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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. Some great work there Jenny, well done. I see noting that hasn't already been noticed, good luck with approval, I'm sure you will have no issues.
  2. You need a minimal amount of form posts to be able to add to the for sale section, I think it was 5 but I may be mistaken.
  3. In Memoriam Detachment Officer Executive Officer Provost Marshall Deployment Officers CRL Updates Pre Approval Forum Around the Detachment Hall of Fame Just For Laughs In the Media FISD Facebook Group Notable Troops Galactic Academy - Family Fun Trooping Opportunities Imperial Attaché Program EIB & Centurion: What do these terms mean? Advanced Tactics Awards EIB - The March To 1000 Merchandise Public Relations Follow FISD On the 13th of April, 2018 Anthony Conte TI-28803 of the Carolina Garrison passed away suddenly. Anthony sported a half dozen approved costumes and was passionate about his involvement with The 501st Legion. With his frequent travels, Anthony made an effort to meet other members everywhere he went. From his work with the U.S. Forest Service to his vegan life style Anthony demonstrated consideration for this World. Anthony is survived by his loving wife Carrie. Our condolences go out to his family and friends. "Buckets Off" On the 7th of May 2018 Keith Sloggett TK-76101,Keith Sloggett from Canadian Garrison passed away after a courageous battle with kidney disease. He was an amazing, generous friend to many, always putting others before himself. Cherished father of Shelby, Jenilee, Adrian, Elijah and grandfather of Savannah. Our condolences go out to his family and friends. "Buckets Off" Rumors, half-truths, and social media. There is a marketing term called FUD which stands for Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. The intent is that if you can present partial information that creates FUD relating to your competitors products, you can then steer people to your own. In the US lately there has been the term “alternate facts” added to our lexicon recently as well. In either case, it makes it hard to find factual information. I bring this up as it’s become a more frequent concern amongst unit commanders – garrison and detachment alike – about how to deal with rumors and innuendo that start and spread via social media. In journalism, the old stand-by is to always check with the source. Walter Cronkite, a journalist trusted and famous for his integrity, was once fired from a job when he was younger because he refused to air a report without checking the facts himself. Even when JFK was assassinated, Walter did not go live with the news until he was able to verify the details with sources personally. I say this as there have been a lot of false stories circulated on social media about FISD, such as the silver coins not being real silver (they were lab tested, they are), or that there was some type of special run done only for the officers (there was not), or that there is a “secret FB group” (there is not). The lesson here is not to believe everything you read on social media. Check with the source. Can they back up their claims? Do they have any proof? Or are they just stirring the pot to further their own agenda? From the start FISD was created to provide transparent information to the membership. Initially it was to shine truth on the various makes of armor and how best to build it. L2/L3 approval threads have always been 100% open to the public (vs. being deleted as another detachment did) as we want that process to be transparent. When it doubt, always check in at FISD if you have any questions on rumors, etc. Since 2006 we’ve set the record straight, and will honor that tradition. New Executive Officer Eric @Tolo has been with FISD a long time, including stints as DCOG and most recently as DXO. As things happen, Eric's personal life has changed for a positive for him, but for us it meant that he couldn't do what he needed and stay on as DXO. Eric - Thank You! for all you've done for FISD and we wish you the best. Fortunately on FISD, we believe in staff development, e.g. taking on new people to staff roles, and then grooming them for higher office, either here on FISD or elsewhere in the Legion. Many former FISD staff have gone on to be GCO/GXOs, SLs, and DLs. Continuing in that fine tradition, Andrew @Sly11 has graciously agreed to step up in to the XO role. Many of you know him from his solid work as a Deployment Officer, which he has rocked. Please join me in congratulating Andrew for a promotion well deserved. With Unquestioned Loyalty Paul Hoeffer TK8020 “Daetrin” Detachment Leader It would be remiss of me to make my first news letter post as DXO without some heart felt thank you's, so here we go. Eric (Tolo) Thank you for your tireless service within the detachment. I have some big shoes to fill & hope I can do you proud. All the best with your promotion in the real world, and please remember we are but a few button clicks away. Tony (UKswrath) The last two years in the DO's role, have been an absolute blast. I have made a life long friend in Tony Jobe (UKswrath) and had the opportunity to meet him and most of the FISD staff face to face at last year's SW Celebration. What great memories It has been a pleasure to have worked along side you during my tenure at the DO's office, we have laughed a plenty and when you think about it, the DO role is one of the most rewarding positions to hold. Every day we had the opportunity to make another member smile and have reason to be proud of his or her own accomplishment. I feel content in the knowledge the DO's office is left in the best possible hands, and with your new recruits will continue to reinforce the high standard the detachment has come to expect. Paul (Daetrin) I am honored with this opportunity to serve as DXO. In my eyes, we are the finest detachment in the legion, and I am ready to take on the new challenge and personal growth this position will bring. Thank you for