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About RCjohn1

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    scrap pile Ord Mantel, Texas

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  1. NICE shirt! the helmate would look better with racing stripes and flames! lol
  2. i agree. the ending was unexpected and enough room for another.
  3. indiana jones is a great movie, go see it and uncover the greatness. while watching the movie I noticed similarities, some of the sounds are clearly from star wars. also when the bad guy dies, just like general grevious. once again go see jonesie in a great film. my lack info was for thoes who havent seen the best movie this year
  4. what is the best part of being a 501st member? I was wondering because I plan on being a clone trooper in the 501st.
  5. what I do is put in a Queen CD and turn it UP!
  6. what is it that gets under your skin? what bothers me is my friends min pin. its a tinny annoying little dog that bites with needle like teeth. i also hate cat hair but like cats. screaming babies in restraunts is the worst.
  7. i was wondering if anyone noticed most people who voted are as old as the first movie (episode IV a new hope)
  8. yes. I forgot to mencion online
  9. everybody that plays any of the star wars battlefront games (1, 2, or renegade squadron) ,I have a way of finding members of whitearmor.net. once the game starts aim the gun at the ground andfire while spenning arround. now you can get into groups and fight.
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