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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by RogueTrooper

  1. When you get JoeR mad, He gives you BOTH BARRELS This TK will not set his E-11 for stun!!!! Negative Feedback left on Ebay for sandtroopertd999 ( 15) SCAM / FRAUD - BEWARE! OFFERING A WEBSITE ADDRESS FOR £400! 10-Jan-10 19:11 Storm Trooper Costume Discover the Real McCoy (#260534742252) £400.00 BE CAREFUL WITH THIS SELLER. CUIDADO CON ESTE VENDEDOR. vaderslash ( 118) 02-Jan-10 18:57
  2. What I got out of it is, the guy, for a buy it now £400.00, the guy will be a third party and purchase the armor for you. You pay him the SDS price of the suit of armor off of Ebay. The £400.00 looks like his brokers fee, or at least that is what I am geting out of it. I saw someone do this on Ebay about some software programs I was looking for, Not good. One way or another you have no assurances and it's a bad deal!!
  3. What I can see from the PhotoBucket link your progressing nicely.... You never stated which TK version you are doing....... ANH or ESB? or even ROTJ? I know Panda Stated " will you be applying for EIB or doing more screen accurate ANH style (or whichever movie) details later on? "
  4. Cool pics Femtrooper Julie, nice Slave Leia outfit!! But your hair is the wrong color....... To be authentic it needs to be chestnut brown. :leia:
  5. THAT'S JUST PLAIN NUTS man!!!! with a capital N capital U capital T capital S!!!!!! NUTS!! I would not do that unless I got my Hoth gear on and had TaunTaun so if I got too cold I could slit it's belly open and get in!!!!!! Again ........THAT'S JUST PLAIN NUTS
  6. Can wait to see some close up pics , Would mine sharing with us what you paid for it?
  7. Listen to Daetrin advice, he knows!
  8. Saw it!!! very cool!! All the slave girls!!!!!!!!!!!! Links on you tube:
  9. Hey Smitty, Do you remember an old Proverb that says: If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas..... In Dan's case it looks like Matt has rubbed off on him!!! Oh the tangled web they weave, when they practice to deceive.
  10. Star Trek Cribs - The Director's Cut - G4tv.com That Vid was the SHIZZLE!!!! Thanks for posting it man!
  11. That's not cool what Dan Laws and Matt Gauthier are doing ...... This post needs to be pinned so everyone on the FISD can see it !!!!!! SO!!! no one else will get hoodooed by them!!!
  12. looks like Bonnie needs some dance lessons!!
  13. Get some nail polish remover and apply it to a cotton ball or cotton swab. Gently rub the cotton soaked in nail polish remover on . The nail polish remover should get rid of Nu-life.
  14. TM build, Very cool, can't wait to see........... Looks like you are doing a TD?
  15. That's million dollars question............. hopefully Miller will have a good answer.
  16. That's NO Wookie! That was my blind date from last Friday!!!!! euuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!! You can tell from the video that she had a little too much to drink
  17. Me too, I wish that they would make a movie that is set between Mad Max 1 and Mad Max 2 that tells the story about Max's journey as he wanders out in the wasteands. They could show him modifying the Interceptor for the long haul..... Maybe call it "Mad Max 1.5 The Wastelands"
  18. No it is not the big bad naziguy from Raiders. Tom Hardy muscled up for the part in the movie "Bronson". I know Hardy looks like the BIG muscled up Nazi (in the cedits as 1st Mechanic) that Jones fights in plane blowing up scene of Raiders but that was Stunt man Pat Roach not Hardy. A little bit about Pat Roach, he was also in the scene of Marion's Bar (He's the big guy that Indy was fighting with when the nazi, Toht (Ronald Lacey) says " Shoot them, shoot them both" Roach is also in the "Temple of Doom." Pat is the bad guy who is slaming Jones around the mining car. He did have a part in 'Crusades" but the scene was cut out. Bronson Plot In 1974, a hot-headed 19 year old named Michael Peterson decided he wanted to make a name for himself and so, with a homemade sawed-off shotgun and a head full of dreams he attempted to rob a post office. Swiftly apprehended and originally sentenced to 7 years in jail, Peterson has subsequently been behind bars for 34 years, 30 of which have been spent in solitary confinement. During that time, Michael Petersen, the boy, faded away and 'Charles Bronson,' his superstar alter ego, took center stage. Inside the mind of Bronson - a scathing indictment of celebrity culture. Here is the trailer to Bronson:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKC-FKGMeCY
  19. Cool it's the Star Blazers Battleship Yamato !!!!!!!! EXCELLENT!!!! I grew up watching that and Battle of the Planets/G-Force: ( in Japan known as Kagaku ninja tai Gatchaman) These are the granddaddys of anime IT's funny to watch these two now with the un-cut elements of graphic violence, profanity and transgenderism back in, and remember the kid friendly versions that they put out in the mid to late 70s on American TV........ ahhh good times......
  20. Thanks Tig, You now got me going frame by frame through Trek 11 not only looking for R2's cameo!!!!! but to see if there is any other Sci-Fi cameos, may be a Cylon???
  21. From what I have read across the net, there will a be a new version of the V-8 interceptor that is supposedly cobbled together from other wrecked inteceptors. If you look closely at the Youtube video that I posted, the black inteceptor that is sitting there in the background is the new one for Fury Road. It has different light covers, back with the original black rims and is missing the bronze sheild logo on the side at the front of the doors. I guess Max went car shopping at the post apocalyptic pre-owned car lot and got himself another hot ride. I hope he did a car fax report on it. Maybe he got it off of Ebay.
  22. I never said that classic Trek didn't have it's problems. The major thing you might say about the classic Trek back then, was that the special effects cost so much to make, that it ate up a major portion of their budget. I can remember seeing anniversary shows where their production team recounted how they would have to go to some of the others TV show sets and steal props so they could make a scene. So I would say the fight scenes were the least of their worries. What you have to look at are the story lines and the camaraderie that Kirk, Spock and Bones had. Battlestar Galactia back in 1978 had the same problem with it costing them one million dollars alone just for the special effects, per episode. This caused the series to be cancelled because the network did not think it was worth it. George Lucas just happened to get lucky with some of the members he had on his team for Star Wars. They were able to pull it off by the skin of their teeth. If you go back and look at The Empire of Dreams, everbody on the team was surprised at what they had accomplished.
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