your leadership and guidance. The Membership To all those over the last couple of years, who submitted applications for Expert Infantry and Centurion review. On so many occasions Tony and I were gob smacked at the quality of armour builds. The fine points, all that attention to detail and quest for accuracy , it all made the job not only easier, but more pleasurable so a thank you is also well deserved. I shall leave you with this The FISD is a well oiled machine. Our success is a sum of all our parts, from the staff right the way through to our newest member. You all form part of that machine and in its day to day service and achievements, without every single one of you and your contributions big or small, we would not be where we are today. To the Empire With Unquestioned Loyalty Andrew Franke TK-11469 "Sly11" Executive Officer Greetings troopers! I would like to announce the addition of two new Provost Marshall’s to the command staff. Please welcome Aaron (Pyrates) and Chris (themaninthesuitcase)! You all are probably familiar with Aaron and Chris. They both have been contributing to our community for a while now. They both worked their way through the ranks from starting out as newbies to becoming part of the Attache team. Their hard work and dedication to the FISD has been extremely helpful to our members as well as the staff. Congrats Aaron and Chris! These past two months have certainly been a whirlwind around here in regards to the FISD merch. During this time, it was evident that emotions were running high and people became very passionate. I would like to commend the members who were able to communicate in a productive manner on our forums. It was certainly a tough situation for everyone involved. I would like to take this time to elaborate on an issue as it relates to my position and my responsibility this past two months. There was a growing concern that some members felt their voices weren’t being heard as the “staff” was just locking all of the threads down. I would like to tell everyone that that was not the case. The threads that were locked were done so either at the request of Legion Command or because I was trying to prevent a catastrophic situation that would not have benefited anyone. My main goal is to maintain a positive experience for every member that visits. There were times when communication was breaking down between members which in turn was causing agitation and resentment which is not something any of us want to see. There is not one member here (detachment staff included) that did not want to find an amicable way to reach a conclusion to the situation at hand. Moving forward, I would like it to be known to all of our members that if you feel you are not satisfied with a particular process, then you should feel free to contact me at any time. I would be more than willing to discuss any issues that any member may have. I would prefer to keep those types of discussions here on our forum then out in the open on social media for all of the world to see. With Unquestioned Loyalty Steve Sheades TK-10466 "starsaber25" Provost Marshall Hello all. It's been my greatest pleasure serving with Andrew (Sly11) the last couple years as FISD DOs. It would be an understatement if I said I'm going to miss not working on apps together with my comrade in arms. I believe Andrew and I were the first duo DO team on whitearmor after Steve (Gazmosis) stepped down. We hit the ground running as the flood gate of apps bombarded us and literally have been not stop since. Coupled with new armor types and CRL changes it wasn't always easy sharing duties with someone on the opposite side of the planet but despite some obstacles Andrew and I continued tirelessly through illnesses, vacations and life stuff in general, backing each other up and holding each other accountable as needed. We laughed, scratched our heads and gave each other virtual high fives during our time as DOs. We were and will always be a team. Thanks for the great times my friend. As Andrew continues to drive the FISD forward in his new capacity I want to wish him a huge congrats, a position well deserved. Troopers Helping Troopers is what the command staff strives for and Andrew is one of the finest examples of the motto. Have fun brother. At this time I'd like to welcome Joseph (justjoseph63) as the new DO replacing Andrew. Joseph is another fine example of someone that has proven themselves the last couple years. Devoted and loyal to the FISD as Attaché Ambassador his relentless pursuit to helping members reach their potential and striving for accuracy he has proven without a doubt he's a great asset to the FISD family, and I believe will be an exceptional DO. Congratulations and welcome brother. Looking forward to working with you as probably the two oldest guys in the detachment command staff lol. Old guys rule Also, it was decided to bring on a 3rd DO to help with costume reviews alongside Tony & Joseph. Shane has been doing a bang-up job on the boards and when Joseph recommended him, well how do we say no? Shane, you'll find that Tony is a fantastic teacher to help get you up to speed and as a GML yourself we felt very comfortable in your ability to get up to speed quickly. Onward to EI 1000 With Unquestioned Loyalty Tony Jobe TK-10116 "ukswrath" Deployment Officer With Unquestioned Loyalty Joseph Pedigo TK-10963 "justjosepth63" Deployment Officer With Unquestioned Loyalty Shane Aubrey TK- 71969 "Shanester" Deployment Officer * New models for the ICN and TKC are now live. Please congratulate those folks who's armor was so accurate and good looking, they earned this honor. * TLJ Phasma CRL photos are still in progress. We have engaged with several Legion Phasma's to help drive this to completion. * HWT CRL has had some updated photos and requirements added. The FISD is pleased to announce the addition of a new area in the Advanced Tactics forum dedicated to those ready to submit for basic 501st TK approval. This section will allow future Troopers the opportunity to