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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by ComradeDave

  1. I scraped out the foam, and epoxy puttyed the lenses in works great! I also ripped out the current mesh and added industrial velcro that needs to be cleaned up a bit... But now I have removeable mesh behind the frown. More pics on the way
  2. Joe's list is what I based mine and a couple other troopers from my garrison based our lists off of. It's awesome definitely a necessary tool!
  3. Well done this will be helpful for a lot of troopers. I had to dig the crap out of these forums even after I had what I thought was "all" of my tools lol. Keep it up!
  4. I'm also hoping to get mine done for TO Comicon I want to meet all my GTA Brothers and sisters
  5. good call brother I just used 6-32 screws and nuts
  6. I'm closer to Detroit than I am to the rest of my country, I grew up with imperial units lol
  7. I found a place that 3d prints online. These are not 1:1 scale right? x 25.4?
  8. Note to all I bought this epoxy putty, sugru works as well but this is what I used to install my posts. I'll be adding it to my hardware list because it works amazingly. After it sets it can be tapped, drilled and sanded to your liking. It also accepts paint well!
  9. I bought this stuff Everett going to try it tonight
  10. I couldn't find it Joseph... I totally would have picked some up while I was out
  11. Aaron, your build was where I got the idea!
  12. well what I was going to do was insert chicago screws or nuts into the putty and screw into that
  13. There you are, I finally found and followed your post Justin!
  14. Has anyone tried this when mounting their lenses? --------- Fix It
  15. Now rivets, snads or brads can be visible so I assume you can use velcro too
  16. " The plastic shoulder straps need to be held down in the back via a white elastic band to the white fabric that connects/bridges the chest and back piece." I'm pretty sure they float and are held down by the elastic to the white fabric strap that joins the back and chest
  17. Thanks Paul, Haribon's NE Team build thread really helped me out.
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