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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by RogueTrooper

  1. Hey Bill, Sweet lookin' buckets. Top Notch work you have done. Gary is now ready for some major trooping!!! Tom
  2. Hey Peter, Thanks for the high rez grab bag of Stormies. You can never have enough Now with the 1080P pics, we will all know where to place the gaffa tape. Tom
  3. Hey Robert, Screen used Helmets had 11 to 16 Tubestripes generally, depending on the Helmet. If you look at the "Move Along" Helmet. It has 11 tubestripes on the right and 16 tubesripes on the left. But the "STOP THAT SHIP" Helmet, has 13 tubestripes on right and left. There is also a trooper in the scene where they are looking for Princess Leia on the Tantive IV that is missing his tubestipes totally. But I don't that CRL cleared. LOL!!! If you are looking at the Hero helmets, (the actual ones that Han and Luke wore), Han had 11 tubestipes on the right and 13 tubestipes on the left. Luke had 13 on both, left and right. The sticker placement looks good, but the sticker itself, looks a little too large for the area. Are the stickers from an FX kit? If it is a sticker kit from an FX, it is going to be way too big for an MRCE. Mike TK-4510, should have replacement tubestriping stickers for you MRCE. Look him up under the members and PM to see what he has. He should have what you are looking for. Tom
  4. Thanks for the compliment Vic. That's how I ROLL!!
  5. Hey John, I always say, a picture speaks louder than words!!!! Stunt 3 screws per side...........................................Hero 2 screws per side
  6. Hey Quinn, Yeah, if it is ebay (MAKER OF THINGS).....it is a re-cast of TE2. Here is a way to fix you broken ear. Things you will need: Styrene "FOR SALE" sign: you can purchase it at Home Depot, Lowes, Walmart. ------------- E-6000: you can purchase it at Home Depot, Lowes or most any hardware store. ---------- a few small Spring Clamps: you can purchase it at Home Depot, Lowes or most any hardware store. ---------- Bondo: you can purchase it at Home Depot, Lowes, Walmart. ----------- A small brush. Like a art brush. You can purchase at any hobby and craft store. -------- A very sharp or heavy duty pair of scissor. First , trace the both sides of the curved part of the ear that is broken onto the 'FOR SALE" sign. Once that is done, Draw a little tab onto the tracing of the back of the ear for bracing . The tracings should look like the photo below: ------------ Now cut the two tracings out of the "FOR SALE " sign. Now you have bracing for the broken areas of you ear. Go a head and dry fit the front piece on the inside of the ear. The cut out tracing should fit well. If needed, trim the cut out until it fits... Now that you have the cut out tracing of the front area of the ear fitting well to the inside of the front ear, then brush some E-6000 inside the front of the ear and brush some E-6000 on the cut out tracing for the front part of the ear. Place the cut out on the inside of the ear like you did when dry fitting it. Using the small spring clamps to hold the cut out tracing to the inside of the front part of ear until E-6000 has set up. Now to the broken back area of the ear. ---------- I see that it is missing a good chunk out of it. And will need a stable area to glue to. That is why I had you draw a little tab to the tracing of the back area of the ear. Take the tab of the cut out tracing and bend it into a 90 degree angle . It should look like the pic below: ----------- The tab is now bent it into a 90 degree angle. It should fit on the inside of the ear circled in red. ---------- Now all you need to do is dry fit the cut out tracing to the inside of the back of the ear. If needed, trim the cut out tracing until it fits... Once that is done and the cut out fits well. Brush on some E-6000 into the inside of the back of the ear and brush on some E-6000 onto the cut out tracing and DO NOT forget the the tab. Using the small spring clamps to hold the cut out tracing to the inside of the ear until E-6000 has set up. When the E-6000 has set up. you will use the Bondo to fill and blend any areas that need it or until the desired look is achieved. Sand the Bondo with 400 grit sandpaper. Before you paint, use a tack Cloth to remove all the dust, lint fibers or anything else that could mess up your paint job! ----------- Cheers! Tom
  7. Hey Caleb, No need in using sir, I only 35 When I read "sir", I ran to the mirror to see how many gray hairs I've!! LOL!! IT"S ALL GOOD!!!! I think the coat of arms with the Empire Cog would be AWESOME!!!! I will try to draw up a couple of ideas and see what you like.... It should not be that difficult to build.......so Stay Tuned..... Tom .