submit photos of their completed build to be reviewed by the Staff, Imperial Attaches and others in preparation for forwarding it to their GML for approval. Any and all advice/suggestions given will be specific, constructive, helpful and respectful. Please note that this program will NOT take the place of your local GML, as Detachments are not chartered for costume approval and can not override a GMLs decision, but is instead a peer review program designed to help you look your best and offer guidance and positive feedback. You will have the opportunity to ask questions about your completed armor, weapons (if applicable), accessories, etc. and get accurate information from the experts here at the FISD.. the definitive home of TKs worldwide. For more information on this program, please visit the link here Re-introductions Hi everyone, There’s been quite a bit of action on the forum of late, some of which has been of a more serious nature (elections etc.). So, with that in mind, I wanted to start a light-hearted thread where we can all say “hi”, share something about ourselves and share some pics if we want, allow new members to see what long standing members are about, and generally just get some good vibes going. With May just around the corner, a busy month in the Star Wars universe, there’s no better time to remember why we all dress up as white plastic spacemen. So, if you want to say “hi” and share a picture of yourself, (perhaps your favourite pic or moment as a TK), feel free to speak up. :-) You can find the thread here With Unquestioned Loyalty Dan Branton TK-42911 "CableGuy" Imperial Attaché Wow - it looks like April was the month for Trooping filled with non-stop field reports, some phenomenal photos, and those troops that get you right in the heart strings. It made it incredibly difficult once again to pick one of you to honor into the Stormtrooper Hall of Fame - as a matter of fact I had to spend the last couple of days going back and forth. Finally, the moment has come. Without further ado.... here is a photo that I have decided to caption: “Get a load of this guy’s armor, ha, ha, ha (shhhckt)” Honoring TK - 11463 Mike With Unquestioned Loyalty Aaron Gibson TK99725 "Pyrates" Imperial Propaganda http://stormtrooperrun.com/templates/rt_citadel/custom/images/jez5.png The Running Stormtrooper "Jez Allinson" completes his third London Marathon The Running Stormtrooper Project has been going since 2016 and has now entered the 3rd and final chapter of this crazy trilogy: The Last Stormtrooper Run…. Mark Newbold talks to Jez about world records, raising huge amounts of money for charity and, most importantly, how you can help raise money for his latest (and last?) project. You can see the full interview below: You find out more on his website here FISD now has a dedicated Facebook Group Yes, you read that correctly! The Command Staff does indeed hear your requests, and for the most part we want to make them happen! There was one trooper who asked for all of us to be a part of their underwater basket weaving graduation ceremony, taking place on/beneath a boat near the Cape of Good Hope... Nobody was actually prepared to make that happen. Aside from that instance however, we do what we can to make you happy as members, with your experiences at/associated with the 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment! One of the primary requests from the membership at large was for a more interactive presence on Facebook. We have a great Facebook Page, but that is not an interactive space. That desire was what led to Paul asking me to consider returning to the Detachment Staff. I was excited to come back but knew that Facebook is a large machine and that I would need help and so I asked Marcus Dohring @JODOKAST to be a part of this new phase of FISD's growth, and here we are, discussing the new Facebook Group. I phrase it that way, because it is live. Right now. You can go there and join, and begin asking questions etc there instead of finishing your reading here - but I encourage you to finish this first, I mean, this NL will be one of the very first official posts there after all. So, what will you find when you go there (aside from a link to this newsletter)? Sharp-eyed members may notice some hidden gems when they get there, but generally you'll find a few different spots for questions and answers. Over time, more content will be worked in to the group, dependent upon the requests we receive from you, and from observations made by us. It is there, and ready, but it will indeed grow and evolve with time. Okay then... Where is it? It is right here: 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment (FISD) Official That's what you need to get started. What do you do next? Spread the word, share the link. It is Social Media after all, let's make it more social! With Unquestioned Loyalty Tim Waychoff TK-51878 “Dark CMF” Social Media Relations Want Your Troop to be Included? Post your troop report in the Field Training Exercises section here Those with troop logs please post a separate troop report as it is easier to link too. APRIL - MAY Star Wars Nigh @ Yankee Stadium More here By: Joe, Spada Rosso , TK91452 Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo More here By: Greg, wook1138, TK34575 Kennedy Space Center More here By: Mark, msouza, TK11463 New England Air Museum More here By: Sarah, Alay, TK20466 Life Drawing at Algonquin College More here By: Luc, lucnak, TK28401 Heroes and Villains More here By: Randy, magni, TK16127 Evolve More here By: Glen, gmrhodes13, TK85421 40th Anniversary Party More here By: Glen, gmrhodes13, TK85421 Guide Dogs WA Street Appeal More here By: Glen, gmrhodes13, TK85421 Gateway to Space Week 1 Congratulations Glen - TK85421 - gmrhodes13, completing your 150th Troop as a Stormtrooper More here By: Glen, gmrhodes13, TK85421 Gateway to Space II More here By: Glen, gmrhodes13, TK85421 Simsbury Children's Carnival More here By: Sarah, Alay, TK20466 Starlight Week Thursday at Zing/EB Games More