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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by tkrestonva

  1. I pretty much concur with Terry point by point. I'm also thinking that the thermal detonator is attached directly to the belt with fasteners (rivets, etc.) and that the drop boxes are attached to the belt via black elastic. To me, this armor literally screams old-school FX.
  2. Disney has basically quashed troops that appear to promote a for-profit business / entity unless they go through them first. That could be why no one seems to have any official troops lined up for the big box stores like Best Buy and Target.
  3. Lead trooper is wearing an MP40 pouch on his left shoulder. ---------------
  4. Nice build overall. Four points: 1. Rotate the shoulder bells forward some and/or shorten the straps that connect to the white chest-to-back strap. It's intuitive to think that the black shoulder bell straps should connect dead center to the white chest-to-back strap, but that's actually not the case. What you actually want to do is connect the black strap forward of the midpoint, about halfway between the midpoint and the chest attach point. 2. Remove the return edges at the wrists and (if you haven't already) ankles. 3. Belt - either remove the top two holster rivets, upgrade to a TKittell belt, or alter the helmet to do a full-on Hero trooper. 4. Eventually get yourself a more form-fitting undersuit. The Anovos undersuit looks baggy on you. As a minor point, you might want to take some heat to the butt plate and gently curve the ends in so that it better fits you and properly aligns with the kidney plate.
  5. Just got an email from Anovos about a 10% discount post-Wondercon code. Valid for 15 uses OR through 11:59pm Central Time on March 28, 2016 - whichever comes first. Coupon code is POSTWONDER16 http://www.anovos.com/collections/not-at-the-con-deals
  6. Perhaps in the non-approved stormtrooper costumes build area? http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/97-other-non-approved-stormtrooper-costumes/
  7. Interesting. How big around are your flexed biceps? Mine are 17.5", and there is no way I can use the Anovos cut lines on the biceps without shimming - even with the return edges removed. I suspect the same will be true for my thighs and shins. On top of that, the chest plate is too narrow and the shoulder bells are too small in both width and depth, as a result I have large spaces at the shoulders with the undersuit showing. Further, I can't get the biceps under my shoulder bells without completely removing the return edge on the bells.
  8. FYSA - there is a poll happening right now in the (Secret and by invitation only) First Order Stormtroopers facebook group as to whether or not non-Anovos kit owners (for instance, those who own Jimmiroquai's kit) will be invited in. My personal hope is that they are. If so, then there will need to be enough interest for a second run of the racing shirts (which are only available to group members), but since the initial run was conducted months ago and a lot of the newer members have been asking about it, that seems to be the case. ANOVOS will also have a say (and perhaps even a veto) since the original idea of the group was to provide a place for the ANOVOS kit owners to discuss their kits while not violating the terms of the NDA that we all had to sign in order to even purchase them.
  9. At 5'6" and 122lbs, you can easily make the Anovos kit work for you. At most you'll need to do some trimming. What I *wouldn't* necessarily recommend this kit for is a bigger guy - someone who comes in north of 6' and 200lbs. Which makes sense given the scuttlebutt about the Anovos kit being derived from an RS kit. I'm 6'1", 220lbs, with an athletic build - I'm basically built like an NFL safety. I have this kit, but it's going to take some extra plastic to get it to fit me properly.
  10. Got it, used it, and have one of my own to pass along. It expires on 5 Apr - first one to PM me for it gets it.
  11. I suppose that depends on how you define "highest quality". If you are looking for most accurate, then nothing will beat a converted Sterling submachine gun with all authentic parts (correct scope, counter, cylinders, etc.). Thing is, those aren't mass-produced by any sort of company - they are hand-made one at a time.
  12. A guy in the Anovos FB group did this. Not sure if you can see it, but here's the link: ----------
  13. Also looking for an Anovos discount code and of course I'll pass mine along.
  14. Yeah. Same here. I loved watching her first build come together and interacting with her on her build thread. She was the life of the party. This one hits me pretty hard.
  15. Oh man ... I remember when Jenny first arrived here. Although I never got to meet here in real life, she was one of those people whose enthusiasm and fun-loving nature was absolutely infectious. She will be greatly missed.
  16. If I get feedback it's typically because I have the volume turned up too high, and it only appears when I have my helmet on. But I find that setting the volume at the 50% mark provides plenty of volume yet eliminates feedback.
  17. I write my initials in black Sharpie inside of all of my armor pieces.
  18. I'm hesitant to ask, but ... got a link that shows some photos?
  19. Sounds like you've already got it about right. The armor should be form-fitting, but not skinny-jeans tight to the point where you can hardly move.
  20. Anovos doesn't offer completed costumes at this time. Only kits.
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