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Everything posted by Minuteman

  1. Already mentioned this video in another thread. Completely bs
  2. 99% of the stuff on eBay is crap, except CAP, MTK and CfO.<br />Remember that CAP is HIPS armor and needs massive polishing or painting. If you're okay with that it's great armor.
  3. Very nice, this will help new aspirants a lot. Thanks for sharing!
  4. I like the idea of a quick helmet tutorial. If 50% are non 501st-members this might be interesting for those. They could see: hey not that diffucult at all and maybe want to join :-)
  5. I see, yeah that's what my pair of your "idealized" latex ones already do. Gives a great tantive-style feeling.
  6. I'm in! My new TM armor deserves it :-) What do you mean with "naturally weathered"?
  7. For free I would take it too and try to save what can be saved. Either way this is bs
  8. Wow! Amazing troop and inspiring troopers !
  9. Just contact him on these boards. Search for "troopermaster"
  10. Thank you both! Yeah Paul, a few days ago I was just reading the efx thread again and must have overlooked the belt. Thanks Shopping a new belt
  11. Does somone know what was used as a inner belt? What held the thighs in place? Was it just a normal leather belt, was it nylon or elastic? What kind of closing mechanism did it have?
  12. a man after my own heart Some things should never be revealed
  13. Nice to see that the T/MC can also make a nice hero. Good job trooper!
  14. From a historic perspective it´s great. This is the predecessor of the FX suit which was the backbone of the 501st for many years. But from todays costuming perspective 520 bucks can be spent much better
  15. If you Rob are the only one complaining I can live very well with that. My job reqiures sometimes contact with people in difficult mental conditions and the best thing to do is sit back, relax and smile
  16. This is awesome! When my new TM arrives this will help me tons no need to scavenge old and countless threads.
  17. Hm... first thing is: I did the chart with word and it would be a ton of work to make enough space at the top to add lizz, brian and elstree to the chart. Second thing: For me it´s not that necessary to add them, because the big tree is the "TE-lineage-tree", who´s basis was the Cameron suit and Brian R helmet mainly. Adding Lizz, Brian and Elstree would in some way connote that this TE-lineage was integral part of the film-props, but they were just the result of some crazy fans casting their work....Get what I mean? I believe that the film used suits should get their own tree, our casts and sculpts of them are another story imo. But if you like I could send you the word file and you can work the original armor makers into it.
  18. Impressive - most impressive! The only suggestion that I have (will probabaly not influence the application) is that you could connect biceps to forearm. Thereby reducing the elbow gap you will just look a tad more like you walked right of the screen. And that´s what it´s all about, isn´t it Good job trooper
  19. Thanks for the input guys! Here is the reworked familiy tree: Do you have any suggestions? Is someone capable of getting the AA/SDS recast history together WITHOUT (!!!) starting a new giantic recast discussion, that grants us 5 new pages full of smatterings? Does someone know the MFX history? Maybe not that interesting for those outside Europe/Germany, but many members of the German Garrison are equipped with his stuff, so that would interest me personally.... That´s it mostly. Maybe somebody feels his fingers tingle and wants to do a "visual family tree" with pictures of all those armors mentioned in the chart? My computer skills are exausted and if there is somebody more experienced concerning graphics.... well, hello
  20. Hm. Actually I did not intend to start a discussion about TMs origins either. Well, when talking about this armor history topic you get fast to these recast discussions. What I have read so far in the pinned TM history thread was, that it is a fansculpt all the way. Maybe we can continue this discussion in this thread?And also get Paul to enter the discussion and shed some light ;-)
  21. Wow! I´m pretty happy that you like the result! And Mathias: Fools seldom differ or great minds think alike (The German pendant would be: Two fools, one thought.) And also I am very happy that you Gino entered this thread that fast - impressiv, most impressiv. Thanks for your feedback, I worked the chart over. What was used for the GF2 and TE2 I called "mold copies". I don´t know what was used exactly, probably only MG/TE knows, so I keep this section indistinct with this description. What I don´t get: TE proved himself as a pretty tricky businessman, why would he have brought himself into the position of not posessing molds, so that he was in need of GF parts to use for the TE2? I mean: this guy had molds lying around his workshop for some time, so why would he not copy them to keep a backup? That´s just silly and rational people, who want to make money, would not think that way. That´s why I keep the GF parts for TE2 out of this chart for the moment. Vern: Thanks for the feedback too, corrected the GF1/FX to "fan sculpt". Mathias: How did CAP influence TE, I mean why is the arrow also directed from CAP to TE? I like your chart, it´s great for a quick overview of the topic and you don´t step to deep into "who-cast-who" discussion. That´s a risk my chart has. I left CFO out for the moment. Is it also from the Cameron Oakley suit? How did Joe and Mark get ahold of it? And is T/MC really cast of the GF2? Update today(will put the final version to the first post when it´s ready): ------------- P.s.: And thank you for moving the recast discussion. Didn´t meant to start a new fight over this case.
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