here By: Glen, gmrhodes13, TK85421 Toys R Us (LFL invite) More here By: Glen, gmrhodes13, TK85421TK20466 Bonds (LFL invite) More here By: Glen, gmrhodes13, TK85421 Perth Observatory More here By: Glen, gmrhodes13, TK85421 Starlight Week May 4th Zing/EB Games More here By: Glen, gmrhodes13, TK85421 Starlight Day at PMH More here By: Glen, gmrhodes13, TK85421 Calgary Expo More here By: Teresa, Soulart, TK41307 Regina Fan Expo More here By: Teresa, Soulart, TK41307 Saskatoon McNally Robinson Star Wars Night More here By: Greg, wook1138, TK34575 Galactic Academy, why should Mom and Dad have all the fun? Most of our readers are aware that there are other Star Wars Costume Clubs out there, aside from the 501st Legion. For the treacherous types, there is the Rebel Legion, and for those who are only interested in making a credit or two here or there, the Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club exists. But did you know that there is also a costume club available for those fans who are not old enough to tie their own shoes yet? It is absolutely true. If you have not heard of the Galactic Academy, here's a little bit of information about one of them who I happen to know very well - 6 year old Cadet - First Order (CFO) 2594, Kellan Waychoff. Kellan has been rocking his First Order armor for a couple of years now (and sadly those days may be numbered as he continues to grow) and he has become quite comfortable in his costume as a result. He has appeared at a handful of conventions and unofficial troops, as well as one official (non-con) event with me in that time. Early in April Dallas hosted FanExpo Dallas, and on Saturday he once again put on the armor for some good causes, serving as a Blast-A-Trooper target for about three hours to raise money for the Michael J. Fox Foundation. http://i.imgur.com/TYNw3KC.jpg http://i.imgur.com/iGm3I8F.jpg When his time there was done, he came out to the photo area and took a few photos with fans and Star Garrison members also. http://i.imgur.com/jBBRBq6.jpg http://i.imgur.com/9INKR6K.jpg The highlight of his weekend however was when Anthony Daniels saw him at the booth. Mr. Daniels actually chased him down to tell him how "exquisite" his costume is, and then asked if they could pose for a picture together. http://i.imgur.com/6JxVTHc.jpg http://i.imgur.com/vWfMR3D.jpg You can find more information about the Galactic Academy here With Unquestioned Loyalty Tim Waychoff TK-51878 “Dark CMF” Social Media Relations Retail Embargo Lift For most of the year we are under an embargo from LFL and can not attend retail locations unless prior approval has been given by them. At certain times of the year this embargo is lifted, generally around Blu-Ray / movie releases, May 4th and Force Friday, the recent correspondence from LFL outlines the lift of the embargo dates to be between May 1st and May 31st. As always there are strict rules, speak to your Garrison Commanding Officer, Squad Leader or if you have one Garrison Events Coordinator before organising any event. *REMEMBER* Always follow your garrison/squad's guidelines when in comes to organising Disney/LFL promotional troops, only command staff can deal direct with LFL. Serve proudly, ladies and gentlemen, and as Tim (Dark CMF) says: "Keep doing what it is that got you here"! Are you an approved TK that spends more time on the boards than the average Trooper? Do you enjoy using your knowledge to help out future and existing Troopers? If so, we would like to invite you to join the Imperial Attaché program! Members of the I.A. team are chosen to help out not only those here on the boards, but on a local level as well. Our aim is to have at least one in each and every Garrison, Squad and Outpost in the entire legion to be the eyes and ears of the FISD on a local level. A suggested level of EIB or above is preferred, as part of the duties include assisting those aiming for levels 2 and 3, but is not a requirement. Being active on the boards on a regular basis , welcoming new members and helping out where you can is, though. Some of the benefits: 1. Access to exclusive Attaché merch., including patches, etc. 2. Having the Imperial Attaché title under your name. 3. Being a part of the team that welcomes new and prospective members of the FISD. 4. Being the "go-to" person in your Garrison, Squad or Outpost. 5. Exclusive access to the Attaché HQ area, Imperial Propaganda Machine (newsletter) and merchandise discussions. We are currently in need of Attaches in many units, especially International Garrisons/Squads and Outposts. For more information on this program, please head here and if you should have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at any time. (justjoseph63) For a complete list of Imperial Attaches, go here NEW ATTACHES! Please join me in welcoming 2 new Imperial Attaches to the FISD: 1. Greg, (wook1138) A Centurion TK 34575 who will be working with Pyrates (Aaron) in the Badlands Garrison of Canada. 2. Ben (Neb Sgird) TK 56730 will be our first I.A. in the Alpine Garrison (Utah)! Serve proudly, gentlemen, and as Tim (Dark CMF) says: "Keep doing what it is that got you here"! Attaché Patch Becoming an attaché also gives you the ability from time to time to purchase specific merchandise not offered to the general membership, one such item is the limited attaché patch, sales thread here (sorry only Attaché's may order) Imperial Attaché Award for those attaché's who have gone above and beyond [minimum 1 year of service] I am very pleased to announce that Preston (Pretzel) of Garrison Carida has taken over the office of Attaché Ambassador. He has been a shining star of the I.A. program since joining well over a year ago, and is one of the few recipients of the Attaché Outstanding Achievement award. I am confident that he will do a fantastic job in taking the program farther, and will continue to serve the FISD and Empire proudly. In addition to this post, he will also be active as the lead in the FISD Instagram section. Congratulations, Preston! With