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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About Erice3339

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    Stuart, Florida


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    Florida Garrison

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  1. Buckets off in South Florida for CableGuy Dan Branton, TK-42911. May he march on in the Hall of Eternal Legionnaires and his memory live on forever in our community.
  2. POST 29 Florida Garrison Everglades Squad Fireteam Alpha 1. Date & Location: 2020 in Florida, USA Photo Credit: Donna Sanders, ID-6825 Editing: Gary Cardenas, TK-72313 2. Date & Location: 2018 in Florida, USA Photo Credit: Sean Patrick, TD-2884 3. Date & Location: 2020 in Florida, USA Photo Credit: Donna Sanders, ID-6825 4. Date & Location: 2020 in Florida, USA Photo Credit: Unknown 5. Date & Location: 2020 in Florida, USA Photo Credit: Unknown
  3. Though I understand that it was produced years after the original date of this post, I have always looked to the Rebels television series for canon examples of clean TKs wearing pauldrons-- and in a variety of colors at that. Nevertheless, I understand that the animated version of the armor is categorized by itself in a separate CRL, and it thus isn't technically permissible for a movie-derived OT TK to wear a pauldron. Though I would never wear one to an LFL troop, I'd be lying if I said that I haven't worn an orange pauldron on occasion to relatively more low-profile troops. I don't make a habit of it, but it can be a nice touch if no sandtroopers are present and there is a group of TKs slated to be at the troop. I do not have a strong opinion one way or another, and I understand many disregard the animated shows according to their own, valid preferences, but since it has not been mentioned in this thread yet, I thought I'd compile the following screengrabs from Star Wars Rebels:
  4. I am happy to see you here from the Florida Garrison forums, Jennifer. I agree with Joseph's and Tino's evaluation. If you have any questions moving forward, we are all here to help you however we can!
  5. Congrats on your EIB approval! And here’s to another 1,000 EIB troopers in FISD’s future!
  6. Amazing job. I can not only imagine how much time it took to compile but also how much time future recruits will spend using it. I, for one, would have spent much time coming back to this thread. Any chance this might be pinned? Regardless, great work on it!
  7. Preface A Spec Ops Detachment staff member approached the DL with a message that said DL subsequently shared with the Florida Garrison CS. I also wanted to spread the word here. In short, Lucas, or "Luke", is terminally ill with brain cancer, and the staff member, who is Luke's family, is looking to compile a video following the instructions quoted below. Alternatively, if you are unable to film a video in the time allotted, Everglades Squad has setup a virtual event where you can post photos with words of encouragement to Luke. His family will be given the link on the 17th to view all the posts. You are welcome to do both if so inclined. If you have any questions, please contact me; otherwise, please feel free to share this opportunity with your squads, garrisons, and other detachments. Thank you! https://www.facebook.com/events/301955967463657/ [BEGIN QUOTE] "Help me SWIN family, you are my only hope. Calling all 501st, Rebels, and Mercs. Grab your costumes and video cameras, a young boy needs us! I was contacted this morning by my aunt, after she discovered that I'm part of the Rebel Legion. She informed me that her great nephew, on her husband's side, Lucas has brain cancer and is in hospice at home. He has been visited by our troopers in the past, which he loved. Unfortunately, Lucas isn’t doing well and will not be with us much longer. With Scott’s help, I’m making a video for Lucas to lift his spirits and give him a loving distraction. I’m asking ALL of you to make a quick video in your costumes waving and saying hi to Lucas. Lucas LOVES ewoks, so if you are, know, or have an Ewok that can join in your video he would love that. Lucas likes being called Luke, so that he is like Luke Skywalker...so feel free to use either name. We need these videos in by this Monday, May 17th at the latest! Given the situation we might even need to have the video ready sooner, so please send your videos ASAP! Please send your video to Tx62000@gmail.com . Use the email title “For Lucas” [END QUOTE]
  8. Welcome to FISD, Ian! I think you will find the FISD family to be very helpful in starting your FOTK build. Dave and I are here to assist you locally as well!
  9. Hi Ian, Glad you found your way here! It looks like you found the information you were looking for too. Keep browsing the fourms; there is alot of great information on here for all things stormtrooper-related. Best of luck and let Dave or I know if we can help!
  10. Congrats, Thomas! The work was all you. I provided what information I could, but you took the initiative. I am glad you are happy with the armor-- as you should be. You did great work, and I too look forward to trooping with you on the other side of this pandemic!
  11. Congratulations, Thomas! Very proud of you and glad to see the hard work pay off. Way to represent Everglades Squad!
  12. It’s one thing to poke fun at those that, with no love for Star Wars, capitalize on the franchise for their own monetary benefit thereby also depriving us of a chance to appear for free and have any proceeds donated to a charity of the organizer’s choosing. Yet, while I often refrain from expressing my truly meaningless opinion on topics that do not concern my own conduct or pursuits, I cannot stand to see ridicule pointed at innocent fans who dress up just for the fun of it. Fun is a subjective construct, and as such, it cannot be stated that our accurate and systematic approach to building stormtroopers is the only valid method by which one can represent and enjoy the franchise. If the individual derided earlier in this thread whilst attending a premiere is a weirdo, then I too am a “weirdo” and glad to be one. As Joseph said, I would hate to rob someone of fulfilling their whitearmor passion simply because they observe some insensitive members, who feel the time and money we all have invested into our costumes somehow equate to superiority, hiss and sneer at one’s first attempt at replicating something we all emulate. After all, no matter how much liberty was taken in these costumes, the emulation is close enough that the public will doubtlessly identify it as a stormtrooper (or a Power Ranger) just as they would us. I concur with the prior comments that this thread and all like it should be closed. Though I said it might be acceptable to criticize those that open themselves up to as much by commercializing others’ intellectual property to reap monetary reward, it is too difficult to differentiate from a mere picture of an enthusiastic fan. As such, there’s no sense in indiscriminately insulting and laughing at all less-than-accurate attempts. Happy Holidays Everyone!
  13. Hm, that’s odd. My Anovos helmet (circa 2018) doesn’t have the slight bump in the lower margin of the right eye like yours and Thomas’. Thanks for your input!
  14. Following. I am curious to know. I am aware the ANH helmets are notoriously incongruent, but I don’t think I had ever heard of that being accentuated by the helmet’s eyes. Like Thomas, thanks for any information, troopers.
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