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  1. As a (geeky/nerdy) woman I would take that as a compliment that I had the chops to be Vader, haha.
  2. This is pretty sweet & have to say "I do like the idea" & how you've based it on US rank since your ex military as well Everyone knows well okay... maybe a few more of the hardcore geeky troopers know the line indicates rank so it would be good to have a identified rank system for those who like to expand on details jAG
  3. Thanks! I thought they turned out pretty cool too! I actually made them myself. I do a lot of work with "geeky" vinyl & stuff as a side business.
  4. Hello fellow Garrison mate! My initial foray into TK armour started off as an art project--I wanted to paint some armour with First Nations art. I was clueless about all the nuances of the armour and eventually found my way onto FISD. I couldn't believe that anyone cared about such geeky details and thought it was a bit ridiculous. Little did I know, I would soon become obsessed like everyone else! Following common recommendations and my pocketbook, I got on ATA's interminable wait list for a full kit. I was able to order a couple buckets to satisfy my obsession for a while, but I was chomping at the bit to get the full armour. Anyways, I found CTM Props and thought I'd practice my skills on that kit until my ATA came in. By the time my armour order was ready, my finances were not so I had to regretfully cancel my ATA order. I'm sure someone else on the list was happy, though.... Rather than wallow in self-pity, I finished up the CTM kit (with ATA bucket) and applied for the 501st. I figured I may as well get into this trooping bit, too. Anyways, long story short, I made it work and it looks pretty decent. I'm still debating if I should apply for EIB or not. With that said, my next full kit is definitely gonna be Troopermaster.... If I can answer any specific questions, let me know.... Here's a picture of me on the beach yesterday:
  5. I thought it was just me with a t-shirt obsession, I'm a nerd, yay and I'm a peep too. I think Big Bang Theory may have little something to do with geeks starting to be a bit cool also, yes I know they are not scifi, but they are geeky about it
  6. Yay, nerds! We're showing our geeky pride!
  7. It's kind of interesting that you mention it. My best friends throughout school were all pretty geeky--we liked Magic: the Gathering, anime (before it was cool), Star Wars and all that jazz. I met my wife in seventh grade, and she was big into SW as well. So for me, it's never been an issue of be being "in the closet" or "out." Naturally, my brothers and parents (all are into cars, hunting, football and such) thought I was weird, and perhaps I was. I kind of wore it like a badge of honor, because I liked it. There was some pressure, but my brothers are MUCH older than me (15 and 13 years, respectively) so they weren't around to badger me about it. The wedding day: we had a 3-tier wedding cake, with the three main couples from SW as toppers. Anakin/Padme, Han/Leia and Luke/Mara Jade. We thought it was awesome, and everybody that came to the wedding knew what we were like, so they said things like "Well, that's certainly Jeff and Becky's style." We had a video that had Across the Stars playing in the background. The guy from her neighborhood was doing music, and played the SW theme after the reception just for us. The day I finished my armor: My wife's family came over to see it, because they're all pretty SF-savvy. I've had it for about two years now, and my family still hasn't seen it, because they wouldn't appreciate it. If they ever asked to see it, I would put it on for them, but none of them have shown any interest so far. Yet. So that's my journey. If my kids ever feel embarrassed; or anybody for that matter, I like to recite the mantra that "The people that mind don't matter, and the people that matter don't mind." It might seem trite in a lot of circumstances, but I think it fits well in this case. Sorry for rambling. I have a lot of downtime at work lately.
  8. I've always been very proud of my geeky / nerdy side and always been very open about it but, I suppose, I'm lucky in that most people don't perceive me that way initially. I'm as open about my fetish lifestyle, published erotica photography and my sexuality as I am about my comics and starwars figure collection. I've always had the view that if I'm open about everything, the people that stay as my friends, are the worthwhile ones.
  9. Ok, did some more work last night. Straps are trimmed and the edges sanded perfectly smooth^^ (and notice the girly, yet geeky, TK tube stripe inspired nailpolish!)
  10. Several of us have tried throat mics with the RomFX Without getting geeky, the RomFX doesn't match very well with certain mics Something like a throat mic needs a little pre amp to boost it's signal into the RomFX
  11. Why not save the 'find new posts' link as a favourite in your browser? Just click that rattler than fiddling resizing your windows etc? I have all my geeky forums saved this way and just add them to my bar on the top Done this for safari and IE8 John
  12. R2Dan

    TK vs. Mando?

