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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by ComradeDave

  1. How much would you be selling them for?
  2. OMG, I've been looking everywhere for the STL files to no avail.
  3. Eric you're turning into the teacher's pet...
  4. Magnets Acquired, I also tore some old computers apart for LED's and fans
  5. Armour Update: Order Shipping today not too much longer me thinks
  6. Compression 2 piece ordered http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00FG271RM/ref=s9_cartx_gw_d99_g193_i6?pf_rd_m=A3DWYIK6Y9EEQB&pf_rd_s=desktop-2&pf_rd_r=0VXN4WWK9T6A5Q5Z0S0C&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=2055621962&pf_rd_i=desktop http://www.amazon.ca/emFraa-Womens-Spandex-Running-sleeve/dp/B00FF8GL2S/ref=pd_sim_193_3?ie=UTF8&dpID=41nLHNJCKGL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL200_SR160%2C200_&refRID=1TG8HJ5KNNJEA21SWA5K
  7. I have one of these too and will doing the same thing!
  8. " the main features the distinguish the ANH DLT-19 prop from a stock MG-34 are a conical disk on the handle, a metal box covering the ejection port and T-tracks on the barrel shroud. but first i will provide references and data for a original MG-34 machine gun" - (Dashrazor) http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/14837-advanced-anh-weaponry-dlt-19/ Here is a link to my blueprints thread too http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/33273-dlt-19-illustrator-and-pdf/
  9. How did you end up making this part of the bipod?
  10. I did the same thing, When I started I used his list as checklist for my build too.
  11. I should probably start doing the same just reading and following posts is probably not as smart as making a binder
  12. I did end up going with Vern's advice and bought myself the Bass Amsterdams
  13. Good call AP's ABS is already glossy but their will be scuff and scrapes down the road.
  14. Absolutely Aaron my man. I'll start posting as soon as my brown box comes!
  15. Update: S necktrim and ESB decals arrived from Trooperbay
  16. Another Trooper (Andsuor, Andreas from Norway) mentioned these H&M boots I found them whilst Christmas shopping and I must say they look pretty good and for only 60 CAD ----------
  17. I'm glad I found this. I ordered AP. I'm around 6'3" 150lbs am I going to have an issue?
  18. Still waiting for my Big Brown Box... lol
  19. I'm 6'3" I'm worried about large gaps between armour components. Is this an issue with AP?
  20. Lol how tall are you Dan? I'm definitely going to be in the same boat it looks fine on you though so you're already putting my mind at ease.
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