  8. To box away collectibles, Prop, art work, or abstain from something that gives you happiness. I do not believe in. Where is the fun in that <_< . Enjoy it I say!!!! A few years ago, I was in a pretty bad car wreck and could have died. After the accident I realized that I could have no longer been here. It hit me, I could be dead and gone! And ALL the things I hadn't seen or done.... It was a real eye opener. So, if it was my "first edition TE rotj styrene armor" I would display it... Tom
  9. Sounds like a cool way to go, to display it on a mannequin. Not so sure about the duct tape to strap it together. Since you don't want to glue straps on it, how about a display case with a black background and shelf and put the pieces of the suit in there like a coat of arms? Maybe lay the armor out, like the full sit is worn, and have the top and sides of the display (clear) so you can see all the way around it. Have the bottom black for constrast to make the armor stand out. You get the best of both worlds. You can look at it without worrying about any harm coming to it. The money that you would spend on a mannequin could go toward building a display case. It was just a thought. If I come up with anything better, I will throw it out to you...... Tom
  10. Hey! All those marks and scuffs are like from the Battle on Endor!!! All the DARN Ewoks and their POINTY!! STICKS!! and ROCKS!!! :ewok1: :ewok1: :ewok1: :ewok1: :ewok1: :ewok1: If I dig up any info on this "CD" person, I will pass it to ya!
  11. Hey Mike, I got mine today ! thanks! Happy New Year!
  12. WOW a suit back from 1999! That sounds like you got a granddaddy of a lot of armor out there If it was a "test pull", Matt in '99 was running his wifes oven at 350 bake and not the broil setting like he has for the past few years.... That could account for the lack of sharpness in that he may have pulled the styrene out of the oven too soon. Anyhow it is still a great find!! Wonder who Matt was working with back then with the initials "CD" (hmmmm?) Very interesting.
  13. Very cool build Daniel! Can't wait to see your ESB done
  14. Awesome find CALEB!!! It does not have the detail that your other suit does...but you stated it felt very thick. You said " that could also be from the poor suction of the vacuum former that Matt was using at the time." The thicker the gauge of material will tend to loose some of the detail if the vaccuum former's pump is not strong enough to evacuate all the air out. Which means that the plastic cannot conform as tightly to the mold....thus losing detail.. Could Matt not tell you about the age of the suit? Is this the styrene ROTJ armor set that you paid him for at the beginning of 2009 and Matt kept putting you off? Thanks for sharing, can't wait to see it when you are done!!!! cheers
  15. You can't troop with out boots
  16. Hey Nat, Try http://www.pimpinshoes.com/product/1SCSSTO...NKLE_BOOTS.html
  17. Hey,Caleb Your ROTJ armor looks AWESOME!! TOP NOTCH MAN!!!!
  18. Thanks Dennis for posting the info of the stand. Great work! I am working on something like this for my 1:1 Solo in Carbonite......
  19. If you are having trouble opening the optional 1.5 E-11 template. I was able to open these 2 new files by right-clicking and selecting "Open", which gave me a couple of options to select--I went with "Show me a list" (or something like that). I then selected "Windows Picture and Fax Viewer". Now, even without the 3 leter filename extension they will open with the WPF viewer--I can also open them with PAINT, and they're the right size in PAINT (so just print them from PAINT). Let me if you have any trouble with it.
  20. Hey Terry, I just downloaded the " ANH Blastech E-11 Templates File size: 2,377 KB " and it worked find for me . You need " WINRAR" to extract the files. You can get this application here: ----------- Let me if you have any trouble with it.
  21. Other than the right ear your bucket is looking good Try lowering it a just little at first. If you have any of the Styrene left over from your bucket,. glue the styrene to the inside of the ear that you want to fill in, then use the putty to smooth the look of it. If you don't have any material left from the helmet. You can go to either Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart and buy the "FOR SALE" signs to use as an alternative.
  22. I found this : PT Flexible Armor , 501st Approved??? Under " Recast Discussion"
  23. I would think if PT (Pirate Trooper) the person is bannned then, it should go without saying that his armor is as well?
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