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Everything posted by Runnriottt

  1. Started talking about it here. The thoughts so far is no... http://forum.whitearmor.net/index.php?show...9&hl=rubies
  2. With the FISD helping along, this should be an awesome suit. Thanks guys. Here is a couple shots again from the movie... High and low brow... Flat lenses. I never saw a set of hero in the whole flick... One more comp shot... Here is the TK409 and Riviting's neck seal. 409 on the left...
  3. I got it for Christmas along with the new Vader book. I liked Death Star, but reading scifi is new to me. Its hard to say those darn names. Much better than the Vader book.
  4. I would in a heartbeat. Hell I would even trade it. Wireless mouse, Keyboad and the Comp with wireless Lan, 2 USB and an 80g drive, ill have to check but 2g of ram. OSX and the chip about 3 months before the Intel model. Paid 1100 for the rig. Worth Far less than that now and I might have used it 12 times. Its just a big Ipod to me. I have all the software as well. Shoot me an offer. Still in the box. Ill try the Podcast thing again today...
  5. Thanks guys! Reserch. Kinda fun, get to watch the movie. All of these shots are from the Original movie. I wanted to not use the Special Edition. So these are circa 1980. ESB is not a Trooper Intense movie. I think (might be wrong) ROTJ and ANH have more troops. There is really only Bespin that involve TK's. That being said, I want to shoot for a well groomed trooper. Now for some screen shots. I have to say, that Stukatrooper has a great tutorial on Flickr. He has an awsome TM setup. I will be using some of his ideas and pictures. I think he linked it here, I will remove if asked, but what a great set of pics. Thanks Stuka! Stuka's TM Build Watching the movie, There are alot of diffrences in the troops. Most notably IMO the way the helmets are. The troop I am shooting for is this guy in the foreground.. I also like the background trooper. Notice on the above pic the trooper in the back dosent have his bicep on right... Here are a few oddities I noticed...Can you find them? Mr Duct tape Mr sholder bell Mr No vent sticker... I also noticed the brow trim. I like the low brow look, but the mid is growing on me. Check out these two... Dude in the back is wonky brow... wow.
  6. So its not video? Its audio? I really want to see what I have been missing on the 501st stuff... I cant seem to get it to load at all. I really hate Apple. The only thing its good for as the stupid Ipod... I have a Mac Mini in its box below my desk. Gathers dust.
  7. I am lost on this one. Does my Ipod have to do vids? I have a gen 1 Nano, and a gen 2 shuffle. I cant watch a Pod cast thing on Itunes? How do you do this?
  8. Two makes of amps, one from Triktoys and one from Skullworks. I own both systems in there full form. The skullworks is with out its binders. I have it taken apart for the intall into my Scout lid soon. I feel the Skullworks is better for the Scout, as far as I know none of the Scout lines had static or click. I like the clean look of the SW, but there is alot to mount. Takes some careful positioning to get it all in there. It is also an unpowered mic as far as I remember. The Trik Toys system is much improved from the time it first came out. I didnt like the headset and amp by itself, but add the board, and whammo! Diffrent rig all together. Gobs of cord. I will shorten this to be perfect, or they will be hidden perfect. I also dont like the headset look. I will either mod these to fit in the bucket with a quick connect, or just bite the bullet and live with it and paint em. The word perfect on the side has to go... This system uses a powered mic, so the power box needs mounting. I havent decided if I will use the mic tip speakers. I have had horrid feedback problems in the past, and want these to be loud. The answer I thin at this time is to build it into the chest and back. I have also ordered a Newton, It will probably replace the radioshack pictured. The RS will go to the scout, He has pockets. This is the peak of portable speakers. These sound great. Wow. Bass and everything. This will be the basis of my Vader. If I was a sandy, these would sound great in a modded ammo pouch. This is the JBL ontour. I have 2, and Vader is LOUD! I play MP3 right now on an Ipod, but someday when the Vortex2 comes back out, Its on. One thing is for sure. I need rechargeable batteries.
  9. As I make the desisions on what parts to use, I will show all the parts I have had over the last 3 years. Wow. 3 years. I have kinda gone the long way to figuring out what I wanted, so Ill share what pics I kept and I am hoping that helps soe of the newer guys. Here are some shots of the two of the best Mic tips out there. Stompers have the wire for the speakers and the Keith have the white base. My personal fav are Stompers. They have a more rugged look. I like that. The biggest diffrence I see is the Screen, but I am not an expert on what screen is correct. These were hard to photo...
