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Everything posted by charlesnarles

  1. Sweet, good to know. How much padding was there? Were the insides of the TFA lids lined with anything? how much white was visible? Just wondering, thanks!
  2. I'm trying to find pieces for the new Disney blasters which seem about 1.25 inches outer diameter. I'm wondering: is the Hasbro conversion nose piece is the same (size etc) as the pipe kit or is it scaled up for hasbro's 1.5 inch tube? I'm also open to other suggestions (I can't afford the new Phoenix props kit and I don't think DVH makes them right now). Thanks all
  3. O rly? Looks like the Disney version really is close to 1:1 all over. Cool
  4. The seam will be covered by the ears, so try to get both sides to be equally spaced and the brow level. You can adjust the face deeper/shallower and try different angles once you drill one hole on each side and attach it with screws (so it's easy to fix). Keep some screenshots and/or build threads handy for comparisons as you go. Don't be afraid to manhandle it a little to get it matched up on the tubes, the ear screws will hold it kinda warped once they go in. I don't think you're off course, don't worry
  5. You can order them from here: http://trooperbay.com/category/decals/prop-replica-decals/sw-props/troopers-tk/ and either get the Dave M decals or get the stencil kit and hand-paint your lid. Easy as pie😊
  6. Talking about substantial similarity test. What makes no sense or is incorrect?
  7. Make sure you keep your blade sharp and take it slow. Better to leave more cutting for later than to cut off more than you wanted
  8. Ooh that's the one I have too. Gonna have to get 2 more soon! The handle is comfy and the zipper pulls even look kinda like imp cogs
  9. I shot them an email asking about the helmet insides among other things. I'll post their response too
  10. It says it comes with a strapping system, I assume they mean like a hardhat liner with chin strap. I assume it's a cheap n easy foam star for padding since everything else is kinda going for screen accuracy
  11. It says it comes with a strapping system, I assume they mean like a hardhat liner with chin strap. I assume it's a cheap n easy foam star for padding.
  12. If that happened they'd be in big trouble. It's fine to have exclusivity via a license, they just can't charge us up the rear end for them, especially not without LFL letting other companies copy the originals too. Don't worry, if they try to pull that then we'll all benefit!
  13. Looks like the Disney mag housing is symmetrical, so yeah you could flip it over and cut a hole for it on the right side. Or maybe get a mag housing from a DC-15S resin kit cause those are on the right side too. Won't be long till they shovel TFA 1:1 toys into the hype train's boiler
  14. I plan to do that to a degree with either my eFX "stunt" which I modded to look like ROTJ with ANH hero mouth, Or with the Anovos one coming this winter! depending on how authentic the strapping is on it (might troop in it, maybe with my ATA body armor). I definitely want one for display like you described, one for trooping that's as screen-accurate as possible, and one kinda in between. Anyways, I saw a bunch of respirator masks on Amazon which you could probably partially disassemble and install parts in the vocoder cavity. They also have grab bags of electronic components to get tech greeblies. I'm considering this if it'll fit in the cavity:------------ Take the pink filters off, seal one side of the respirator, then link the other side to a hose to the outside through a hovi, leaving the over hovi open to let the bucket breathe (with fans if it'll fit). Then you can seal the eye lenses and make them look like the encyclopedia without anything fogging up. Maybe.
  15. Idk if the legislative intent restricting sales of firearms was to keep electronic or totally non-functional solid resin props out of anyone's hands, but what can ya do? (Answer: Make your own!) As for OT armor, if it got that far then it'd come down to a judge looking at a line-up of suits or at least a few indicative pieces to see if he/she can tell the difference between licensed and unlicensed, probably in kit form 😟 Itd be tough to tell, thus LFL's rub. I can't imagine why they WONT sue us; it must be that they aren't able to for that and 1000 other reasons (handguards, shoulder bell, etc). Ep.7 TKs are a different story I think. Ours would have to be inaccurate or more accurate than theirs but we don't know yet
  16. Yeah they charge you right then, even shipping. They need our money I guess, but that's okay with me. Kinda feels like we're investors in the company who happen to get compensated with armor later "when" it takes off. But with a guaranteed refund so it's no-risk, obviously. I'm proud to be one of the pre-order guys, I hope they have serial/run numbers 😀
  17. What about legal precedence? Whoever owned Star Wars (Lucas) didn't exercize their right to sue on purpose. Now, whoever owns SW (Disney) shouldn't be able to exercise that right just because the company changed faces. We would be making and selling artwork the same way we have been (clones, Fett, etc). Recast argument doesn't have a leg to stand on, either.
  18. Nice. It can also be done to Hasbro guns and probably the disney model too. Makes a real difference to the silhouette, eh?
  19. I hope they didn't mean ep.7 TKs only. I gotta see the clsssic trilogy up close and at different angles
  20. You wore the classic trilogy Anovos set??? Or Ep.7? (Sorry, I don't have any strapping stuff!)
  21. Oooh that's the savvy I'm after! I really appreciate the tip, I'm sure others will too. I'll try to find real sterling specs and get exactly what % smaller the pipe is. Thanks again, it's *exactly* what I was looking for
  22. Looks like the doopydoo is 1.5" so 1.25" might be better, but it looks like 1.0" would be the correct scale for that particular model
  23. I keep looking at that neck seal... There's always Trooperbay, veedox, darman, etc. if the soft parts end up being crappy, but hopefully it'll be decent. Can't wait to see some real pics!
  24. Excuse me if this isn't the right place to ask; The new Disney (gonna call them "ND") electronic toy blasters have a much smaller diameter than the Hasbro version (haven't seen any branding but Disney's, so it's no longer by/through Hasbro). The ND is about 1.5" diameter, so the doopydoo's nose piece is wider than the pipe. Looks like 1" diameter for the nose piece would be perfect: So! Without excluding Doopydoo and the other resin guys, who wants to help make the first ND custom piece? I'm a layman in terms of 3D printing and mold-shrinking, the two easiest ways I can see getting it done other than whittling the DD piece, so I'd be willing to pay for the expertise as well as the part itself (not up the wazoo tho; the point is for this to be easy, after all). How hard (expensive) would this be? Thanks
  25. Aw, just doin' my duty. That's $55 total for in-box btw, not only shipping or using custom packaging, if that was unclear. I agree these should hold up just fine in a big bubble-wrap envelope, I'll see just how low I can go. Mon.
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