    I guess I have to chime in again: MOST of the custom Mandos I've seen are rather sloppily put together, from a quality point of view. I don't even know if we have the "Mando Mercs" here in Germany, but we do have custom Mandos, and most of them are sporting cardboard armour and badly painted Rubies lids with some cheapo toy gun - the bigger, the better! That's not my cup of tea at all. I don't even get the whole "let us invent some guys that look somewhat like Boba, but not quite, so we can be individualistic", but again that's just me. I'm also not into geeky roleplaying, with invented characters and backstories. Again, that's me, and if you're cool with it, perfect! But don't turn into a sissy just because some others will go rolling their eyes when they see a crappily executed custom costume when their own standards are on a very different level. That's just how it is. Oh and I have seen well made custom Mandos as well (well, one) and although I still don't get the idea behind it, I can applaude that guy on a well-made costume that sells the look and seems like it could have been on screen in some kind of (Star Wars) movie. That was one out of a good few dozens... sad but true. By the way, we're getting all these custom Mando guys here all of a sudden, just after that comic was posted... the spirits that I called, anyone?!
  13. O.M.G. Imagine an Emperor at conventions pulling that stunt... AWESOME. And geeky. I love it.
  14. Wow, it's like you know me! Right on all counts. But you left out the six-figure income and the rocket car. But seriously, yeah, my family is great. My wife came from a family where the men's "hobbies" involved alcohol and law enforcement, and not in a good way. She adores my geeky ways. She'd rather have me at home spending my money on costumes and props than have me out late spending money on booze and bail.
  15. Its helping me too, I'm also turning mine into a laser tag gun... so being able to take it apart if something happens to the electronics inside is important the friends i laser tag think its kinda geeky, but awesome nonetheless (outdoor lasertag, we use areas similar to airsoft - but we're wimps and dont want to get hurt)
  16. kiyotei

    17 again

    Ok I am so gonna get crap for admitting that I watched the movie 17 Again, but it was pretty funny. What made it great was the geeky side kick who is a big star wars fan and had a land speeder bed. Anyone else see it and find him really funny? His character could be the best ueber geek in a movie.
  17. YES!!! My feelings exactly! For years before I finally decided to get my armor, it was the voice in my head that said how geeky this hobby was that kept me from doing it. That voice is still in my head, but I'm having too much fun to pay it much heed any more. I never get offended when a neighbor sees me in armor and starts snickering, because I totally understand what they are thinking. But I'm so glad I finally decided to listen to the other voice in my head that is obsessed and just had to try this hobby out because being a giant, walking and talking action figure is so cool!
  18. I'm about to start playing the trading card game of WoW with my brother-in-law and nephew on Sunday. That geeky enough for you?
  19. Well well, I finally managed to get all my armour together, and I _think_ it should fulfill all ANH elite standards. We'll see... First of all I want to thank a bunch of people: Jens Hartmann for helping me out with boots, geeky helmet comparison sessions and for being one of the coolest guys in the German Garrison. Frank Vahlke for giving me some leather material for my holster Another top guy! And Romy, for sewing my belt and enduring all the TK talk over the past few months. Thank you so much Our Stukatrooper for his picture tutorials, they were a huge resource during my build, and I hope I didn't screw up And this place and all the members, without you I probably wouldn't have gone all that far So Cheers! Enough of that banter now, here are some pics (once again they're not the best, I really need to get a new camera!): Bucket pics: The blaster: And a last one showing the AB buttons, the canvas belt and the holster attachment, woo! Oh and here's me without the helmet, with a scary Jack Nicholson kind of face... it's the best I got without the bucket Right then - Let me know if you need any more pictures, or if anything is really off... That's it for now! Awaiting your comments quick edit: Just realised it's hard to tell wether my back and butt plate are seperate from the pics, so I took this one:
  20. Don't let them get to you. Face it, most kids are idiots, and too afraid to do anything that'd make them seem different or "dorky." I'd guess that most are just jealous that you have the balls to go do something out of the norm. I know that anyone who puts me down for doing something I love (and something that not only doesn't hurt anyone, but helps many) isn't someone I want to associate with anyway. So I don't let it get to me, and you shouldn't either Also, all my geeky pursuits over the years have done me nothing but good. While most people my age I know are milling around doing college courses because they don't know what else to do, I'm about to start a course at Uni that should put me on track for my dream job in the games industry. Awesome
  21. I often get called a geek, but I don't take offense All my geeky hobbies are fun and interesting - the 501st is fun, interesting, and for a good cause. Nothing to ever be ashamed of
  22. I do like this. AHN Elite ESB Elite ROTJ Elite I was thinking about adding something about Vader. Like, ANH Vaders Elite, ect. But it sounds to geeky. So yea, I support this idea.
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