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Balaclava/head sock - why?

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Depends on if you want people to see under the helmet or not.  But yes, it does add to the sweat factor. If you have fans blowing on your face, it's not too bad.


But I was a Fireman, I can stand a lot of heat...

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I use the underarmor heatgear. Don't think i have ever sweat inside my helmet actually. I mainly use it to contain my aker headset mic to squeeze into my AP helmet as it has a smaller opening than most. One day, i will buy more s trim and trim a bigger opening to fit my noggin lol. Plus, its like i am a ninja trooper

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I have no problems wearing a balaclava, with the helmet fans I barely notice it. I don't like the public being able to see my neck or goatee when they peak upwards ;)

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I didn't wear one at first.  Then I saw this picture from one of my first troops.




I always wear one now.  It just one of the details that bring it all together.

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Kids have a sight line that is right up into your bucket.  After one comment of "I can see your beard!" and glimpsing a photo pretty much exactly from the angle Todd shows above, I was convinced that balaclava was the way to go.  I tried to do without, because I didn't want the added discomfort.  However, I've found it's not that bad, and it helps prevent that break in the illusion and is one of those little details that all add up to a really amazing interaction.

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I am lucky in that I have virtually no neck! Which means I can get away without one on my ROTJ.I wear a 'clava with my TI or IG so don't find it uncomfortable. Might start using onebwith the FO because of the way it rides up at the back.

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I am lucky in that I have virtually no neck! Which means I can get away without one on my ROTJ.I wear a 'clava with my TI or IG so don't find it uncomfortable. Might start using onebwith the FO because of the way it rides up at the back.

I also have no neck so thinking may not be a issue...

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Add me to the balaclava wearing club, still need to purchase one. On a local troop I heard kids comment about seeing the beard and chin and it did break the illusion a bit in my opinion.  I'll have fans so starting out with one, won't know any difference in heat. Any recommended brands to try?

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Add me to the balaclava wearing club, still need to purchase one. On a local troop I heard kids comment about seeing the beard and chin and it did break the illusion a bit in my opinion.  I'll have fans so starting out with one, won't know any difference in heat. Any recommended brands to try?

Underarmor heat gear. Link is on my earlier post.

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I wear one to keep my beard from sticking out the bottom of my bucket. I have both the warm and cold weather versions from underarmour and you stop even realizing you are wearing one after a couple of minutes.

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  • 1 year later...

I hadn't even considered the balaclava as a solution for long hair! (I can about do Leia's buns without extensions. . . ) I'll add that to my build list! 

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  • 2 months later...

I don't wear one with my OTTK helmet as I painted black inside which helps to hide my face and chin but I do wear one in my FOTK as the opening is a little wider and I like to be well hidden. I have fans in both helmets facing upwards/across, it helps circulate the air quite well and keep the screen clear. I only use one fan at a time or the two together can create a air block in the centre. Besides it's nice to be able to switch over during a long day of trooping if one battery back runs out ;)

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  • 1 month later...

That is one of the best reasons in my opinion. It holds my mic in perfect position.

Plus you need to remember that almost every kid is looking up and under your bucket so it keeps the illusion of the Trooper. Maybe it’s just a 6’3” Trooper problem?

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For Tropical countries like where I live, wearing balaclavas outdoors is a bit of a problem. It does make you sweat more and fog your lenses quickly if you don't have any fans installed. But if you're gonna wear one, make sure it doesn't cover you nose or mouth so your warm breath wont contribute on the fogging. Cheers.

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