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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by TheSwede

  1. Huh? last I heard they were going out fast (I ordered 2, not yet recieved though) or have I missed something?
  2. And...also subscribed just to put some pressure for future episodes
  3. Haah! It was awesome! Worth the wait The armor looked great
  4. The shorter swoop goes on the inside conforming to the muscle (like pic2) but in the end of the day it can be either way, the original armor had a mix of double-up parts and consisted of two inner halves and two outer halves and so on - just go with what looks and feels the best and remember to size the shins with your boots on
  5. For the gap, just ad a piece at the bottom....for the issue with the coverstrip (if you choose to fix) the only option is to remove and reglue making sure it sits even on the seem...and if there is need for a gap for the entire seem in order for the cover strip to sit even, then a full length inner strip is prefereble
  6. Ahh, good to know *phue* ...but still....the ranks would look better with the helmet-thing
  7. Good point, I have no answer to that other than I really would prefer an iconic stormtrooper helmet to be displayed in the logo of the First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment
  8. Still going on about the FISD logo, I think this helmet design would be great to use with the crossed blasters...not having a helmet just feels wrong.
  9. Bummer..but not to worry - it`s all fairly easy to fix Option one: remove cover strip and check length, from the looks of it it could come down a few mm at the bottom so maybe the lenght is right, otherwise trim and put back. Option 2: trim the top of the coverstrip were it sits using a dremmel (that`s how I would do it) or some other tool of your choice. The gap: glue some scrap abs on the inside and then abs-paste on the outside and some patient sanding your good to go
  10. I can imagine but cudos for doing it, I never even considered making a neck seal however I heard plenty saying it was fairly easy so one never knows
  11. Just ordered and paid for ”torso” and as stated it should ship in 10-14 workdays...well let’s see Edit: I’m not going to mix-and-match it with any of my TM suits - that just wouldn’t be right
  12. Looking good and like Dan said - get those shoulders in for that great movie-look
  13. Was thinking the half/half version
  14. Looks great so far so good - now next mission, tears and traps
  15. Still the helmet thing, everything else is
  16. Well...another Centurion about to join the ranks
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