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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. Certainly is, it's a FOTK stocking, only Star Wars Christmas merch we have in stores this year, we don't get very much Christmas Star Wars down under so I pounced on it
  2. Entry 2: Entry 3: http://i1251.photobucket.com/albums/hh552/glenmurry/Approvals/fisd3.jpghttp://i1251.photobucket.com/albums/hh552/glenmurry/Approvals/fisd4.jpg http://i1251.photobucket.com/albums/hh552/glenmurry/Approvals/xmas.gif Troop Report: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/39934-pmh-megazone-christmas-party-and-bbq/ EDIT troop report link added
  3. Holding up really well, I suppose having all the pieces wrapped in toweling helps too
  4. Well time goes by so quickly these days, the older you get the quicker the years seem to pass, I've had my ups and downs over the last year, a few medical issues, a couple of operations and just recently a mini stroke, but it's the 501st and trooping is what keeps me going. It's been a little over 12 months since having my first order TK approved. All the wait and frustration to receive and build the armor in time for EPVII release is just a memory now. Being the only FOTK in Western Australia has kept me busy at events, everyone wants a photo and how many times do I hear T8R being yelled out . I was lucky enough to head over to Queensland this year to meet up with 2 of the other Australian FOTK's, first time we had 3 together in one place, to finally troop with some other FOTK's was a great experience. We all planned to troop as a different version just so the public could see the differences, which they seemed to enjoy. I was hoping to make it to the next celebration but that is on the back burner now. To be able to troop alongside other FOTK's, seeing the photos from other events with 5, 10, 15 or more FOTK's all in one place looks amazing. I've added a few pieces to the costume, pouch, pauldron, vests, side arm, heavy blaster and here are a few of the combination photos.
  5. Great news about your BBB, I also can't see your photos, this thread may be of help http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/tutorials/article/48-posting-images-in-threads-2015/
  6. Looking forward to the build. You may find this thread useful http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/tutorials/article/48-posting-images-in-threads-2015/ There are a lot of tools and apps out there that allow you to reduce image size without loosing quality, here is a helpful video
  7. I didn't use plastidip I used a satin black industrial paint and had no problems, it's easier to paint before trimming then there is little masking to be done. A thread here with others using plastidip http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/38500-inner-helmet-paint/?hl=plasti#entry528699
  8. DSS TROOP REPORT EVENT: Channel 7 RAC Christmas Pageant LOCATION: Perth, St Georges Tce / Adelaide Tce, from Mill Street to Ozone Reserve DATE: 3rd December 2016 TIME: 7:30pm LANDSCAPE/WEATHER: It did rain before the event, but we never had any as we left the convention centre to begin the pageant. It looked dark and gloomy for a little while but the clouds parted to clear skies. TROOPERS: SL11307 - Amanda - Nomisha SL98593 - Garry - GAZMAN TR40515 - Mellisa - Miss Red BH6618 - Matt - Alcfalath TK85421 - Q - gmrhodes13 TK10469 - Ben - Benny TK TK671 - Mark - TK671 TK77620 - Aaron - Darth Reign TK98311 - Peter - Heinous TD84000 - Kevin - DARTHTROOPER TB13310 - Liz - Liz TB20074 - Wayne - Whereswa11y IC36367 - Luke - Verfolger TI22414 - Sinead - sinurt ID59226 - Jerry - jezzapm TI14240 - Stuart - neeson69 BH79815 - Glenn - Fett79 Galactic Academy: Gabriel - Jawa Alex - Gunner Smith - Gunner Wranglers: Sarah Corinne Daryl (cog) Rodney Phil (cog) Stuart (sign) REPORT: We, including two newbies (Jerry and myself), reported to the PCEC carpark at around 3:30 - 4pm and began to suit up around 4:15pm, before making our way up to check in by 5:30pm. The pageant was yet to begin when we were treated to marching bands that were also participating in the pageant, playing our tunes as we walked up to take our positions. Gymnasts and bagpipers practiced their routines while we joined in to pass the time. There was also time to pose for a few photos and selfies. The crowd was ready and so were we, and that moment I had looked forward to did not disappoint as our names were shouted from every direction. With the afore mentioned weather issues, this sadly kept some people away with some areas only single rows with plenty of gaps to fill up. Though the popular vantage points were full and that was where the loudest cheers could be heard. The first troop in the 2014 was said to have been a little slower, as some of us, and other groups finished the 2.6 km walk a little exhausted. The long walk back was time to interact with the crowd and pose for more photos. The night was a great success and we all left smiling and full of the Sithmas Spirit! REPORT BY: Glenn Waddington
  9. A very rewarding experience, well done all
  10. Could you post some photos, would help to solve the issue
  11. I made my own grappling hook and comlink but managed to get a grappling box from troopermaster. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/23224-hero-grappling-hook-and-box/ A helpful thread here http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/3776-stormtrooper-grappling-hook/ Lots of builds can be found on google https://www.google.com.au/search?q=stormtrooper+grappling+hook&biw=1262&bih=628&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjXxbbWzdTQAhUFQo8KHXxOAEIQ_AUIBigB&dpr=1
  12. The brilliant minds at Lucasfilm and the ILMxLAB have been working very hard recently to find new ways to integrate virtual reality into various aspects of the Star Wars saga. One of the newest implementations of VR, which comes to us courtesy of People magazine, takes us behind the scenes of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story in an unbelievable way. The latest issue of People, which is available on newsstands now, features an assortment of new material from Rogue One, and in addition, includes a pair of virtual reality goggles inside the magazine. The goggles can be utilized along with a brand new 360° behind the scenes video that was released by People. The video virtually puts you on the set of Rogue One at Pinewood Studios in London alongside director Gareth Edwards who provides insight into what you see. The over three-minute long feature allows you to watch as several scenes are filmed with various actors on the set for the planet Jedha. You can view the 360° video in normal fashion Click here, or you can grab a pair of VR goggles in the newest issue of People and download the LIFE VR app to enjoy the video in all it's virtual reality glory! Click here,
  13. Love my ATA, no issues after 3 years of hard trooping, you can't go wrong
  14. Shoretroper CRL is Live http://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:ST_shoretrooper"]http://databank.501s...ST_shoretrooper
  15. You could try soaking in a bath of warm salty water. I have also heard some have had success freezing the parts then the CA glue will crack off when pressure applied. Most solvents will damage the plastic. Other than that it's a case of carefully using a knife or blade and using some pressure.
  16. You can find some good threads on MEPD here are just a couple http://forum.mepd.net/index.php?/topic/7767-dying-canvas-mp40-pouches/&_fromLogin=1 http://forum.mepd.net/index.php?/topic/5913-dying-and-weathering-the-canvas-31-shoulder-pouch/#comment-71323
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