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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by FunkyTrigger

  1. I use the Tapatalk app on the iPhone / iPad and its great. If you choose to sell your eFX helmet, you shouldn't loose any money, especially if it is boxed. There are many great e11 pipe builds and you can buy doopy doo add ons to it for extra detail if desired.
  2. The maker of the belt should be able to advise you, however it's usually your waist size plus 10 inches.
  3. If you can show the new cuts against the canvas belt, in a new picture, then all other troopers can see the difference. I have diverted an EIB applicant also with shallow belt corner cuts to this thread too. These threads serve as useful info for all
  4. Superb! I attended a John Williams concert where most of his film theme tunes were played. The London Symphony Orchestra was playing in London. I was an ordinary punter in the audience and the most fantastic sing was the Star Wars theme tune. I thought that this would be fantastic if the UKG Troopers also came on stage at this point. I that hope we can organise a troop like this as well
  5. These actors are great, they are not divas! They are pleased to talk about filming during the film, interaction stories with Carrie Fisher and other main actors. We get to see Their actual heights and what the suits were designed for. Questions about the armour, the boots, vision, the gloves etc. They are really proud to have us there! I'll hopefully be meeting Anthony Forrest, this coming Sunday 25th Nov 2012 at the MEM show. Anthony was the ANH Tattooine "Move along" sandtrooper. Did you know that some Stormtrooper's had rubber leg armour rather than plastic for some stunt scenes?
  6. Ps. Put padding in the inside edges of your lower thigh armour to combat your armour bites, Or tighten up your thigh elastic so that the don't bob up and down.
  7. Hi Kaa I take it that you are an uncleared an un-inducted potential UKG trooper? Sorry to put a damper on your thread. 1. Your out on a public street carrying an imitation firearm. The UKG only do this by notifying the relevant police authorities. If we troop by a public road, our weapons have to be holstered. If you cause a vehicle accident being dressed as a Stormtrooper, or by being a female walking around in a short skirt then no problem. If however the accident is caused and your weapon is out, you have a potential claim against you. Be educated in this knowledge my friend. I look forward to meeting you out trooping soon.
  8. I meant to type, shallow AB Belt corner cuts. Easy to fix, if they are shallow. Not so easy if too much is taken off, as also seen this week in a WIP.
  9. Have a look at this Centurion application submitted today also with shall AB ammo belt corner cuts. The tech details of how to measure and cut are around the 4th post http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?/topic/22135-TK-86079-Requesting-ANH-Stunt-Centurion-Status
  10. Hi Alexander, In that case your corner cuts ARE too small. You have shown the hypotenuse length of the corner cut triangles as 12.5mm. This means that you have come in 8.8mm from the end corners. You should have come in 12.5mm from each corner, then cut at 45 degrees. The hypotenuse length would then be 17.7mm Easy fix.
  11. Congratulations on your modifications. Your suit looks much better. My observations are advice only. The Darman holster is renowned for being too long. The holster should not extend beyond the bottom of your thigh. The general consensus is to holster your blaster and them trim the excess from below the muzzle. The canvas belt is supposed to be narrower than the front AB ammo belt. The 45 degree corner curves taper the wider AB belt to meet the canvas belt. I still feel like your forearms are too wide near your elbow area, thus detracting your look in away from form fitting. You are lucky that the DO seems to not be concerned with this area.
  12. Well done Alexander for your build. It looks spot on. For the record can you clarify two points. 1. State which of the two blasters is yours and is part of your centurion application. 2. Can you show a ruler picture next to your front Ammo AB belt corners please.? The corner cuts are supposed to be 45 degrees 1/2 inch (12.5mm) in from top and bottom. Yours may be correct, but at first glance they look a touch small. Good luck with your Centurion Application. It is very well form fitted to you.
  13. This was a small troop just north of London It was Remembrance Day and we were observing a 2 minutes silence to remember our fallen troopers.
  14. UK Garrison out in force to invade the park for their Star Wars invasion weekend
  15. The UKG were asked to make an appearance this morning by the Make a Wish foundation for a boy called Nate who had suffered facial damage due to a fireworks incident this year. Nate was a big Star Wars fan and we escorted him round the Lego Star Wars mini land and then round the shop to help make his day.
  16. Hi Gray, If anyone on here is going to be brutally honest it's probably going to be me. The eFX helmet is a licenced collectors helmet. It's great as a show piece to display at home and for your friends to see. However it's not very accurate and actually quite ugly when you get into this hobby and compare to other helmets. If you wish to use this helmet for your trooping you will need to do some mods to it. Search for MRCE helmet mods of eFX helmet mods. You will however de value your helmet if you mod it. It you want a display helmet then keep it. It you want to troop in it then sell it on rather than mod it is my advice. May people use the Hasbro blaster and mod it to look more orginal. You won't loose money modding yours to make it more accurate. You can basic clear and EIB clear with a Hasbro, but it is not accurate enough for centurion. Browse through the EIB and Centurion requests to familiarise yourself with different armour brands, compared to troopers sizes and see close up detail of the kit and blasters to help you make an informed choice on what kit to go for. Hope my replies help you mate.
  17. This is what I do and a few other of the UKG troopers. You take a large pop rivet, 8mm head and pop it through your canvas belt so that you see a pop rivet head on the outside of the belt as shown. On the other side of the belt you use a Male Snap Popper, As shown here. You then use standard female poppers on your holster straps so that the holster can snap to your belt as shown here. You end up with a quick release mechanism that helps you for trooping transport, that looks authentic screen used from the outside.
  18. Ps. I was wondering why with such a high standard build that you have used Velcro strapping? There are many reasons not to use Velcro such as ... 1. Every time you put on your Armour, a previous adjustment will have moved. 2. It will fail on you whilst out trooping at some point.
  19. Hi Dan, I can see from this application that your sights are also set on Centurion! Here's a couple of pointers ... Thigh ammo pack bottom curve needs more rounding. Ammo belt 45 degree cuts look a little shallow Your biceps are too large for your body. By shrinking your biceps for a more form fitted look, this will also help you bring in the bottom of your shoulder bells. The rest of your overall look appears superb. I presume that you know about Hasbro blasters for Centurion. Good luck with your EIB.
  20. This picture that you have just submitted shows the shoulder straps sitting much better compared to the original pictures. Have a look at some other applications shoulder bridges in relation to how much additional plastic you have to the sides of the ribs. They are usually trimmed a lot closer to the width of the ribs.
  21. Hi Sarah, You've done a good job of forming this armour to fit your frame. Can you clarify which of the two blasters you are submitting as yours for your application? I think that you have some additional trimming that could be done to do the sides of your shoulder straps, there is quite a lot of excess there. The rear of your shoulder straps could do with a little heat bending to help them sit better on your backplate. Your forearms look huge by comparison to the rest of you, especially round the elbow area. I would narrow them down a bit if it were me. These are just my comments on your application. Good luck with that, I think you are close.
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