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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Laspector

  1. I've only recently been introduced to E6000. I found one tube in Walmart in the craft section a few months ago but it has never been restocked. If I ever find it again I will buy several tubes. Devcon plastic welder is great but be aware that after a year or two it will tend to yellow. Make sure none is visible on your armor.
  2. Whenever I am drawing troopers firing the E-11 I always use something like PTOW!! or KTOW!!
  3. I actually have an old copy of that SW documentary. I remember when it first came on tv. We had no VCR back then and I put my cassette recorder next to the tv speaker and recorded just the audio. Must have listened to it a thousand times. About 1988 I found a VHS copy in a Blockbuster. I borrowed a friends VCR and hooked it up to mine and dubbed it off. A few years ago I transferred it to DVD. Quality ain't that great but I still watch it every now and then. Brings back lots of memories.
  4. I tend to agree, I don't like the thumbprint thing. I also don't like the "squared off" look of the calf pieces. It's like if you look at them from the top they are ,like, stopsign shaped, or hexagon or whatever. Not round at all. Don't like that. Saw my first set at a con last month. The detail is almost TOO sharp for me. Also don't really care for the "lip" all around everything. I have been told that it cuts into you some..That's just what I was told by someone--have no idea if it's true. I think I'm just gonna stick with my FX suit and MR helmet. Or at least until some hootin' palootin' eletist wants to start phasing that out too.
  5. The lining is okay, I did add some foam to the inside of mine. I like mine to fit really snug. The really biggest mod I did but didn't mention before is--if you are going to put speakers in the areaters then you will have a bit of a job to do. I put my Skullworx in mine. I love it. I also painted the inside of mine black. I guess I really need to change my avatar since that is my old FX helmet.
  6. Wasn't stun setting blue? Like when they shot the princess on the Tantive IV?
  7. As far as being a good solid, sturdy helmet I love the MR. All I did to mine was put some tint on the lenses, fill in the seam, put some mesh in the frown and replace the tube stripes. There will be people who will tell you you HAVE to replace the ears or put screws in them,open up the frown more-- You don't HAVE to. I seriously doubt any garrison will turn you down for not replacing, or shortening the ears. You might catch flack for it on this board but it is up to you as to how far you want to go with it.
  8. Yeah if you watch the trooper as he is walking out of the cell his helmet is up almost to his ears.
  9. It looks bent. Did you put a rod down the center? Or is it just the photos?
  10. Inflatable? I think those are used for something else!! I'm jus' sayin'!!
  11. Here in the Southern part of the United States this is used by EVERYONE, young and old. It is practically a prerequisite. Here, if you go to the trouble to actually say "you all" you would probably be considered a snob. The thing about this one is that it is such a regional word that it is part of our everyday language. It's such a part of our dialect that we don't even notice it. However if someone tries to fake it-ie- someone with a northern accent, we can spot it in a heartbeat. I can spot EVERY fake southern accent ever put in a movie or tv show.
  12. After searching for about a year in Walmart I finally located this stuff. I have a question--does E6000 dry hard (like Gorilla glue) or is it still flexible when dry? I am trying to make a chin strap for something and I am trying to attach a piece of small dog collar to a piece of thick fabric. Too thick to sew and I am stumped on how to attach it. I'm either going to try the E6000 or I found some kind of double sided fabric tape that you iron on. I have not had good luck with any kind of fabric glue in the past. I ruined two good jackets trying to glue patches on them. Any advice?
  13. Laspector

    TK Blues

    Don't feel like the Lone Ranger pal. I live in the US down here in the deeeeeep South. You tell somebody around here about this hobby and they will think you are absolutely, positively, undeniably NUTS!!! I am lucky to have two other members of my garrison here in town but we rarely ever see each other except at troops. Last week I asked off for a couple of days and my boss wormed it out of me that I was going to a science fiction convention. He thought I was out of my mind and could not understand why I would not rather be out in the woods in the freezing rain at 4 am looking for a stupid animal to kill. It may sound wrong but I just always build up the charity part of it.. I mean really build it up!!!! I'm sorry to say that I have, on occasion, lied about how many charity events I've done (I know, horrible thing) but once you put in the charity part these rednecks don't think you are so bad...They still think it is stupid but at least they think you are honorable.
  14. Okay, you might as well be talking in greek to me. You lost me with "tbh".
  15. The only thing I seem to see wrong with this new board is that it seems everytime I open a thread it goes to the middle of the page instead of the top. Is this supposed to happen?
  16. Hey now, that is indeed a pretty nifty box. Where did you get it?
  17. Luckily I got mine for free--would have really been disappointed if I had paid thirty bucks for it. Yeah, I watched it once and then it went on the shelf. Probably forever. I can't imagine anyone who is not 501st sitting through the whole thing as it's pretty boring. I think it was made in the spirit of "we have got to reduce the geek factor and show how much we really care about people". Like someone said before, it just doesn't seem to be able to figure out what audience it is catering to. For the geeks--boring. For the non geeks, well, still boring. Again, like someone said, if you personally know Albin then I'm sure it means a lot more to you. Someone should do a fan edit. You could reduce it down to about twenty minutes and make something fun to watch.
  18. Maybe we should give this poor guy a break. Let's face it--if this had come out twenty five years ago most of us would have been all over this trying to build his stuff. I thank the Lord Almighty there are no pictures of some of the Star Wars stuff I tried to build back in the 70's and 80's. Ya ever tried to melt plastic in a boiler on your Mom's stove? Quite a grounding you will get.
  19. Wait, wait, wait---what? Set between 1 and 2? Oh,pleaseGod No! Although I would love to see the story of Max after 1 and how he became what he was in Road Warrior---just, I mean.... Aw Hell, forget it. This movie will blow!!
  20. I dunno, I've never been one of those people that felt I had to choose between one or the other. As I was born in the 60's I had obviously seen Trek first--it's actually what got me into science fiction. Although Star Wars will always be my passion, I can watch Trek just as easily. I could watch Next Generation 24-7 just about. I've never felt that the two clashed with each other. They are apples and oranges. To tell the truth, I think anyone who bashes something just because it is not their favorite thing is pretty sad...No offense intended to anyone.
  21. I don't have high hopes for this. It will probably just be another Deathrace type movie. I mean Max IS the charactor the story is made around, not just post apocalyptic cars. Sure, it will be action packed but it will probably not have a good story. Plus, they will probably throw in some zombies or some crap like that into it.
  22. Okay, I guess my real question on the boots is do you have to cut a hole in your boots to get it to afix to the base? How do the feet connect to the base?
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