have a great time with your build!
  11. Everything you have said I cannot echo enough. I am also not in favor of creating a Disney Parks CRL. Until every detachment starts creating a Disney Park CRL for their costumes then we should not be the first. Lets be real. As you said those costumes are meant to fit a bunch of people and they are not "screen accurate." Yes the park goers still just see a stormtrooper but they also saw a dancing Darth Vader at Star Tours too. I doubt the SLD would create a CRL for Star Tours Dancing Darth Vader. If a person is actually building a FOTK then they would have the skills to mix some ABS pieces in with acetone, slap it on the seams and then sand it down. The FOTK is no walk in the park to begin with. Creating ABS paste should be small peanuts overall. It just comes down to people not wanting to do it.
  12. Here is my opinion. And again this is just my opinion. I feel that the CRL should not be modified. As mentioned it is clear that the seams do not exist in the movies. There have been many approved FOTK troopers that have built their armor to current basic standards. We shouldn’t change things because this is how a vendor has decided to manufacture their costume. If someone wanted to build an animation version and a CRL is created using seams then that would be totally viable. I understand that many people are receiving this kit and it could bolster the FOTK ranks but they should still build it to current basic standards. There are many costumes in the legion that could have some basic standards changed to make them easier to get approved but I just don’t believe it means we should.
  13. Congratulations Andrew!!! Another great year is ahead of everyone in this detachment!
  14. Hello Vanessa and welcome to the FISD! I can't wait to see your Captain Phasma build. The ECG could certainly use our first ever Phasma!
  15. Congrats Andres. You made nice fixes to your armor and you look great. We always love having more TKs in the ECG. I can't wait to see your Tie costume get finished as well.
  16. Well hello Mark. I just saw your post on the ECG forums and here you are on the FISD. As you can see the folks here have started you on the right path. Like my buddy Dan has mentioned, the best thing to do now while you are waiting is research. I know Dan probably won’t mention it but there are a lot of great videos on YouTube from this guy named CableGuy. Check it out. Also some other informative videos can be located on trooperbay.com. Research is key at this point. Time to study up.
  17. Hi Josiah and welcome to the FISD! So yeah RS is one of the best sets of armor you can buy. What you will need to make sure of is that since you are getting it commissioned is that it fits you correctly. The ECG GML is a real stickler (me). Is the undersuit, neck seal and boots included in the kit? If not then you will need to purchase them. I did receive your email I just haven’t had a chance to respond yet. I apologize for that. Also, head over to our ecg forums to introduce yourself as well. www.forum.501ecg.com. Let us know if you have any other questions.
  18. Spoke to his CO directly. Confirmed he is active with a TK costume. Moved him to detachment member.
  19. Hi Sean and welcome to the FISD! So you can’t go wrong with a RS suit. It is certainly top notch. You have done a nice job with your armor. There is one thing that is standing out to me that could be an issue for approval. That is the two rivets/screws at the top of your ab plate. Generally those should be added on to the return edge of the armor so they are not as visible. I’m not sure how your GML will view it but if I was reviewing your app for my garrison I would unfortunately not pass it. If your GML doesn’t then you will need to remove those and fill the holes in with ABS paste and then sand it smooth. There are a couple of tutorials here on the forum on how to do it. I would also recommend that you add a couple more pieces of elastic connecting your chest plate and ab plate. That will help with the gap you are getting there and keep it closed better. Otherwise I think everything else would be fine for basic approval
  20. Hi Bart and welcome to the FISD! I am so deeply sorry to hear about your wife. I couldn't imagine how hard this was for you over the years. But thank you for joining up here and for your interest in the FISD and the 501st legion. Please take a look around the getting started threads. There is a ton of information to get you off the ground running. Essentially the first thing you need to do is figure out what set of armor you are interested in. Original Trilogy stormtrooper (OTTK)? A First Order stormtrooper (FOTK)? Then any of the offshoots like an Incinerator trooper, heavy weapons trooper, etc. If you have any questions then don't hesitate to ask here on the forums. There are a ton of knowledgeable troopers here.
  21. Hey Cory. So it sucks that happened with your colors. Unfortunately putting on my ECG GML hat here I would have to say I would not approve that much of a color difference. I have never heard of the tea trick. Give it a shot. What’s the worse that can happen? Other try another vendor like MTK or AP? I used To have a MTK kit and I had a troopermaster helmet. The colors were very similar. You could always try TM too. Ask who has more of a cream white color as opposed to bright white.
  22. The 501st Nomination period has ended. Please join me in congratulating Andrew Franke @Sly11 as the FISDs Detachment Leader for another term! Congrats Andrew!!
  23. Dave is a great guy with great service. He offers AM kits which are generally geared toward the trooper with more girth. However it can be sized down to a more slender trooper. You can’t go wrong if this is what your looking for.
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