Unquestioned Loyalty Joseph Pedigo TK-10963 "justjosepth63" Deployment Officer Greetings fellow Troopers! It is with great pride that I accept to attempt to fill the very BIG shoes that JustJoseph has left for me. I humbly accept this new position as your new Attache Ambassador. Not much will change! I will continue to "head-hunt" for more IA's as I am a firm believer of this program. When I first started out, it was the IA's that assisted me greatly in my Journey here at FISD. They helped me achieve Centurion after all! My goal as your Ambassador is to simply continue what Joseph has worked so very hard to build. I hope to host more fun contests and look forward to working with all of you as we continue towards our goal of 1000 EIB! Keep doing what you are doing! Keep our motto true: "Troopers helping troopers!" With Unquestioned Loyalty Preston Christman TK-91488 "Pretzel" Attaché Ambassador So what exactly are EIB (Expert Infantry Badge) and Centurion levels? These programs were designed for those who choose to take their armor above and beyond the minimum requirements for basic 501st Legion approval. It gives you the chance to show a level of dedication and pride that takes your armor closer to being as "screen accurate" as possible, without as much extra work as you may realize! It also works on giving a better look to the Legion as an entity, and you can bet others will take notice of your hard work. The 501st has a list of detailed requirements for Basic approval, (level 1), EIB, (level 2) and Centurion, (level 3) which can be found here in the Costume Reference Library, (CRL) http://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:FISD_CRL Here are a few of the questions people may be wondering about: 1. "I am a (tall/short/heavy/thin) Trooper. Can I still apply? Of course! These programs are open and encouraged for all sizes of TKs, as long as the costume is correct and meets the guidelines. There are many specific build tutorials to every option, as well as a vast network of fellow TKs on the FISD to help you out and offer suggestions. 2. "How much extra will I have to pay for extra items"? The cost is actually quite reasonable, considering the few extra supplies you will need, which are listed in the requirements area. While it may run you a little more to implement these additions to your costume, they will go a long way to improving accuracy. All needed items can be found for sale on this thread: https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/16-ongoing-sales-project-orders/ While blasters are not required for basic approval, for EIB and Centurion levels they are, and may need upgrades (also listed in the CRL). 3. "I haven't even got my kit yet, is it too early to start planning"? Actually, aiming for Centurion is easiest to do right out of the box. 4. "I have my basic TK approval, can I still get in these programs"? In a word... absolutely! 5. "Are there any "perks" to this extra work and cost"? Besides knowing that you have a great looking set of armor, the 501st and FISD believes you should be deservedly recognized for your achievement(s), and allows you to wear the appropriate embroidered "rocker" badge of rank (available for a very minimum cost) on your shirt, helmet bag, etc., as well as rank decals to put on your armor bin. You will also have access to select "challenge coin" runs, receive (free) a cool certificate for your new rank, and have your title posted below your name in your FISD signature. Plus, once you reach these levels, you will have the extra knowledge to help out those who are looking to apply as well. 6. "Is it hard to apply, and what happens then"? After basic approval, all you do is make sure your armor is up to the standards set forth in the CRL, post a thread with the required photos in the appropriate area (see below), and wait a bit for the D.O.s (Deployment Officers) to address it. (Hint: Studying other people's threads before you submit can be a GREAT help). These are also listed on the main page of the FISD site. While waiting for approval, you will get some comments from others who will offer suggestions and constructive advice to help you out. If you should need any changes, the DOs will let you know, so you can adjust accordingly. Don't be dismayed if you do need changes... it's all for your benefit! After you are approved for EIB, then you can submit for Centurion. EIB https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/19-request-expert-infantryman-status/ Centurion https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/72-request-centurion-status/ Note: You will see some suggestions in the existing submissions/approval requests that, while not actually part of the CRL, are highly suggested items, (for your benefit), such as "flat-head screw heads on the TD (thermal detonator) should be painted black" for Centurion, etc. Those small details all add up to closer screen accuracy. Just remember that the FISD is here to help you every step of the way with whatever other questions you may have, but if you can't seem to find what you are looking for in your research, just post the question, (or PM justjoseph63) and best of luck on your build! This area lists all those who have gone above and beyond basic approval toward screen accuracy. FOR APRIL-MAY the 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment would like to congratulate: Expert Infantry Badge Award: Adrian Herrero "Adrian" TK 60812 EIB 817 Alessio Micciche "Lord_Vader84" TK 15128 EIB 818 Ryan O'Donnell "TK_McFly" TK 22880 EIB 819 Ric Archambault "Storm2b" TK 22526 EIB 820 Nick Mathieu "Wallcrawler" TK 14804 EIB 821 Tony Cerchieri "GodOfLibra" TK 30977 EIB 822 Wayne Winfield "Wayneocerous" TK 32945 EIB 823 Andrew Barton "bartonajb" TK 13434 EIB 824 Tom Barry "Bane Lives" TK 85021 EIB 825 Alessandro Angelaccio "Sox" TK 27717 EIB 826 Andy Lead "andy_watford" TK 30806 EIB 827 GREAT job on your approval, now on to Level 3! Request your free EIB certificate here Centurion Badge Award: http://www.whitearmor.net/eib/centurion_badge.png Eric Ho "TK77520" TK 77520 Centurion 390 Brian Peters "talem84" TK 42784 Centurion 391 Daniel Hunter-Pike "catalystofchaos" TK 83075 Centurion 392 Mark Bouillon "Mark_Bouillon" TK 26383 Centurion 393 Nick Mathieu "Wallcrawler" TK 14804 Centurion 394 Aaron Daily "adailyptic" TK 41871 Centurion 395 Justin R. "TheRascalKing" TK 61490 Centurion 396 Alessio Miccichè "Lord_Vader84" TK 15128 Centurion 397 Alessandro Angelaccio "Sox" TK 27717 Centurion 398 Tom Barry "BaneLives85" TK 85021 Centurion 399 Outstanding job on reaching Centurion, Troopers! Request your free Centurion certificate here If you see any of these Troopers around your Garrison or Squad, be sure to congratulate them! As many of you are aware, the FISD is currently in our March to 1000 program. Our goal is to reach the one thousand mark of Troopers who have earned their Expert Infantry Badge, and although we are well on our way to this goal and have just passed the 800 mark! The amount of approved submissions is increasing (over 80 this year alone) thanks to the dedication of those willing to go the "extra mile" toward screen accuracy. Here is a brief description of EIB as written by Paul (Daetrin), our founder: "Expert Infantryman status is not required for members of this detachment. It should be viewed as an optional set of requirements for those who wish to take the accuracy of their costumes to the next level, and be recognized accordingly. We're a costuming club - think of it as an award for costuming excellence and you get the picture. The requirements will not replace or supersede 501st standards, but only serve as an inspiration for the level of accuracy that can be achieved. The standards are meant to be high but achievable..." Besides the added pride you will have in your armor, those reaching this level can purchase exclusive EIB gear (patches, decals, coins etc.) and get a free certificate for your accomplishment. If you are interested or would like more information about the program head here that will help. You can also contact myself (justjoseph63) or any Imperial Attaché, and we will be more than happy to assist you! For those interested a graph of EIB approvals by year FISD Coffee Mugs - 2 Designs! $14 each + $5 shipping in the US + $10 shipped international Sales thread here Design One Design Two FISD Brothers in Arms Sticker 3.5 inch round stickers $4.00, shipping included Reference: Brothers in Arms Thread here paypal sales@trooperbay.com Outstanding Orders For those not aware there is some FISD merchandise which has now been place on hold due to the recent removal of FISD's merchandise officer. Although Wyatt was removed from the legion he is still processing outstanding orders, if you have not received an item you have paid for please post here or you can contact Wyatt via email tk4205@gmail.com . From our DL: "We're working through that process now. I can promise you that you will get your patches, just like people will get their Phasma coins. But, as you can imagine, it's going to take a few weeks to sort things out." Newsletter We are always on the look out for content, ideas, funny photos or even your TK adventure story so feel free to contact either Danny, Preston, Tim, Marcus or Preston. With Unquestioned Loyalty Glen "Q" Rhodes TK85421 "gmrhodes13" PRO - Newsletter Facebook Page With more than a hundred different 501st units spread all across the world in different time zones, I decided to change the posting rythm on facebook. We will now have posts twice a day at 6am and 6pm (UTC+01). Additionally posts on twitter and soon also on instagram. Nevertheless I'm looking for great and fun content to publish, especially short video clips. So if you do have any good videos you want to have published on our social media pages, send them towards us. With Unquestioned Loyalty Daniel Lauber TK55550 - "Ripper_L" PRO - Facebook Page Instagram Welcome aboard Preston as the new PRO for Instagram and also the new Instagram address With Unquestioned Loyalty Preston Christman TK-91488 "Pretzel" PRO - Instagram FISD Facebook Group Welcome aboard Tim and Marcus as Social Media Relations for the newly created FISD Facebook Group With Unquestioned Loyalty Tim Waychoff TK-51878 “Dark CMF” PRO - Facebook Group With Unquestioned Loyalty Marcus Dohring TK-14057 “JODOKAST” PRO - Facebook Group Don't Forget We're on Facebook and Twitter! Facebook: www.facebook.com/whitearmor If you're on FB, stop by and say hi, ask questions, and share stories! NEW Facebook Group: 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment (FISD) Official If you're on FB, stop by and say hi, ask questions, and share stories! Twitter: www.twitter.com/FISD501st or @FISD501st follow FISD on Twitter! Instagram: www.instagram.com/fisd501st On behalf of the 1st Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment Command Staff and the Imperial Propaganda Department
  4. Tube, rubber pipe, hose, anything you can cut easily with a hole in the middle. It's the angle of the spacer which will help to straighten the mic tip. Something like this but not metal
  5. Nice work, don't see anything too glaring that would hold you up for basic approval. Just to fine tune you could try bringing up your thighs a little, rotate them slightly, will give you a little more room at the knees. Even your ab/cod could come up a touch also. Also try to have your mic tips pointing in the same directions, straight out, you can do this by cutting some tube one side on a slant and the other side straight, place this behind the mic tip and rotate until they are pointing straight then tighten. Good luck with approval
