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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by R2Dan

  1. Hi guys, Just to make that clear: I don't want to spark off yet another discussion about moulds, rights - or any name calling - I just wanted to show off what I recently got in the mail. As you might know CAP "has left the building" - he just recently sold his moulds and his vac table and is taking a break from the entire hobby - However, he's become a good friend apart from all the plastic craze and I have had a great many chats with him that were filled with utter madness - good times! So just before he decided to quit, he did one "last" lid for me, made from high gloss styrene, and what can I say? I absolutely love it. My crappy camera doesn't do it justice, as it won't capture all the nice details, but I wanted to show you anyway. Enough of the sentimental talk, here's the pics: I will try and get some pics of the back'n'cap with a better camera, it's pretty nice and bumpy, but my camera just won't pick that up Anyway, last a cheers to CAP! Keep rockin' bro
  2. Now that makes perfect sense - so the gaffer tape there is the stunt version of the biceps hook we see on the hero suit... cool! Thanks for sharing Paul
  3. I was actually wondering what that piece of gaffer tape is doing there - there is no apparent reason for it to be there (not holding the two halves together or anything) so why did they put it there!?
  4. And that's why we lost against the Care Bears...
  5. But you realise the Empire is extremely racist and probably the biggest dictatorship you could think of? Stormtroopers ARE "UBER space Nazis" - like it or not. And no guys, I'm not right winged or anything - just found it funny that someone "doesn't like the idea"
  6. I don't know if that helps at all, but it's a pic I took about a year ago or so, showing a few different lids: from left to right: TE, NGB, AP, MR CE, old MovieFX (german maker) And a closer look at the three better lids (TE, NGB, AP): You can see the AP is really on the small side... Sorry no RT Mod in those, thought it would help a little though Here's a more recent one, with some more lids: again f.l.t.r.: old MFX, new MFX, NGB, CAP, TE, AP
  7. Nice one Stefan Are you going to troop in it or just keep it on the shelf? Either way, I wanna see it next time we meet
  8. Is it just me or are the eyes a little overtrimmed? They look more ESB than ANH to me. Not sure what you paid for the assembly, but there's still a LOT left to be done on this suit, you might as well have done it all yourself.
  9. Yeah I was just going to post what the caboots website says: "We will be restocking these again in 2009" Doesn't sound like they're discontinuing, and I wouldn't see why either, those sell pretty well I'd say
  10. ah what the heck, just put them with the logo...-----------
  11. I did pretty much the same with my FISD logo on my new Trooper box ------------- Still trying to figure out where to place the other decals... hmmm
  12. Just a funny side note: The guy is now listing those as "Star Wars costume voice amp", hehe!!
  13. Elite is not about being all screen accurate, but about reaching a certain level of uniformity and trooper costumes that capture the essence of what is seen on screen. Keep in mind noone forces you to go Elite, nor does it make you a better man. If you disagree with the Elite standards, fair enough, they're just another set of rules made up by a bunch of nerds
  14. Congrats from me as well... Now we both need to talk Kevin into doing an elite trooper next
  15. come on Stefan, you could have put on the whole setup, don't be that lazy!After all it's up to you and me to get those german Troopers up to shape, we won't get there with you showing now discipline to start with... Nah just kidding mate Looking good to me!
  16. Some of you have seen it in the elite application, but here it is again: And another one with a Jack Nicholson face LOL
  17. I think the volume pot is a BIG plus for this amp compared to the Halloween one. And it is much louder as well, if you want it to be that is On the other hand, you're missing out on all the funny monster and alien voices...
  18. Hey guys I just recently bought a dead cheap voice amp on eBay, just to check out if it's any good for the Trooper use. I wasn't too convinced by the Halloween voice changer, but not yet ready to fork out enough for a ROMFX (I guess I will some day, but right now other things have priority). Anyway, I stumbled across this voice amp on eBay for $10, and thought I'd give it a go. And well, I'm quite pleased with it! Here's a short demo recording I made for you to judge for yourself: ------- I added some padding to the mic, nothing else was altered. If someone's interested now, here's the eBay link: -------- Just wanted to share
  19. Sorry, but I have to be the smartass here: The Humbrol #5 is the dark grey, the midnight blue is Humbrol #15. But I agree, they seem to be a bit too bright there
  20. Well, looking good there mate. Nothing I can see that will stop, except for the side gaps I guess. Really nice set of armour, even if you chickened out and let somebody else do all the work - just kidding Another kraut in the elite ranks. I like that!
  21. I said so on this forum as well. I still don't see why it has to be turned into this witch hunt, but again, the neverending recast argument shouldn't come up here yet another time - It won't get us nowhere
  22. guys, don't start ripping each other apart on a personal level here. I personally think Gino has a point there, and he never said it's a 1:1 recast. It could VERY WELL be a heavily modified recast - Maybe not, but right now, I tend to believe Gino. Does it really matter though? A lot of people aren't after UBER accuracy, as in each bump should be present, anyway - they look for something idealised that captures what is seen on screen, not in every intricate detail though. And the recast debate is a neverending story, so there's no need to go down that road yet again! Whatever it is, there is no reason to let this become any more ugly than it already has
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