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Dark PWF

Detachment Staff[Staff]
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Everything posted by Dark PWF

  1. I'd follow Terry's advice above, except that I'd personally start with trimming the tops of the thighs for a better fit, and look at the half moon cuts in the back afterwards, should you still need just a little bit more room for mobility.<br><br> There are multiple ways to gain mobility, ultimately it will come down to fit when wearing the armor, and personal preference.
  2. I am indeed humbled, and honored to be included in your list, Aaron. As you said - and I couldn't have said it better myself - paying it forward is the lifeblood of Troopers Helping Troopers. Thank you for posting your piece here, and for becoming the community member that you are today. Keep on leading the way, Stormtrooper!
  3. Good share, Mark. Hopefully you folks there will not have to deal with any adverse effects or fallout.
  4. Finn only has one pair of boots. This has been known since we discovered he was FN-2187 and the rifle was an F-11D in the TFA Visual Dictionary.
  5. Not yet that I'm aware of. When it does hit the books, it will be over at the Jolly Roger Squadron.
  6. Awesome post Gary!! Thank you for sharing, and welcome to the Legion! Congratulations!!!
  7. No changes Serge. These are the same version as the run that shipped last fall.
  8. Also, consider the events/areas that you're likely to be trooping. If the potential for theft is higher in the area, an inconspicuous box is less likely to be snagged than one that screams "I'm filled with thousands of dollars worth of stuff!"
  9. Even with "expanded" sizes for TKs, I'm too big to be one. LoL
  10. Thanks, Brian! Good info for sure. I've had two FO TK helmets to return to them. The first, they told me to hold onto it so I would have one to troop with in the meantime, the second came damaged as well so I had to return both of them and that's what the above ticket situation was about for me. To be fair, I've had nothing but good dealings with their customer service (even if it was particularly slow at times - usually when major conventions were happening as they are not a large company) so far when trying to address issues.
  11. One of the first events that I ever used mine at was a convention - a very, very busy one - and with the volume turned down a bit, it worked wonderfully. Just like I was walking around with my bucket off and with enhanced hearing. It was amazing to experience it for the first time in a busy environment. You just hear everything that's happening around you.
  12. Search your email (the one on file with them) for ANOVOS. When you find the original email you received when entering your ticket with them, open the same link in it and see if there is updated information in the ticket. I have recently done the same thing and found out that ere were updates in December, January, and February, but I did not receive any new emails about the updates. Hopefully you'll find updates as I did.
  13. Awesome job! This is what FISD is all about. Thank you for sharing.
  14. Truly exciting times Aaron!!! Tony is correct... Building for someone else is an entirely different level/type of excitement/pride.
  15. That is truly an awesome post Dave! Thank you for sharing it. We all have that "OH NO, WHAT HAVE I DONE!?!?!?!?" moment of some degree, and we all recover from it. Can't wait to see your post about your daughter joining as well. Truly an exceptional post you've made here! Thank you for being one of the pioneers of this section.
  16. Ha... I was literally just about to post that link David. (http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/tutorials/article/48-posting-images-in-threads-2015/) See? Nice work!!
  17. Calling it: (This is a guess... Nobody try to contact ANOVOS if I'm wrong and tell them "But the FISD DL said...") Preorders will begin at SWCE.
  18. As Mark mentioned, the thermal impact on the armor is definitely a potential issue with the fiberglass option, and the weight/comfort while trooping comes to mind as a concern. I don't imagine (honestly) that you'll have much need to do any reinforcing of the armor. The durability of that plastic is very heavily tied to the flexibility in it, and reinforcing it would take away a lot of that flexibility. Not sure what the Pro/Con list would look like for doing it or leaving it alone. I haven't seen anyone with a TM or RS kit doing that sort of reinforcing, and based on the thickness of the plastic alone, that's the best comparison that I can think of .
  19. Awesome and inspirational series of posts, other Tim! Those are some good looking TKs there - especially from the 2014 Christmas parade forward. Thank you for sharing!!
  20. Hey there Terry, I'd say that for now, use the Legacy as a quasi-reference and post in the non-approved section that Brian linked above. That's probably the most sensible course of action for the armor.
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