  6. Peth Observatory May Fourth location: perth observatory date : May 4th 2018 time : aprox 7 - 8pm landscape / weather : inside and outside the observatory/ clear skys, bit of bushfire smoke in the air trpopers: TK85421 - gmrhodes13 -Glen TD86557 - Volksjager - Jason TK59226 - JezzaPM - Jerry SL51164 - DV64 - Stuart TI98311 - Flocky - Peter TA19292 - Blackout - Brett IC36367 - Gyurizon - Luke TB10469 - Ben - Ben wranglers: Plunk Em Marie report: we arrived and got changed, stood out the front and posed for a few pictures with arriving guests, it wasn't as busy as previous years and there was a lot of standing around with nothing to do.... we then lined up in the Forrest along the path leading up towards the telescope area and the guests walked past us.... we then got changed, a few people stayed for the tour, the rest went home. charity: $272 raised for guide dogs WA injuries: none that I'm aware of armour repairs: plunk had issues with his Sandy and it couldn't be worn, no others that I know of happy people : everybody unhappy people : none mission status : complete report by Ben
  7. TROOP: Starlight Day at PMH LOCATION: PMH DATE: 4th MAY 2018 TIME: 1.5 Hr’s LANDSCAPE/WEATHER: Indoors TROOPERS: ID59226 – Jezzapm – Jerry TK85421 – gmrhodes – Glen TK98311 – Flocky – Peter SL51164 – DV64 – Stuart WRANGLERS: Marie REPORT: The first to arrive was the imperial transport from the outer rim containing Officer Jerry and Wrangler Marie. We found a parking bay and I proceeded to the pay station only to be given a 4 hour ticket, (for free) by a very helpful parking attendant, (score). We were unloading the transport when the second transport arrived with Trooper ‘Q’ and M’Lord onboard. Seeing as we were early it was decided that a trip to the PMH canteen for hot chocolate and toasted bacon & egg sandwiches was in order while we waited for trooper Flocky, (he was having trouble finding a landing pad for his Imperial Cruiser) to arrive. When we were all assembled it was time to issue a wrist band to each member (as they had arrived the day before) all were very impressed and it was decided to give out the spares to deserving younglings. The order of the day was discussed and then it was time to head up to the Starlight Room and find out where we were to get changed. It had been arranged for us to use the teenager’s area for changing, because let’s face it we are all teenagers at heart. Once we were ready the Starlight coordinator asked for two members to got to the wards to see the kids that were unable to go up to the Starlight Room, so trooper Flocky, M’Lord and wrangler Marie were dispatched along with Captain Starlight to the wards and trooper ‘Q’ and Officer Jerry went to the Starlight Room. The ward visit went very well with wrist bands, stickers being distributed, and to one very deserving youngling, (he was watching Star Wars on TV at the time) a DSG Patch was handed out. The ward visit was over in a flash and before they knew it time was up and it was time to head back up to the Starlight Room. Whilst the others were swanning around on the wards, trooper ‘Q’ and officer Jerry were busy keeping the younglings entertained in the Starlight Room. This included having lots of photos and helping the Captain Starlight’s with putting up a new backdrop. Then before you could say, it’s a trap, the troopers came back from the ward visit and then it was more photos and even a flash appearance on the TV News. It was then time to leave and kit down ready for the long trip by Imperial transport to the outer rim for the next troop. CHARITY: N/A INJURIES: Nil ARMOUR REPAIRS: Nil HAPPY PEOPLE: All UNHAPPY PEOPLE: Nil MISSION STATUS: Complete REPORT BY: Jerry & Marie
  8. TROOP: Bonds (LFL open invite) LOCATION: Joondalup DATE: 2nd May 2018 TIME: 4 Hrs LANDSCAPE/WEATHER: indoors TROOPERS: 1 TK85421 - Q - gmrhodes13 2 SL51164 - Stuart - DV64 3 TK59226 - Jerry - jezzapm WRANGLERS: Liz Marie REPORT: Trooper Jezza and Wrangler Marie arrived early in the little green Imperial shuttle, we walked passed the Bonds Shop only to find that they were still setting up the displays. We contacted the Imperial transport carrying M’Lord, trooper ‘Q’ and wrangler Liz only to find that they had been delayed due to one of the passengers missing their connecting shuttle. At this time, we went and had some bacon and eggs for breakfast which was very nice. After breakfast we were on are way back to the Bonds Shop when we discovered that the Imperial Transport had arrived and we met M’Lord, trooper ‘Q’ and wrangler Liz in the mall. We all proceeded to the Bonds Shop to inspect the changing facilities, these were deemed inadequate for our needs so it was on to plan ‘B’. After we kitted up it was of to the Bonds Shop and much to the delight of some of the inhabitants posed for photos. The Bonds lady was very organised and assertive and was telling all the people where to line up for photos in the shop, Liz felt like she was surplus to requirements so she went shopping. After a while we had a short break to replenish fluids and to check out some of the things that Liz had purchased. Back on duty with the Bonds lady still in charge, she even had M’Lord doing what he was told, Liz went shopping. Trooper Q was measuring the Ladies underwear against himself, does he have a secret fetish? At about 13:30 we went back to the change area for some lunch and a partial kit down. Liz arrived to show us some more purchases and told us she had found a very nice hoodie for M’Lord. After lunch it was again back on duty with the Bonds lady lining people up to have more photos so Liz went shopping. As the afternoon progressed things slowed down so trooper ‘Q’ passed the time sizing up more of the goods and checking out what was on sale. The troop passed quite quickly as a whole and as 15.00 came we said good bye to the Bonds lady and departed for the change area to kit down and have a well-earned drink. Before we could go for that well-earned drink we had to go and find the hoodie that Liz had discovered for M'Lord. When M'Lord tried it on he became very excited and had to buy it there and then. It was then finally time to relax and have that refreshing drink and return to our homes by Imperial transport or shuttle. CHARITY: N/A INJURIES: Nil ARMOUR REPAIRS: Nil HAPPY PEOPLE: All and many UNHAPPY PEOPLE: Maybe the odd youngling MISSION STATUS: complete REPORT BY: Jerry & Marie
