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Everything posted by SuperTrooper

  1. Along with the shoulder strap and back plate issue, we need a closeup of your mic tips. You're almost there.
  2. Congrats Brian, and thanks for all that you do for the FISD.
  3. 3M makes polishing pads for automotive paint that are 2-3 inches in diameter and less than a quarter inch thick. They also fit any standard angle grinder. I love mine and have found all sorts of uses for them, but have never tried polishing HIPS with them.
  4. OK here you go. I weighed my blasters this morning. Unmodded Hasbro: 13oz Hyperfirm: 1lb 8oz Resin E-11 with a foam core: 2 lb 13 oz
  5. With the additional pics EIB approved, and only a week after your 18th B-day.
  6. THE HF E-11 is just a hair heavier than an unmodded Hasbro. It's far lighter than a resin blaster.
  7. Just need the helmet details shots and a pic of the other side of your blaster and you should be good to go. If you want to go overboard you could shorten the holster straps, but that won't keep you from EIB.
  8. Double checked the incinerator trooper references, and all I can say is WOW. That and EIB approved. Great job trooper.
  9. Great build, only thing we need to see is the butt plate should be below the belt not under it.
  10. EIB approved as soon as we see the butt plate under the belt. Sooooo close.
  11. Thanks everyone. Had a busier than normal day, but had a nice dinner out with the family a day early. BTW Brian, I'm 32.
  12. Yes a bumpy cap is EIB approvable.
  13. Remember the CRLs are guidelines, not hard requirements. A stunt helmet with 10 teeth cut is still more that 501st worthy.
  14. With the 127 in the title I never looked in the thread to review it, as I thought it was done. Thanks for the PM Gordon. EIB approved, sorry for the delay.
  15. That is also the same figure with errors that is in the Tantive IV pack from a few years back.
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