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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by illusionz_09

  1. Based on experience i would not cut all those strips at the same time. Based on bodytype they can change slightly; do one body part at a time. Strip by strip. Its a little more tedious, but it will save you some heartache later.
  2. Yes, what panda is saying. Make sure you trim/sand the ears thinner so they can align and fit properly around the disk.
  3. the misalignment gets covered by the ears anyway and then the rubber s-trim. Just cut accordingly and then put the screws in place. it may take a little manipulation, but it all comes together in the end.
  4. The bypass is for using the full voltage of your battery source. It creates another flow of +/- flow. Basically it converts your circuit from being in series to being in parallel. This way you can also add multiple lights that still get the same amount of current. Does this answer your question?
  5. Great Job. I hope mine turns out this well... I really have to get back to working on it lol...
  6. Lmfao. My build has been on hiatus right now Jason, but thanks for the support lol. My daughter was born last month so its been a bit hectic. Today is my last day of Graduate school, so i should be able to have some time to work on my armor soon. My goal is to be suited up and ready for the Episode 7 premiere! Hopefully i can have it done sooner to get some troops in, but i will definitely post as i go.
  7. oh and sorry to keep adding to your list, but please fix the ears. Make sure the black line is much thinner. Basically you want the lines uniform in your build to look like the sticker outlines you have. Just use the gray and open up little by little.
  8. the "bumps" are usually pretty unavoidable due to the bucket shape. What you can do is put super glue inside the bump and clamp it tight. This will diminish the bump completely. as for as the build goes, looks good. I would however try to open up the painting on the frown a bit to try to get as close as possible to the "teeth" upper and lower marks.
  9. I made a Home Depot run to get my "thermal Detonator" in order. I cut it at 7.5 inches as needed: Naturally you have to buy the tube in 10 feet, so i still have a bit of left overs lol... Sized up and end caps put on (with only pressure needed). Then i cut out the center portion, i will install later. Working on finishing up my biceps: Due to the size constraints, I had to leave a bit of a gap in between. Its covered by the strip so I'm good to go While biceps were drying, i decided to look into my thighs. I began with my right thigh. Just getting a size idea. I haven't created the strips yet, but the distance from indention to indention as of right now is 22cm distance in front and 30cm in the back. It may be a bit snug as it is. well see what i do.
  10. Wow see I wanted to try to squeeze mine in. Those strips are bigger than those of your thighs. I'm trying to see what I can get away with. I've only done the outside biceps so far at 16.5mm. The inside I will have to make bigger strips. We'll see. Maybe those I will do closer to that 7/8 inch. I just don't want it to look comical. That and since I did my forearms a bit more accurate to the true numbers, I want to avoids redoing them
  11. Yea I noticed that on the "tushey" also lmfao.... I'm definitely airing on the side of caution after working on these biceps. I'm 5'8'', 170 lbs but i work out and my arms are not the "standard trooper" size. So typical cuts for biceps were not working. I had to open up the mm a bit, as you can see by the pic (well hard to tell from the pic) lol. I'll show more details later this week. But i'm just trying to make it work. thanks for the tip though...
  12. Finally got my Stanley 50 gallon storage box! And while waiting for E6000, I cut out the TD caps (25mm) and the drop boxes (15mm)...
  13. how many millimeters did you do the strips for the arms? forearms/biceps...
  14. thanks scott! Keep me posted. as far as return edges on my arms, they are extremely minimal to almost none; those biceps are ridiculously small compared to my arms lol.. I couldn't go the standard 15mm on biceps. I'll update as soon as i finish putting them together this week.
  15. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/23603-fs-evilboys-screen-accurate-td-belt-clips/ Evilboy is still making these. Enjoy.
  16. lmfao!!!! @ukswrath...hilarious. He really has been extremely meticulous with his build...
  17. It's been tough to find time to do anything, but now that I have some magnets I am going to get more done on putting things together this week. What i have done since last time is minimal, I cut out the ab button boxes to size. And then I started putting some armor together... I'll be working on that this week... If anyone has a chance, please look at the thread above and answer my questions for the shoulder bells, kidney plate, and the butt plate. thanks.
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