  10. I thought I would start a thread on my new rig, going for ESB Elite. This is a ground up build, save for boots and gloves. This suit will have sound, and should be a blast to wear. So far, parts in hand dedacated to the build, Darkside trooper boots Love them, fit great and troop well. Also higher upper than the CAboot. No CAboot smell... Undersuit modded for the soundboard. This suit has all the hook ups for the TrikSound board, and will do blaster fire and static burst. There is an inner glove, with the buttons sewn in for the activation of the sounds. Completely hidden from view. The board sits in a pouch on my chest, under the armor. It also plays lines from the movie, although New Hope... Just for fun. I will mount my speaker system in the chest and back armor. There will also be speakers in the Hovies, but I havent decided on the config for that as of yet. All will be completly hidden and fully intagrated in the suit as I build it. Kinda ugly right now, but Hey, not known for sewing. I might revisit this later, I have some other ideas floating in my head. Gloves are the Novamex type flight gloves with the leather palms. I will have a set of screen look rubber gloves, but probably wont troop them. Neck seal Best neck seal I have ever seen, and now I own... Thanks Riviting! As I recieve my parts, I wanted to make kind of an online diary on the build, so you all can see this come together as well. I am really excited to finaly get a very close to screen suit, Support a great artist, and have a prop that will last a long long time. TM armor on order as well as the Stickers for the Helmet. I wont miss the FX, although it served its master well... All thats left to sort is my blaster. What ever it is, I want the full ESB, even if I have to make the Greeblies. Hope you all enjoy my thread. I hope to use advice from you all as well. Even old dogs can learn new tricks.
  11. I have 2 out of three. I do own a Hyperdyne board for my GB props. The TT is good. I wont be mounting it in the helmet though, Ill be attaching it to the body suit. The helmet will only contain the mic. The Skullworks is good as well, but for me It croweded up the helmet to much, but worked as advertised. Of the two, if i had to choose, the TT does more, but is harder to rig. The SW is self contained.
  12. Welcome to the FISD, you seem to have money in hand and want the quick answers... Trust me, read read read. Then spend your money. It will pay off in the end.
  13. UPS wont do the UK I thought... Thats going to kill you if they do. USPS is regular mail in the states. I have shipped from Japan to France for about 100 bucks. The size of the box is another concern. THe bigger it is, you are just paying for shipping the empty space in it. If the armor can collapse, thats a better option. I think thats Way to high. USPS will take about 30days...
  14. Great stuff... 7 miles whould leave a few armor kisses huh! Awsome!
  15. If you watch his Vid in the first posts, The core in on the website listed... I cant wait to get mine!
  16. There is a whole lot of talent in here! Wow!
  17. I think the color is awful. Might be screen, but IMO way to thin and flimsy. They had to be changed.
  18. Great thread, I am excited to stt the end result as well. Started in on my MRCE, tossed the ears, brow trim, lenses and hovies. Ordered new ears from John, bought some brow trim and got on that dude in Japan making lenses... I will use some stickers and tubestripes I have from another build. Stompers Hovies should round out the build. I am finaly going to build a Sandy lid for the heck of it. Looking for the Movealong High Brow look. Started hacking and got the ears flush. Puttying up this weekend. Can you hear that? Its the sound of a thousand dremel tools spooled up and slicing into their MRCE's... This thread screams Sticky!
  19. There are a few mod threads in the forums about the CE, Good reads. Pad the inside better, the stuff stock is horrid. The lenses need replaced, there are a few options for makers on the boards if you want to buy them, but if you have some welders/grinders shield lying around, cut some from that. Read up on the requirements on getting the bucket up to snuff for teh 501st, there are a couple threads on that in here as well. I like the skullworks, and again, there are a few more options around here as well.
  20. I am currently a full time studant, attending the University of Maryland. I am studing Spelling and grammar. I suck at it. No...my major is Environmental Management with an Asain studies minor. 2.5 years to go... I have done alot of things, but mainly Engineering. I am a certified Gas Free and Post fire analist from my last job, the US Navy. Served 8 years as a Machinist and engrave shop supervisor, among other things. I have been well trained in Firefighting and rescue efforts and really wouldnt have a hard time going to into that line of work. Before that I worked in the Auto industry, painting and mechinic work. I am pretty blue collar and love it.
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