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Everything posted by Runnriottt

  1. Should match if there both ABS... Shiny white is shiny white right?
  2. Great start! Dig into trimming your calves, looks like they are pinching you huh... Dont look to line up on top. Your belt is too high, but you said that. I use a little ind velcro to hold it in place. The top of your leg armor and thigh armor trim is what I see right now anyway. Velcro on the sholders fell off... If you havent gone with the heavier stuff, make the switch. Youll love it later. The more you wear it, the more you will tweek, and then the better it will feel. Looking good, keep up the good work!
  3. Just dont go alone... Just like Thumper said. Have someone watching for things, you can get mobbed pretty quick. I do some on the side stuff here, and have been unable to move for about 20 minutes from all the onlookers. Be ready to draw attention. Good and (hopefully not) bad.
  4. Sweat. Alot. I dont hump things. <_< Doing the "daily Troops" can be cool, just remember the States have diffrent feel to them. I really didn't have any fun when I did that stateside. Felt like I was a target the whole time. Now thats diffrent in Japan. What you do in armor is a reflection upon the group as a whole, and the messing with kids and humping thing comment is just bad karma. Not good man.
  5. I have a Joggers camel back, Small and I use it in Vader. I have had thoughts of modding my Scout tank to hold water. The TK wouldnt be all that hard, just tape it under your back plate, and route the hose neatly under your neckseal.
  6. I will do my Scout Carbine. My E-11 will be Hyperfirm. Looking at the plans I dont have the shop anymore to do it. I will be picking your brain for some info, so look for a PM...
  7. I just bought a blaster core. Dude. That rocks that much.
  8. After seeing your youtube, I am trying to get a blaster core. Awsome. just Awsome.
  9. And I just downloaded the plans... THAT is one Awsome Prop. THE E-11 To date. Sorry Bigturc, He gotcha... WOW, Just WOW...
  10. http://swcjnews.com Should help a ton. English info on CJ. I just found it myself!
  11. When my CE gets here I am following in your foot steps man! Looking good!
  12. "bend over mod" Spit my Beer... LOL. I thought that was for the IRS use only! Sucks when you drop something and have to do the unsightly reach to get stuff... I would say yes. Mod the armor to be more freindly. The first time you have to pee... that will make up for the heartache now. The butt plate should be cut anyway, that is how the films have it.
  13. Bummer part is you cant register at Proptopia... I am a member of a few, but got kinda jaded with some answers I got over building stuff. Thanks though Illinois. Cool screen name by the way, I am originaly from Danville...
  14. By far my favorite movie of all time. (movie, not movies...Star Wars is still the best series of all time) I gots me one commin' Full on suit of doom from GB1.
  15. Working on flat though! I ordered one as well. Mine should arrive this week. Great job so far!
  16. Look for US Navy Molders Boots. Same thing, and in US sizes. Ill try to post a link. Trust me, wore them everyday.
  17. One cool thing about that rig is you could mod the pack to blast fresh air into your lid.
  18. Dudes... Check this out... I have to mod it a little, but it is kinda cool when you take you lid off... Freaks people out. I ordered a full coverage suit. Fingers gotta go though, sticks to all the velcro parts. I havent had a bunching prob, and I can see fairly well. I wouldnt use it for canon stuff, but will use it for partys. It is cool to have a spandex sweat liner in the gloves and the helmet. Wicks away sweat so far so good...
  19. All right! Whoot Whoot!!! You are a shoe in for Lancer bro... Now I need to get my armor up to snuff and be the first over the pond here in Japan!
  20. Yes. It will trash the ABS. Before you did anything, I would try it on a scrap peice. I am sure though you wont like the results... Depending on the stripper, It could melt the plastic. On the birghter side, Lucas is said to have used house paint. Go for the ugly accurate look...
  21. (Chanting) TM...TM...TM... Cant wait to get my kit. Awsome armor...
  22. I was 4 or 5 when ESB came out. My local mall got the promo Vader and the 3 Stormtroopers from LFL. I remember that day very well. I see kids (and adults) light up when a stormtrooper walks in the room, and I remember the feeling. I can do the things that the LFL promo wouldnt... Talk to kids, let them see parts of my costume, and take time with them. I have never been to a scripted troop, but I am sure there all close to the same. I have only had one bad episode in armor, and that was a teenager... (mostly showing off...) The only kid I have ever had to put in his place. Now that I troop and do it for causes, orginizing and planning events, is a way to give back. Just giving back makes it worth it. Its a good feeling to help others. It also spreads, not only with the 501st, but in my daily life. My son is autistic, and that is the main cause I support. Schooling and awareness are the keys to beating this back I believe. Terry, understanding autistic kids, I am sure that boy will remember you for a long long time. You made his day. A real stormtrooper from the movie. He was in total awe I am sure. The community is another aspect I love, and finding like minded people who do thing together is something you cant put value on. Its a great feeling.
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