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Everything posted by FIVE

  1. I haven't had this happen as I only use gaffers tape for accuracy reasons (joking) but can you carefully Dremel sand off the welded piece of plastic? You will probably have a "bump" on the inside, but that's better than a hole on the outside.
  2. Looking good man! I have no tips for you at this juncture. The strapping looks like it's gonna be great!
  3. Yeah... and I was just asking. It is a forum after all.
  4. Cool... this is what I was asking.
  5. Has anyone painted the inside of their armor black? Would this make the armor cooler... or hotter? Seems to me like it would make it cooler, but I can't reason it out in my head. haha We're wearing black under suits already... so it can't be much worse.
  6. Good points man. I think that respect is there for sure... we (I'm saying we because I'm one of them) just know that NOW there are so many better choices to start with. So it's all relative. I respect YOU though for using the correct version of "its" in that respect sentence!!!
  7. No problem man! I like razzing new guys that they haven't looked hard enough, or so on and so forth. But you did fine! Glad we (I?) could help!
  8. This has so been covered so many times already! haha Welcome to the forums Rob. You should go introduce yourself. The main difference in helmets is FX / everything else. FX being massive and everything else being closer to, and all the way to, accurate. It then really depends on how you assemble the bucket. My TE2 has a lot of room in it. The opening to GET into it, however, is a bit "tight." My MR CE is really not that much bigger on the inside, but it feels a lot bigger because the opening on the bottom is bigger. This is all due to how high the brow is and such. Higher brow makes the "back" tilt "in" and closes the opening up. Of course you could always cut an opening out larger. Finally, I have heard if you have a very large nose any helmet is going to be rather uncomfortable. Nothing much you can do about that. Sounds like you do, in fact, have an FX bucket. You could also have a look at my Armor 101 page for a quick run down of armor makers and such. Hope that helps man!
  9. I used aluminum foil and "pressed" it around the inside edges, then flattened it out and lay it on top of a piece of paper and cut out where the edge was. Then I bought a TE2 and put the big square piece of green behind my eyes.
  10. And what's wrong with becoming a sandtrooper??
  11. There's anything from ordering actual "UnderArmour" brand suits, to just going to Target or the like and getting something black and tight fitting. The key things to look for are: Make sure it's black. Make sure it's tight fitting. Make sure it's comfortable. Make sure it's tight fitting. (seriously, people get "saggy" undersuits and that don't look good at all!) But it's totally your choice as to what to get!
  12. I know... I like saying that when I'm fast. Anyway... yes, CA on the outside then for sure. If not even some MMD Putty or some such. But for sure something. Didn't know (catch/remember) it was unpainted.
  13. Sorry it took me so long to reply to this... Yes, E-6000 on the inside with the fabric, whatever... and nothing on the outside.
  14. After a week you can polish it down and if you need to do a few more coats. You may just have too much humidity or something. It's very tricky stuff. You've watched "-----" and all I'm guessing?
  15. Once you're in the suit with shims can anyone tell how skinny you are? I doubt they can. The armor will "fill you out"... as it should be. If you overlap and try to make it fit I would worry that you'd look like a "small" trooper... not short, just "small." The ARMOR would look skinny in other words. ??
  16. WHAT?! No way! That's completely wrong! You'd better pack it up and send it to me straight away! I'll wear it for a year and make sure it works then we can talk about sending it back. Oh... other people already replied with the real answer... darn...
  17. I would just fit the armor as it's made to be fitted and "sit" inside it with plenty of room. It's not supposed to fit "tight" anyway.
  18. Are you going to cross post on the MEPD?!
  19. Another ESB (I don't care the make)... woo hoo! haha
  20. I agree there are a great number of people who don't notice the difference... I don't think they "can't tell" though. Mention something and they'll see it. That being said (and I know that's what you mean) I still content the majority of people already DO tell the difference! The first time I wore my TE2 in public I got the most random people — old, young, short, tall, educated (seeming), uneducated (seeming) — all saying things like, "Why do you look better than them?" "Your armor is different... why?" and so on. People may not know what they're seeing is different, but they know something is different. One old lady said of an FX bucket, "His head's too big." She got it. I think it's like high-def televisions. There are guys (I know one of them) who would snarf at a TV that I thought was "good enough." I know nothing about what's good and what's not... and am certainly not on TV forums and the like. But if you sat one that I thought was "good enough" next to the one that the TV geeks would drool over, I bet I could say, "That one's better and this one sucks." I may not know all the techie specs, but I'd be able to see it. Thus it is with TK armor. People know it even when they don't know it. Okay... off to the For Sale forum to post a used soap box.
  21. I always forget (yet I know) that you cut yours! And yeah, on yours it doesn't change the look at all. But I've seen some really badly done ones too.
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