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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Clamps

  1. nice use of the pen cap for masking template... so simple. I used a circle cutter on mine, but this is way easier. nice you should create a "how to" topic with this little gem.
  2. Greetings and salutations from Toronto. Every year Toronto and Montreal host the Rogers cup, a first class hard court tournament that leads up to the US Open. Each year the women and men alternate cities. This year the WTA is back in Toronto and we were invited to participate in the Family Day Weekend. A weekend of free admission, family activities and qualifying round tennis. you may recall Pickles provided some coverage for this event last year: click click The weather was much more AWESOME today, warm but not hot, cool breeze partly cloudy skies. We had a small turnout this year, only myself and "Dart" TB 3878. So without further adieu-doo, here we go: Clamps Jr. hanging out, he make a balloon sabre for Vader, but alas Lord Vader' shuttle never arrived.
  3. found the discussion I was thinking of: clicky clicky
  4. The CRL is poorly worded leaving ambiguity on this matter. There was a recently discussion on this exact topic, but I cannot seem to dig it up at the moment. The Intent of the wording in the CRL is yes, after adding the Doopy bits, you would grind off the bottom t-track and add the holes.
  5. Not sure if Vern (TK Bondservnt 2392) is still making holsters but I picked up one of his and the quality is fantastic. Drop him a PM if you don't see his FS thread (my access is slow on phone so I cannot search well)
  6. Adding Two new troops Classical V Brass Festival Canadian 80s Toy Expo
  7. The Canadian Garrison was back in action on Sunday July 28th at the Canadian 80s Toy Expo! not much explaination needed here, Toy Show, Trooping, posing for photos, spending spoooopid amount of money on toys. you get the idea. SL 829 Roy Mitchell TK 25267 Charles Bowes "Clamps" TK 34624 Paul Yong "Butters" TD 3452 Kyp Harrop CC 3714 Phil Fabroni CT 9418 Ken Morse "Pony Boy" TB 3878 Andry Bobyk "Dart" BH 2530 Glenn Cruz BH 3090 Tony Fiore * Future BH hopeful Jessica Lansky IC 4176 (undercover as a Rebel Scum X-Wing Pilot) Gil Guemes and now the visual proof that I am not imagining things....
  8. July 27, 2013 This is an annual Brass Festival that takes place at the Toronto Harbourfront area. On the weekend, they have various kids activities like decorating a toy horn. The day should play out like this: After the kids are done decorating, they bring the kids onto a small Gazebo type stage and get them to play along with the Star War Theme song. This is where we come in. A few bars into the song, two TKs and Darth Vader make an entrance to the scene, approach the conductor area and motion to CUT the music. Vader then taps his Lightsaber on the music stand and cues the Imperial March. He conducts the kids through the song. Horrible sounds ensue from the toy horns (thank GOD for my fan noise). When its done, everyone takes a bow, photos are taken, we run for the hills. Well, remember I said "should play out liek this" this assumes it does not dump a major amount of rain prior to our arrival and not drive all the kids to leave, well most of them. By the time we got there kitted up, we only had a few kids left. We had to be relocated to a different area and well, it was still fun, but not as impressive as it should have been (Day two was MUCH better, but I could not attend) In Attendance: SL 829 Roy Mitchell TK 25267 Charles Bowes "Clamps" (TIVBP) TK 9418 Ken Morse "Pony Boy" (TIVBP) anywho here are the photos now that I made you suffer through a short story... Pre-show group shot with Clamps Jr. :
  9. Saw the amazing work on the UKG Facebook page Congrats to all involved. An amazing set of Concept Troopers you have brought to life. I need to find a pile of cash to start throwing and begging you to take to make more!
  10. I did option 2. A little white duct tape took care of things for me.
  11. Karin, Wish you'd reconsider, you're an asset to the detachment and will be missed! Take care and come back!!! Clamps
  12. Congrats on your acceptance to the legion trooper!
  13. mine has the right ear rear gap too (both AP buckets I have), probably more gap than yours... i wouldn't sweat it much!
  14. Congrats on your pending EiB approval! it is nice to see more ROTJ troopers looking for EIB and beyond!
  15. yes yes, keep it up and GOOD for you for sizing your parts with your undersuit on versus normal outerwear or bare skin!
  16. Excellent progress, I cannot wait to see how this all comes together!
  17. Lookin forward to watching this build. Enjoy the process!!
  18. Nicely done sir. Congrats Stephan and welcome to Centurion.
  19. Congrats on the great looking build! Welcome to Expert Infantry Trooper!
  20. congrats Chris and welcome to Centurion! well deserved.
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