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Everything posted by TK4205

  1. I didn't know this trooper either, but at the same time, I know you all in a small way.
  2. It's yours to do with whatever you want. It's not as though you are printing and selling them. You're fine. Don't let them members scare you. A lot of people here are up tight when it comes to the recasting issue.
  3. I like that a member shared his files for 3D printing, but the "no sale caveat" is a little much. It's almost impossible to tell who's is who's and no one should lock down the sale of blasters by just sharing files. It's a nice blaster there. I hope you can move it.
  4. It seems to have started as a build thread then turned into a sale thread for a blaster, with a little armor bickering in between. You make it sound lake a brawl..
  5. It is not our place as a detachment to prove anything. The burden of proof lays solely on the vendor to deliver what they promised. And so far, anovos hasn't proved themselves. "prove it" is usually uttered in the last line of defense. We can see it plain in front of our faces whether we can prove it or not. When I saw the screen used troopers in the TFA room in Anaheim, that was all the proof I needed; I had just built the next generation FX and I've built enough of them to know. Anovos is in litigation over the not so accurate files that they were provided. Of course they lied, and they know they lied. Please prove to me that I'm wrong.
  6. I am. Wouldn't it be great if a liars pants actually did catch on fire?
  7. Imagine, if Jim had the resources that anovos had. It's hard to for me to understand how anovos got the access to screen used suits and then missed the mark by a mile. It makes me have to wonder how close they got to see them or what exactly they were looking at. So far, everyone has gotten about as close to movie accuracy as the FX stormtrooper did.
  8. I stopped by to see you in Anaheim, Gino, but you were more popular than the hot chicks in armor... less stuck up too.
  9. Armor selling tips: First, lower your standards, have all your customers sign a NDA, then threaten to sue them if they aren't happy with what they get. Then you need to get a couple of your employees on staff at the Legion to advertise for you. It's best if you can get the LMO in your pocket. Don't forget to lie about screen accuracy and the origins of your product. Hope this helps. Edit: for all the noobs that think I'm talking smack about Gino and his kit - Gino is one of our long time armorers. Us "garage builders" need to stick together.
  10. Yes, the curve goes upwards, with the arch at the top.
  11. Yeah, I'm game. Got the fist gen mitcheg. Like to have v2!
  12. You may or may not separate the elbows from the shoulders. That's entirely up to the user. Personally, I'd use as little rubber as I could on my costume. Sticky backed velcro sticks very well to these gaskets, so it would be easy to cut them apart and affix them in the armor.
  13. Thank you, Thomas. I will post a video demonstrating my best method of trimming and fitting. I am away from my shop right now but will get on it as soon as I get back.
  14. That's a good call. The way I see it, the only open seams were on the biceps and forearms. I can't imagine spending that much money, then doing the bare minimum to my kit. If you have the skills, use them. Furthermore, if you do not paint it, it will just yellow over time. Cheaper plastic will yellow fast.
  15. fantastic job hiding the work on your chest detail. That looks like a tricky mod. It wasn't available for the Alpha so I didn't have the pleasure of doing it.
  16. Hey Greg, here is a close up shot of the belt material that I sent you. Hope this helps.
  17. One inch square HIPS from my scrap bin. I cut a 1/4" inch hole and glued together. This is the socket for the magnet plug. I used a dremel to make my socket round. Dremelled 1/4" holes in the shins. Super Magnets from Home Depot. Pack of 3 for under $4. I used E6000 to stick the magnets and CA glue to attach the socket to the armor.
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