  9. Congratulations, the first of many to come. Looking sharp trooper.
  10. For my FOTK I just use an Aker amp 1506 (can find on ebay), has a head microphone which I find easy to use, others like using a wireless system. I also have 2 single fans, I find using one is enough to keep the lens clear, the other is a spare if the batteries run out in the first unit, for those really long weekend conventions
  11. Event: Starlight May 4th Zing/EB Location: Mandurah Forum S/C Date: May the fourth 2018 Troop: 3 hours Landscape/Weather: Indoors Troopers: TI98311-Flocky-Peter TK59226-jezzapm-Jerry TK85421-gmrhodes13-Q SL51164-DV64-Stuart Wranglers: Marie Em GA is NA Report: We left the previous troop on convoy to Mandurah,Peter drives too quick, Jerry too slow and Stuart just right. We had lunch in the food court, even though Jerry and Marie scoffed down there lunch while on route to troop. Icecreams were consumed. Q had made delicious chicken and cheese sandwiches with a side of plain chips, there was a slight hiccup the day before as salt and vinegar chips had been supplied however these do not suit my pallette. A choice of cherry ripe or picnic was on offer and as I was already partaking of an icecream I saved the picnic until the drive home at the end of the last troop. We kitted up on time where we began the process of swapping pics for a donation to starlight with no pressure of course. All went well, Peter, Jerry and Marie had another troop to get to so kitted down at around 3pm. And then there were 3, back to it again with pics for donations. I started to fail and called it about 3.30, I kitted down and then went to Coles to purchase energy supplies for later in the day, yes Liz I bought donuts, and then there were 2. Q continued to troop and Em wrangled and then it happened...Mum,2 little girls and a highly intoxicated excuse for a sperm donor. Q was man handled, put bluntly he was felt up, that wasn't good enough this guy wanted more, more than Q was willing to give, Q was dry humped and Q doesn't give it away for free. Em stepped in and advised this loser, "hey you have to pay to do that". The family moved on without making a donation, perhaps they were saving their dollars to replace the women's missing front teeth, they left behind a trooper and wrangler shaking their heads in disbelief wandering what future the little girls might have. I returned shortly after walking past this loser, thinking that there may have been an issue however I was oblivious of course to the actual violation, after all I had donuts and a choice of sugar beverages. At 4pm we called it quits and Q proceeded to kit down where we moved onto the next troop with a quick stopover for me to take a shower. Charity: Starlight controlled by Zing/EB Injuries: None Armour Repairs: Q may need to give his a clean with a bacterial wipe or maybe even a radiation scrub down as this guy looked toxic. Happy People: A lot Unhappy People: Not many Mission Status: Complete Report by DV64
  12. EVENT: Star Wars Day at Toys R Us LOCATION: Toys R Us (In CANN-ing-TON DATE: 5/5/2018 TIME: 10:30AM - 3:00PM LANDSCAPE/WEATHER: Indoors TROOPERS: TK85421 - Q - gmrhodes13 IG21897 - Johnathon - ImperialKanos TK59226 - Jerry - jezzapm TD98311 - Peter - Flocky WRANGLERS: Marie REPORT: Once everyone had arrived and kitted up we headed out to the Star Wars backdrop that the Toys R Us staff had put up near the entrance. This was where we spent the majority of our time welcoming shoppers to Toys R Us CANN-ing-TON and having photos with patrons, there were also Chewbacca masks that staff and Marie gave out to younglings prompting Wookie calls from some troopers. Over the course of the day our troops met Geoffrey the Giraffe, worked at the counter, and were asked about one way valves. Later one valiant trooper upon seeing a Childs ballon burst outside, retrieved a replacement balloon and rushed outside (resulting in a minor collision with a trolly) to give the child's family the balloon, however it would seem that stormtroopers ability to miss a target does not just apply to shooting as the trooper took the balloon to the wrong family. During the day our welcoming of shoppers eventually became something of a rhythm, with the pronunciation of "Cannington" causing our sandtooper to laugh, at times uncontrollably which soon spread to other troopers. Come 3:00PM we had our last photos, de-kitted, thanked the staff for having us and departed from Toys R Us CANN-ing-TON. CHARITY: N/A INJURIES: One Sandtrooper was sore from laughing ARMOR REPAIRS: N/A HAPPY PEOPLE: Staff, parents, and children UNHAPPY PEOPLE: A few scared younglings MISSION STATUS: complete REPORT BY: Johnathon A few photos
  13. 154 Starlight at PMH May 4th 155 Starlight at Zing/EB Games May 4th 156 Perth Observatory May 4th Report to follow 157 Toys R Us (LFL request) May 5th
  14. Looking smart, good luck with approval, as if you needed it
  15. Thanks Paul You know I've never tallied the rest of my costumes but I'd say around 30 troops, TK has always been my favourite
  16. 152 Bonds for LFL 153 Starlight Week Thursday Zing/EB Games
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