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HOWTO: Talk like a Stormtrooper!

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Staying in character while in armor has always interested me.  After watching videos of the Stormtroopers at Disney's Galaxy's Edge, I decided to start compiling an array of sayings and responses for different scenarios and I would like to share them with you!





Citizen: Can I get a picture with you!?

Stormtrooper: Affirmative.  Proceed with holoscan.


Citizen: Thank you!

Stormtrooper: All for the glory of the Empire/First Order!


Citizen: Your armor is awesome!

Stormtrooper: It's made to Imperial specifications.


Citizen: How long did it take you to make that?

Stormtrooper: About ____ standard months.


Citizen: (Waves hand) You don't need to see my identification, or These aren't the droids you're looking for.

Stormtrooper: This must not be the Jedi we're looking for.




If you see members of the public staring at you in awe or excitement: 


  • The Empire/First Order recognizes your loyalty!  
  • Your allegiance is noted.
  • The Rebels/Resistance will fall under the might of the Empire/First Order!
  • Careful Citizens! Rebel activity has been reported in this sector!



If you see a child dressed as Darth Vader, or Kylo Ren. 


  • (Salute them) Lord Vader/Ren!



If you see someone with a lightsaber:


  • That's a lightsaber!  We'll assume you're a collector.  ONLY a collector.






Stormtrooper#1:  I could sure go for a cup of caf right now!

Stormtrooper#2: Affirmative!


Stormtrooper#1: I heard that Lord Vader/Ren might be making an appearance today!

Stormtrooper#2 That seems unlikely. 


Stormtrooper#1: Have you heard about the new T-16's?

Stormtrooper#2: Yeah, some of the other guys were telling me about it!  They said it was quite a thing to see!






Stormtrooper: Citizens!  We have been ordered to re-position, and are vacating these premises!


Stormtrooper: Rebel activity has been reported in this area!  If you see anything, then report it immediately!



Remember to use discretion when interacting with the public.  If they seem annoyed, or disinterested, then then don't continue to harass them.  And If a child seems frightened of you, then break character and try to sound cheerful.  Maybe even lift up your bucket, so they can see it's a real person under there! 


I'll update this with more phrases and responses as I come up with them.  Feel free to post any of your own ideas!

Edited by Thrawndike bar
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Good post. :-)

I’m also an ‘in character’ trooper. My trooping persona only includes what I can imagine Troopers doing in ANH.

My only exception is hi fives for little ones. This is literally and hand out and let them do the five.

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GREAT job, Caleb!  I took the liberty of adding a link to this in my "Your First Troop..." thread if that's OK.  https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/39382-your-first-troop-a-few-tips/


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Nice work, over the years I do find the one that gets the most reaction is just "move along, move along" ;) 

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6 hours ago, CableGuy said:

My only exception is hi fives for little ones. This is literally and hand out and let them do the five.

Absolutely!  You have to be down to earth with the small children!  I would do that and add the "The Empire recognizes your loyalty!" line, or "Enjoy your day citizen!"


1 hour ago, justjoseph63 said:

GREAT job, Caleb!  I took the liberty of adding a link to this in my "Your First Troop..." thread if that's OK.  https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/39382-your-first-troop-a-few-tips/


Thanks! That's definitely ok!


1 hour ago, gmrhodes13 said:

Nice work, over the years I do find the one that gets the most reaction is just "move along, move along" ;) 

Yeah!  That would be good to use when there is heavy traffic in a convention hall, or after you've finished "interrogating" someone ^_^

Edited by Thrawndike bar
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Yep I definitely love trooping in character, my repertoire varies dependant on situation and as you mention, changes for the kids along with plenty of high fives.
Great work.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Some of my favorite "out of character" jokes and one-liners when taking photos include:

"Smile and say Star Trek!"

"Make sure you get my dark side..."
"Oops, I think I might have blinked in that one!"


People don't expect us to be funny, but read the room - sometimes it's just what people need!

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  • 3 years later...

For trooper/trooper interactions, you can't beat the humor in Jedi: Fallen Order.  The imperials have a lot of dialog that could probably be compiled to a good list.  (Putting that on my Todos).


Here is a good collection: 


Edited by TikiTechie
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