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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by R2Dan

  1. from what I know that's a recast of the SFS helmets Matt did. Not his work though. The tubes are all wrong on the recast due to problems with the moulds
  2. Well mate, welcome to the elite ranks! I'll come down and guard that ship with you... (we can talk some new bass grooves... but don't tell the Deployment Officer )
  3. looking pretty good there! I like the bass shot as well - we should get a TK Bassist patch going I don't see anything that would stop you from becoming elite What bucket is that?
  4. people like the bumpy eye - I think either way is fine Good looking suit and congrats on making it to the elite ranks
  5. Would have suggested adjusting the elastic as well - Also the blaster has a D-Ring at the front of the barrel, I'm pretty sure that's a ROTJ detail and not supposed to be there.
  6. Making it to elite is no reason to laze around - I wasn't entirely happy with the thighs, as they looked way too big compared to everything else, so I opened them back up at the back, and cut them so they'd taper more towards the shins. Here's what they look like now:
  7. Hehe, thanks mate - As a lot of people have commented on him now, here's a little show off pic of my astromech son: That was at last year's 501st German Garrison annual meet. Isn't he cute? Only took me over a year of all my spare time, lots of money, tons of research, work, blood, sweat and tears... and I made good friends along the way The Trooper build was quite a nice change, a little easier to pull off (not saying it's nothing though). Oh and I found this detachment, so I got to meet even more cool people... Now it's time to see what geeks work on 3PO (chances are I know most of them through the R2 builders club already )
  8. I will third that... but what's the 501st Cast? (I figure it's the Webcast, but better make sure, hehe )
  9. Congrats elite partner - I just hope we won't have to troop side by side anytime soon, else I'd get the "aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper" line WAAAY too often Cheers! Dan
  10. Congrats mate - Looks like our class of cadets was rather successful - 3 elite approvements without much hassle, we must have done something right
  11. Thanks guys Elite #50 - Time to motivate some other Troopers around me so we get the next 50 applications soon
  12. copy Sir! I will send out the blaster for closer inspection immediately... ... did I just say that? I must have gone crazy!!! Being elite is all cool, but it's got to stop somewhere Hehe, cheers mate!
  13. No problem, I can wait a little longer... I have to learn to be patient anyway
  14. Rickenbacker all the way - Though I have to admit that's just a copy. A fine one at that though. One day it'll be a real Rick... one day
  15. Okay, I got some "action" pics done, and updated my Request pics in the first post as well (the right side pic is a bit blurry, sorry for that - still better than the first I think) So here we go: Will that do? Just kidding, couldn't resist Don't know which is better, just take the one that fits best with the others
  16. I used to have one and the doopydoos kit, it had a recessed area so it would slide down more - if you get a resin cast that wouldn't be too hard to do as a mod?
  17. I have one up there already, but due to lack of updates it got drowned - I'll be reviving it once they're done and ready
  18. Guys, I know I've been quiet on the handguards front, but I will soon be able to get some sets out. Now that I finished my personal TK build, I can spend more time on these, and I've started painting up a whole bunch of sets. I think I will have about 10 sets done and ready for shipping by next week. So in case you guys are still interested, it's not long to go. If you check my elite application thread you can see those in "action" (although the pics aren't the best). They paint wore off a little on the edges, due to the forearm armour rubbing against the back, but nothing too bad. once again, it's just like in the movie
  19. Looking good. Get us some bucket close ups Just one thing I find odd - shouldn't the Hengstler be attached to the side, next to the mag receiver, rather than on the top? Somewhat like that: Or am I being too picky?
  20. You will get it - I'll be doing better pics very soon
  21. I don't need any padding Nah, seriously, it's not that hard a balaclava or a bandana helps though, just to keep them out of the eyes - else it can get really nasty during an event
  22. MovieFX/Guidon, German maker - except for the helmet
  23. That's just a poster actually - but I do have it on vinyl as well I have quite a neat Maiden collection here, even got one of the original Soundhouse Tapes! Maiden Rule. Period. edit: You should have put up a link to a more recent live version Maiden never know what a good video should look like, especially back in the 80s! Oh my...
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